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Kai, take her to the moon for me.



Finally my point of view. By the way. Woah. That was unexpected! Is Jennie concerned or what? Well i hope so, my delulu JenLisa heart is on again.

"Oh this atta be good." I heard Seulgi mumbled and i glared at her. "What?, Haahha Jennie is worried at Lisa."

I shook my head and looked at Lisa. Her reaction is like her crush confessed that he likes her back.

That kind of reaction.

Then i look at Jennie. Her reaction is like she drunk called her ex. It's funny though. HAHAHA

"Yeah that isn't healthy Manoban. You need to start eating healthy now that we're gonna be doing a lot of works." Donghyuk broke the silence as he scold Lisa.

"You need a lot of energy though." I stated and she looked at me. "Since you're the main dancer, a dancer needs to have a lot of energy." I smiled and so did she. I miss scolding her hahah! She's a goody-two-shoes back then.

"You heard her. No noodles starting today." Lisa's face turned into a crying baby at what Jisoo said to her.


"No buts." Then Jisoo scanned the place and she saw. Chicken, on the table.

Oh no. This woman is getting married to her girlfriend next week and yet she still act like a kid ahahah!

"Yah eonni! What are you looking at?" I asked while laughing. She looked at me and pointed at the table.

"Chikin." She said with her aegyo voice and Lisa looked at her in disgust hahaha!

"Ehem! I'm hungry." Momo said while rubbing her tummy.

"What the fuck? Momo you just ate." Seulgi stated while glaring at Momo.

"I'm hungry too." Kai shyly said while awkwardly smiling.

"We're all hungry." Ten said and everyone agreed also me.

"Yeah let us eat bear." Seulgi sighed and nodded.

"Ok ok!" We all went to the kitchen and started getting our food. "After this we're going to get drunk!!"

"I don't drink." Lisa and Donghyuk said in unsion, wait up to now? Lisa isn't drinking? Beer or whine seriously?

"What?? Are you freaking serious? Up to now?" I asked. Lisa looked at me and nodded. Welp, i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"It's fine that she doesn't drink up to now. Or else." Jisoo glared at Lisa then she gulped.

"N-n-no eonni heheh,"

We started eating. Of course a meal isn't complete if there isn't laughter. Lisa was the first to finish her food and she excused herself.

She's always excusing what's with her? I don't know if she's jealous or her gall bladder is small. Ok why would she be jealous.

Aishh, my delulu Jenlisa heart. Stop being like this.

"Ahmm, Seulgi where is the restroom?" Kai suddenly asked. Seulgi pointend to where the restroom is.

"Over there."

"Thank you so much." He bowed to her and hurriedly went to the restroom.

"Well he's a gentlemen." Seulgi said to Jennie who's proudly looking to where Kai went. Proud eh? Where you proud of Lisa too?

Don't mind me i just miss Jennie and Lisa being sweet and all. I saw Jisoo looking at Jennie sadly. I wonder why she's sad? Because Jennie didn't wait for Lisa?

What no. Lisa is the one who broke up with her. Ok jeez I'm overthinking.



Glad i was able to escape in there. I was feeling uncomfortable, i didn't know why.

I got out of the bathroom and went to the sink, i splashed myself some water to coolen me down a bit.

I rested my back at the sink and crossed my arms. There's a lot of thing going on my mind and I'm frustrated.

The door was opening and i saw Kai coming in. I bowed to him and he did the same. He went in the bathroom and after 3 minutes he came out.

"Ah, you look familiar." I blurted out. He giggled and nodded his head.

"I was your doctor back then. Remember? When you had that accident." Oh yeah now i remember.

"So should i call you Dr. Kai?" I move away from the sink cause i think he's going to wash his hands.

"Oh no, no need. But if you see me in my uniform you should hahah!" He laughed so i laughed aswell.

I want to say a lot of things to him.. I hope he won't mind

"So Kai," He looked at me while raising his eyebrow. "How long have you and Jennie been together?" I know I'm going to hurt myself at my own question. Stupid self.

"Oh. We're going to be 1 year next month." He smiled. We didn't even get to 1 year because of me.

"Congrats then, so what is like being Jennie your girlfriend?" I'm curious though. Is she treats him the way she treated me before.

"She's sweet and all, but sometimes she's mean but it's ok cause she's cute. She always has a mood swing, but i understand. Yeah there's many more." I'm getting emotional. I started this so i have to accept it.

"Kai. Take care of her." He looked at me confused but he nodded. "Please don't ever hurt her, treat her well, always tell her that you love her, always trust her, always hold her hand when walking, kiss her forehead, her nose and lips. Take her on a date always if possible, she doesn't like a grand restaurant, a picnic in the afternoon is what she wants. Take her to a rooftop and look at the skies and stars. " I'll cry any sooner if i keep going.

"W-why are you saying this to me."

"Love her. Kai love her to the fullest, accept her past. Accept her bad flaws. Cuddle with her every night. Don't make her cry. Don't you ever do what i did." A single tear fell on my right eye. "Kai, take her to the moon for me."

End of part 9|Distance

Ok don't mind me I'm just way too emotional today.

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