Totally not drinking.
Later that night i came home with my head aching. The two had to sleep at Tzuyu's cause their both drunk. Well I'm not so i walked my way home.
You can tell I'm not that a drinker of wine and beer. Just one glass and it had me feel like I'm drunk.
I can tell that Jisoo eonni is going to scold me real bad. Aishh but i didn't regret coming to Tzuyu's. She's my best buddy. I'll always be there when she needs someone.
I just didn't expect that they'll make me drink. Gosh, i hate the taste. Yep, totally not drinking.
I got infront of our house and i tried to open it but it's locked. What?? I didn't locked this! And i told eonni not to lock this!
I kept on trying to open the door making a loud sound. I gave up and leaned against the door facing it. I think that one shot of wine made me drunk.
Not that drunk. But.. It's still the same.
Someone opened the door and i almost fell. It was Jisoo eonni she caught me.
"Lis?! The fuck happened to you?!" I grabbed her shoulders and stood up nicely and i smiled at her.
"I'm goOd wHy?" I sound drunk as well. I'm doomed.
"Lisa did you drink?" She asked while her hands are on her waist.
"Pfft!" I laughed like a crazy woman and went inside "ofcOurse noott!" I flopped myself on the couch not minding it will get dirty because of my shoes.
Jisoo eonni grabbed my shoulder and made me sit up. I was groggily, gosh i couldn't believe one drink made me drunk.
"Be honest, did you drink?" I smirked my eyes half open then i pinched her cheeks and laughed. So this is like being drunk? Not fun at all.
I made a one sign on my finger while smiling "onee ShOoot!" I shouted and threw my hands up in the air.
I saw Jisoo eonni face palm herself and sighed. She looked at me and i laughed. Omg forgive me eonni.
"What did i tell you about drinking?" She asked angrily at me. I pouted and cried like a child. I saw how she got startled. "Ok why the fuck are you crying?! WHAT DID I DO?!" I saw her panicking a little and i glared at her.
"You're angRy riGht? YOu don't lovee meeeeee." I whined again. She sighed again
"What am i gonna do with you." Even though i was taller and heavier than her. She manage to carry me to my room.
She laid me on my bed and she started to change my clothes. During that time i remembered what Tzuyu said to me.
'It hurts knowing that someone you love, someone you expect not to hurt you. Ended up hurting you in the end. Lis think about it. Jennie went to the same state as i did now but in different situation. Think that I'm Jennie, imagined how she suffered Lisa.'
It hitted me. She has a point. I think I'm getting sober now. I don't feel that drunk anymore.
"Tzuyu drunk talked to me eonni." I started. I didn't hear her talk but i know she's listening to me. "She talked some sense to me. On how i hurted Jennie. I messed up big time. If only i could turn back time." Tears were falling nonstop. I still love her. Some of our friends hates me now for what i did to her.
"Wow you became sober that fast." I heard her mumble.
"I saw how hurt Tzuyu was. I was thinking. Was Jennie like that too when i left her? Maybe she was, but worser. Because she loved me to the fullest that she forgot to take some for herself. I ruined her life. But then Kai came to her. He made her happier than i did." I laughed as i remembered my memories with Jen. Then i saw her with Kai, she's really happier.
I saw how Kai changed Jennie. She used to be that bad bitch in School. Now she's a good girl.
"Get some sleep. You guys have practice tomorrow."She said as she slap my butt. As soon as she left my room. I hugged the pillow i always hug when I'm sad and cried till i fall asleep.
Next day..
AHHHHH!!! My head really hurtss!!! Screw Tzuyu, Irene and Nayeon!! I sat up and grabbed my phone. I looked at the time and it's 6:55.
Our practice starts at 8:30 so i still have a lot of time to get ready. I got up and my head is hurting like crazyy.
I went out of my room and saw Chaeng and Jisoo eonni having their breakfast already.
"Hey Lis! You're up early?" Chaeng asked when i sat beside Jisoo eonni. I smiled at her and sighed.
"She got drunk." My sister said out of nowhere. I just nodded and drank the coffee Jisoo eonni gave me.
After how many minutes. It was already 8. My teammates aren't here yet so i decided to go by myself. Today we're going to practice on a studio. And i know where that place is.
As soon as i got there. Half of my teammates are there including Tzuyu and Seulgi. And also Kai and Kiel. I can see Jennie sitting on the corner.
I went to Tzuyu and Seulgi's place and sat beside them.
"Lisa? You're up early." That's what exactly they say. I nod and sighed. I look at Tzuyu and I'm surprised she looks fine.
Maybe she's use to it.
"Yeah.." I answered lazily. I'm not in the mood right now and i don't know why.
"Seulg. Lisa drank wine last night. Just one glass and she became drunk." Tzuyu told Seulgi about what happened last night and she laughed at me.
"I thought you won't drink?" Seulgi asked at me.
"I wasn't! But they forced me..." I pointed at Tzuyu with an annoyed face.
"I'm surprised you're ok. By the way. How's the experience?"
"Totally not drinking. It tasted disgusting." I said while shaking my head.
I won't let anyone make me drink again.

Fanfiction(Sequel of 'Just a game') When two people are ment for each other, No time is long, No distance is too far, And if they fell apart.. Fate will find a way to bring them back -Completed