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Japan (the secret.)

Dance N Beat are now back in Japan along with their professor, Mr. Hashi and one of their mentors Kai. Dance N Beat went to their apartment to take a fix their things first.

Lisa, who's always tired. Plans on sleeping instead of going out with the others. And Seulgi being Seulgi Conan. She stayed with Lisa, she needs to find out what's happening.

"What are you doing here?" Lisa asked when she saw Seulgi on the living room watching Tv shows. "Don't you want to go with the others?" Lisa asked again and now Seulgi looked at her.

"Nuhh I'll just get tired. How about you? Why don't you come with them?" She needs to make Lisa admit the real reason, or even just tell her what's going on.

Lisa got nervous on Seulgi's question, if she answered 'i want to take a rest' then Seulgi will ask 'didn't you get enough rest on the plane?' Then it will go on.

And, Lisa doesn't want to tell her long time secret.

"Nothing." Lisa answered plainly. Seulgi noticed that Lisa is wearing a shirt. Now it's her time to scan Lisa's body.

She noticed the latters loss of weight and she was shocked. Lisa noticed Seulgi looking at her body so she immediately covered her body with a blanket near them.

"P-pervet!" She shouted nervously. But Seulgi ain't buying it. She was hella worried for Lisa. And she knows something is up.

"Lisa you're loosing weight! Are you not eating well?!" Seulgi held Lisa's shoulder as she shouted at her.

Fuck. Lisa cursed on her head. (Oohh gago Lisa wala kana kawala)

Seulgi was holding Lisa's shoulder too tight that it hurted her.

"H-hey o-ow." Lisa whined in pain and Seulgi realize that she was hurting Lisa so she let go.

As Lisa was massaging her shoulders, Seulgi noticed something.. Red. She lift up the sleeves on Lisa's shirt that revealed her bruise that made Seulgi's eyes widen.

Lisa knows she's caught. So she just let it. "What happened to that?" Seulgi asked while pointing on Lisa's shoulder.

"I-i can explain." Lisa said while gulping. She has no choice to tell her. She's been caught so what's the point on lying right?

"But first, we need to treat that." They went to Lisa and Donghyuk's bedroom to treat Lisa's shoulder. After treating it. Lisa handed Seulgi a paper. Her medical prescription.

After Seulgi read everything she looked at Lisa. Then she looked at the paper again. And to Lisa.

"Shit, Lisa what the fuck!" Seulgi shouted and that scared Lisa. "You've been keeping this from us! For what? For how many fucking years Manoban!?" Seulgi wanted to cry that time. Her soft spot has been open because of Lalisa Manoban.

Lisa gulped before answering her. "F-four years.." Seulgi's jaw dropped because of Lisa's confession.

"The fuck. So you had this since Highschool?!" Seulgi shouted again.

My eardrums. Lisa said in her head.

"E-exactly graduation." And again, Seulgi is shocked by the sudden confession.

She putted all the weird things that happened to Lisa, together. And she got her answer.

"Damn it! Now it all make sense. You were trying not to be obvious but you were hella obvious Lis." Lisa looked at her confusingly.


"You, always taking a rest, always get tired, and always wearing long sleeves or a jacket to hide your bruise. Damn you."

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