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Pushing her away.

LISA (Ayan na sya HAHAHA)

The next day.

"Lisa.." Dr. Jin looked at me with sad eyes. "Y-your time is almost up. You're dying." I closed my eyes and let my tears fall.

I just woke up why am i already receiving this kind of news? I felt him hugging me trying to calm me down.

"I'm sorry.. I did my best to cure you. I just.. Can't find the perfect solution."

"I-it's ok.. I accept my fate, it's my destiny. I'm a dying persin." I said sarcastically.

"I will still do everything so i can cure you, i also don't want you to die." I smiled at him.

"Dr. Jin.. I accept it already. You don't have to do anything. I'm going to die. Ok fine.. I accept it." He went speechless. "You can go out now." I said politely.

He nodded and went out.

Yey I'm going to die..

Mom, Dad and Jisoo suddenly came in. The others said they'll come later, i don't know if i can tell them especially to my parents.

That their daughter is close to dying.

"Mommy!" I shouted, she ran towards me and gave me a hug. Also Dad and Jisoo. "Gosh i haven't seen your faces for a while."

"I'm glad you're ok now." Dad said while rubbing my shoulder and i smiled at him. "Please be more careful at driving.. That's why i never let you drive."

"Don't worry Dad I won't drive again." I joked and we laughed.

"As if we would believe you? Duh you lier." Mom glared at Jisoo "ah hehe what i ment is, be careful you almost had amnesia." And this time i was the one who glared at her.

"Yah! I can't believe you were happy!" I shouted at her.

"Oh honey. You don't know that she was always crying at night and always praying for you to wake up" Mom said, wow Jisoo was like that? Unbelievable..

"Yah Mom!" Jisoo blushed from embarrassment. Dorks..

I'm going to miss them so much.

"She's right." Dad said and laughed.

The door opened and revealed Jennie..

"Oh Jen!" Jisoo shouted when she noticed her. She brought food...

"Oh. Hello" She bowed respect to my family. "I will just give this to Lisa." My parents and Jisoo moved away and sat on the couch so Jennie could go to me.

"Hey Lisa good morning." She greeted but i ignored her so she was confused. "Uhmm, here's f-" I pushed the tray and the food fell.

Some was on her hospital gown.

"Lisa!" -Jisoo

"Honey why did you do that?" -Mom

"What happened?" -Dad

"W-why did you do that?" Jennie asked while cleaning up the mess i made. I need to do this so she will give up on me. I'll forget what she and i said yesterday.

"I don't want it, especially that you made it." I said, my voice low like I'm angry. I saw crystal like liquid that came out of her eyes.

I knew she was crying that time. Jisoo came and help Jennie and when it was done she looked at me.

I gave her a blank face.

"I don't want to see you please get out." I saw the shockness on her face.

"B-but Lis-"

"Get.out" She gulped, and she ran outside the room.

"That's was harsh Lisa why did you do that?" Jisoo asked and i groaned. "She just wanted to give you breakfast." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't care about it.. And please don't mention her." I don't want to hear her name for awhile.

"Did something happen?" Dad asked and i shook my head.

"Are you sure?" Mom asked this time and i nodded and faked smiled.

"I just.. Hate her Mom." Lies.. Lies

"Oh." That's what Mom and Dad reacted while Jisoo stood there quiet.

After an hour, Mom and Dad left except for Jisoo she said she's staying here, then my teammates came


"Ey she's good!" -Taemin

"Glad you're ok now Lisa." -Donghyuk

"Wassup wassup ma meeen" -Ten

"Hey there manobal" -Yugyeom

"Budddyyyy!!" -Tzuyu

"Awww! Lalisa!" -Hyoyeon

"She's ok! Ksksks I'll treat everyone jokbal!" -Momo

"Wazzup duddeee" -Seulgi.

I laughed at them.. Such crackheads.. Then Jennie and Wendy came along. Oh fucking great.

"HEYY WASHIWEPP!" Wendy shouted while also dancing..

"What the hell? Why are you guys so hyped?" I asked while laughing.. I need to ignore Jennie for some reason..

"Duh? Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban is awake!" Ten shouted..

"We need to celebrate!!" -Yugyeom

"You'll come with us to our next concert right?" Hyoyeon asked and i nodded. "Yes! Finally! Fans missed you!"

"When is the start of practice?" I asked them.

"Woah we're not rushing you, but next week. Philippines is the next destination!" Donghyuk answered. Oh nice.. The Philippines

"Don't worry I'll go to the practice." I have to be strong.. I don't know what will happen next.. What if in the Philippines is my last concert?

"Excuse me but." Jennie interrupted as she walked towards me and we all looked at her. "Lisa you're not allowed to get tired yet you need to rest.." She's really keeping her promise.

"Who are you to decide what i want to do?" I asked and they suddenly became quiet.

"I am no one in your life i know that, I'm just reminding you, health comes first. Don't tire yourself." She said while looking at me. I saw how sad her eyes were.

"You're not my Doctor. And don't act so caring towards me, if you remember you're the reason why I'm here right now." I am not the Lisa she saw yesterday. I have to do this.

"I'm just keeping my promise Lis. If you forgot i promised to take care of you and to not hurt you again.. I wish you would keep yours too." Oh great she brought up the talked yesterday.

"Well sorry i forgot about it. So i don't know any promise i made. You're ruining my mood." I said harshly i saw a tear again come out from her eyes. "You're so weak. This is just the beginning." I whispered so the others won't hear.

Talking about weak, I'm weak myself too HaHa aish Manoban, why can't you just tell them that you're dying.

"I'm sorry for ruining your mood."

"Enough with the sorry's I'm so tired of hearing it again and again. Stop, it won't change anything." Her face went blank and she went out of the room, Wendy followed her including my sister. And i sighed.

"Woah." They all reacted.

"Where's the whipped Lisa?" Seulgi asked.

"None." I answered plainly.

I'll keep pushing her away if that will make her give up on me.

End of part 56|Distance

Double update cause.. Why not?

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