I really didn't go home, i still followed Lisa to their house. Something is really weird about her and i need to find it out.
I saw Lisa and Jisoo coming out from their house fully dressed. Lisa is always wearing sleeves and jeans. Why is that?
The last time i saw her on a T-shirt was a long time ago. Hmmm
Detective Conan activated.
"Lisa! Hurry up we'll miss the ride!" I heard Jisoo shout. Where are they going? I really need to follow them.
I am fucking risking my energy just to find out what's wrong with Lalisa Aishh. I kept on following them until they stopped at.. Wtf?
"What the fuck are they doing in a bus stop?" I asked myself. Then they rode a bus to "Seonam?"
Wtf are they going to do at Seonam? When the bus drove away i stared at it. Something is really weird about those two. Aishh
"What are you doing here!?" I got shocked when someone shouted at me. And it was Taemin.
"Were you following me?" I asked and he laughed. "Damn it Min you scared me." He kept on laughing and i glared at him.
"I should be the one asking you that right? Why were you following Lisa and Jisoo?" Ok so he caught me great. "And fyi Seulg. That's my house over there if you forgot." Oh yeah i literally forgot that his house is in front of the bus stop.
"Lisa is acting weird nowadays. Something is really wrong Taemin." I said while furrowing my brows.
"How weird?" Taemin asked and i looked at him. I don't know if he's serious or he's joking. But nah that doesn't matter..
"One, she's always sleeping. That girl don't sleep that much before. Second, you noticed how she never wear shirts? It's gotta be a long sleeves or a jacket. Third, she's easily tired, she gets tired easily you know what i mean?" He nodded while looking at me. "I don't really feel good about this."
"You're just being paranoid Seulgi. Yeah i noticed that too but i didn't give any meaning to it." Yeah maybe he's right maybe I'm just being paranoid.
But something is really wrooong! Darn it.
"You know what? Go home and have some sleep you're just tired. Bye!" Then he went to his house. And yeah i went home. To get some rest I'm tired af.
And then when i went home Irene isn't there. Great just great.
Lalisa 'weird' Manoban. Make sure you're not hiding something from us.
"How was it?" I asked Lisa, she didn't answer me. She just sat on the couch and crossed her arms. She's not in the mood.
"No chance, it's over." With that she stood up and went to her room and i sighed. Poor kid.
Jisoo went to me and i can see the sadness in her face. "She needs a miracle." Jisoo whispered and i nod.
"She does.. She really does. I'll cook for food. Make Lisa come down." Jisoo ran upstairs while i prepare for dinner.
After 30 minutes. I'm done preparing dinner and all its left for me to eat- Uh i mean. For us to eat.
Jisoo came down without Lisa and i sighed. "I'll go get her." I said and smiled and went to her room. "Lisa?" I knocked on her door but she didn't respond. "Hey come on let's eat." I opened her door and went inside.
"Chonga i don't want to eat." She's inside her blanket while laying on her bed.
"No you have to eat come on." I removed the blanket on her face and her eyes are closed. She opened her eyes when she felt that there's no more blanket on her face.
"I'm sleepy." She answered and i shook my head. And i glared at her. Then she got scared.
"Eat" I said plainly and she stood up walking backwards while looking at me. "Hey I'm not mad." I said and smiled and i saw her sighed "now let's go. Jisoo might have eaten all the food." We both went down and saw Jisoo eating already.
"Ahh finally. So if it's Chaeng you will eat huh Lisaya? Aishh." Me and Lisa laughed at Jisoo whining. I sat beside Jisoo and Lisa sat at the front and we started eating.
"Cause she loves me more babe." I said teasing her and she glared at me.
"Yah! Aishh i can't believe you two."
While we were eating Lisa's phone vibrated.
"Who's that?" Jisoo asked. Lisa puts her phone down and started eating again.
"Mr. Hashi." She said not looking at Jisoo. "We're going back to Japan tomorrow."
"You want me to come with you?" Jisoo suddenly asked that cause Lisa to look at her. "What? I'm just being a protective sis here."
"No thank you eonnie. But no, i can handle myself." Lisa answered while smiling and started eating again.
"You sure?" -Jisoo
"Yes eonni. Let's just eat." And with that we all ate.
Next day
Lisa woke up early because it's their flight to Japan today and her teammates are inside the van already except for Tzuyu she's waiting for Lisa.
You know why Lisa is still here? Because of Jisoo.
"Lisa don't forget the things i told you ok? Eat a lot of food. Get a good rest, don't get exhausted to much even though i know you will but still, never forget to drink water. That's the most important part Lis. And d-" Her words were cut off when Lisa hugged Jisoo.
Aww sweet.
Me and Tzuyu looked at each other in awe.
"I'll be fine eonni. Don't worry ok? Oh and trust me. I'll take good care of my self. Bye! Chaeng bye! Let's go Tzu." Then both of them went out.
Jisoo stared at Lisa sadly. And i hugged her "she'll be fine don't worry." I said reassuring Jisoo.
I hope so.
End of part 32|DistanceRampapampapampapam

Fanfiction(Sequel of 'Just a game') When two people are ment for each other, No time is long, No distance is too far, And if they fell apart.. Fate will find a way to bring them back -Completed