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3 days to go.


After my eonni's wedding, they left for Paris. Actually Jisoo wanted to go to Canada but Chaeng insisted Paris.

Jisoo has no other choice so she picked Paris. Since she loves Chaeng so much. My sister is whipped.

Today, i have no idea why we aren't practicing. But it's fine. I can stay all day in the house without any disturbance. Well that's what i thought..

"LALISA MANOBAAAN!!!" A girl shouted. I groaned as i get out of bed. I went to the front door to see Hyoyeon with..


"Hey Lisa heheh. Get dressed we're going to the Olympic Gymnastics Arena today." Ehh? I was in total shock at what he said.

"Hyoyeon..?" I called but she just shrugged.

"I don't know either. He doesn't want to tell me. Just get dressed." And i did what he said. I brought some extra shirt with me, some food and pocket money.

Oh he's with his van. I get in along with Hyoyeon on my back and saw the others already.

Ok, what's going on here?

"Let's go to OGA." I heard Mr. Hashi said to his driver.

I look at the boys at my back and gave them a questioning look.

"What's happening? Why are we going to Olympic Gymnastics Arena?" All of them shrugged their shoulders.

"I just woke up when he said that to me." Donghyuk said while scratching his nape.

"We asked him multiple times but he didn't answer." Taemin said while pouting. I wonder what's going on.

"Momo? Do you know?" I asked her and she shook her head while eating her Jokbal.

"Nope, none of us know. Let's just wait until we get to OGA."

I went comfortable in my seat and that's making me sleep. After minutes i fell asleep even with the loud voices of my teammates.

After 3 hours.

"Who should wake her up?" -Yugyeom.

"Don't make me wake her up or I'll pour her with this water." -Donghyuk

"She's always like that." -Tzuyu

"We should wake her up Mr. Hashi is an impatient guy." -Seulgi

"Oh yeah, oh look, Jennie is coming towards us." -Hobi.

"Oh yeah! Here she is!" -Taemin

Hold up what¿? Jennie is here?

I opened my eyes and looked at my teammates looking at me. And i gave them a questioning look.

"Why are you all staring at me like that?" I asked when i sat down properly.

"You woke up when you heard Jennie's name. What a miracle." Momo said while clapping her hands. And i glared at her.

"And she believed! Pfftt HAHAHA nice one Hobi!" I saw Ten and Hobi giving each other a high five.

"Let's go now. Mr. Hashi is waiting for us inside the Arena." I heard Donghyuk said and we all got out of the van. Oh ma ga.

This is my first time seeing the Arena up close. AND WAIT WHAT?! I saw our posters in the big screen!

"What is happening?" I heard Yugyeom whispered and i could ask the same.

"Omg my ugly face is seen in the big screen haha!" Hyoyeon said while laughing and shaking her head. We didn't mind our ugly faces shown in the big screen and we went in.

It's getting fix. Some guy are fixing the stage and chairs. Hold up, is there a concert happening??

We saw Mr. Hashi standing at the stage. He signalled us to come to him then he went down to this elevator thingy in the middle.

"Well, let's go."

We followed him to where he went and we saw Kiel waving at us.

"Mr. Hashi!! What's going on seriously??" Momo asked and we all agreed st her.

"You have no clue?" We all shook our head. "We're here at OGA, Olympic Gymnastics Arena still no clue?" He asked again and we shook our head. "Your posters at the big screen?" Again we shook our head. "E-even now? T-the guys are fixing the arena." He pointed at the guys everywhere.

"Can you tell us direct to the point?" Hobi asked at Mr. Hashi, he sighed and was about to speak when Momo suddenly shouted.


"YES!! Finally! Someone got-" I get it!! It's our Dance Concert he was talking about!! Ahhhhh!! Ahahaha!

"FOOD CONCERT!" We all smacked Momo's head including Mr. Hashi, aishh she's so dumb, nah just kidding hehehe. "Heyy!! What did i do?!"

"Pabo!!" Ten yelled "he's talking about our Dance Concert! Baka.." He said while laughing as well.


We all laughed st Momo's craziness.

"So it's in 3 days." Jaw dropping. "And you guys are going to rehearse for 2 days." It's going to be a long ride. Oh boy.

I excused myself cause I'm going to call my sister and tell her about this. I know she can't and see me perform because she's in Pari with Chaeng eonni...

She didn't answer the first ring, what? I wonder why hehehe. I called her again and this time she answerd.

"You're a disturbance kid, seriously." I can sense that she's now glaring at me and i laughed.

"Woaah, chill eonni. Take a chill pill." I laughed again "I'm here at OGA, Olympic Gymnastics Arena"

"Ehh? Alone? What are you doing there?" She bombarded me with questions

"No, I'm not alone, I'm with my teammates and my professor in Japan. We're going to rehearse, our Dance Concert is in 3 days now." I heard her gasp. I want them to comee huhuhu.

"Woah seriously?? Congrats kid! But.. We can't come." I now she's pouting already. "Don't worry, when we get home. I'll treat you." Is this really her?

"OMAGAD ARE YOU SERIOUS?! YEEET!!" I started to jump like a crazy kid and i heard her laugh from the other line. She's not usualky like this!

"I'm serious! I have to end the call now. Seriously you disturb us." I wonder what they were doing tho?

"What were you guys doing?"

"Making a miracle now bye!" Then she ended the call.

Opps. HAHHA!

"Lisa!!" Everyone called.

Alright, I'm ready to get exhausted all day..

End of part 24|Distance

Ps; wala muna JenLisa moments mga phar hehehe. Tsaroot, baka sa chapter 30 pataas pa heehe.


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