No one
"Unnie can you tell me what happened?" Jisoo is here at home, Mom and Dad are back in Thailand.
I'm asking Jisoo for how many times now, why she's here and why she's not at their house with Chaeng.
"I told you, she's mad at me." Aish here we go again.
"Why? Why is she mad at you? Did you do something wrong?" She just rolled her eyes at me. Woaah
"I... Don't know. She said I'm always spending time with Jin." Oh i think i know what happened.
"She's jealous at Dr. Jin, unnie." She widened her eyes at me, not believing what i said.
"She doesn't have to be jealous. I'm married to her. Aishh she's driving me crazy." She stood up and grabbed her things.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Going out i need fresh air." I sighed.
"Aishh, you just ruined my sleep for nothing unnie. Bye." I stood up and went to my room and i saw Jennie on her phone already. "Hey hey hey, it's early in the morning stop that." I tried to grab her phone but she was too fast.
I lay down beside her and hugged her tight.
"What did Jisoo unnie said?" She asked while running her hand on my hair.
"She had a fight with Chaeng. Aish those two always fight, good thing they're out of the house already." I joked and laugh.
"You're so mean." Then both of us laughed. I suddenly felt the urge to use the bathroom. "Where are you going?" She asked.
"The bathroom, wanna come?"
I went in the bathroom then i suddenly felt dizzy. What the..
I went to the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. I'm so skinny, the bag under my eyes are so visible. Why am i like this? I should be getting better since i started the chemotherapy.
"Shit." I mumbled when my nose started to bleed. I grabbed the towel on the cabinet and wiped the blood away.
I started breathing so hard and I'm sweating. Not now, please not now.
I suddenly heard a loud knock on the door.
"Lisa are you ok in there?" It's my Jennie. I wanted to tell her 'no, i need you' but i don't want her to worry.
"Y-yeah! Everything's all right don't worry." Lies.. I know I'm not fine.
The door was opening, i quickly hid the towel i used, and splash my face with water, then i suddenly fell to the ground and i quickly sat up.
I'm so weak.
"Baby.." I heard her sad voice while coming towards me. I was panting so hard, seriously i thought i was gonna die. "I know you're not ok. Come on." She help me to stand up.
I sat on the bed and she sat beside me.
"Can you tell me what's wrong?"
Well here goes nothing..
I took a deep breath.
"You know that.. I have cancer right?" I asked and she nodded her head. "I hate to tell this. But I'm close to dying, any minute, any second, any day, i can die." I looked at her and saw tears forming on her eyes.
"And if that day comes. I want you to continue your life, be happy. Don't make your life miserable just because I'm gone, i know you're GC strong and i know you can do it. A-and if you'll love someone else again." I stopped talking as i feel my heart breaking at the thought she'll be with someone forever and that's not me. "I won't stop you." She held my face as soon as i started crying.
"No.. I won't love anyone else but you, I'd rather grow old alone, rather than being with someone and that's not you. I'll love no one as the same as i love you. I want to be with you forever but i guess this not the right time for us." This time is her who's crying.
"I'm.. Sorry." My voice cracked. I held her waist and pulled her closer to give her a tight hug. "I'm so sorry if I'll leave you again."
"I.. I can't promise you that my life won't be miserable if you leave me. But i promise to keep on living." She broke the hug and held my hand and stared at me, those cat eyes I'm going to miss.
I just want you close
She started singing.
Where you can stay forever. You can be sure oh~ that it will only get better. You and me together through the days and night, now i don't worry cause everything's gonna be alright.
I hope so, i hope so baby.
And the people they keep talking they can say what they like, and i don't worry cause everything's gonna be alright. No one, no one, no one. Can get in the way of what I'm feeling.
I keep staring at her while she's singing. I want more days like this.
No one, no one, no one, can get in the way of what I'm feeling.
And when the rain is pouring down~ and my heart is hurting, you'll always be around~ this i know for certain.
I might not be with you physically, but I'll be always in your heart.
But it's you and me together, through the days and night, and i don't worry cause everything's gonna be alright.
And the people they keep talking they can say what they like, no i don't worry cause everything's gonna be alright.
I held her face and wiped her tears and kept smiling to her.
No one, no one, no one. Can get in the way of what I'm feeling. No one, no one, no one, can get in the way of what I'm feeling.
She stopped singing and she bursts out crying. I quickly hugged her again and rubbed her back to calm her down.
"Shh, stop crying please. Stop." She then hugged me tighter. "I love the song. Thank you Nini, thank you." I broke the hug and looked at her again.
"S-stay with me."
That broke my heart. I know i can't stay.
"I know I'm asking to much, but i just want you to stay. Please fight. Don't leave us, don't leave me. Lisa, baby please." She cried harder. I slowly leaned towards her and gave her a passionate kiss.
My lips travled to her jaw, down to her neck. Then to her collarbone and went back to her lips..
I broke the kiss and stared directly in her eyes.
"Make love to me baby"
End of part 63|DistanceOkey puta huhuhu.

Fanfiction(Sequel of 'Just a game') When two people are ment for each other, No time is long, No distance is too far, And if they fell apart.. Fate will find a way to bring them back -Completed