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Liked by; KimJongin, Seunghwan, Kang and 154,678,90 others

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Liked by; KimJongin, Seunghwan, Kang and 154,678,90 others

KimJennie: I miss you. 😢

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Liked by; Kang, Yugyboy, Greenalien, Momoring, Ten, Dk and 231,456,721 others

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Liked by; Kang, Yugyboy, Greenalien, Momoring, Ten, Dk and 231,456,721 others

Tae_min; Bitch WTF? Lisa's face when she saw the post hehe.

View all 200,921,20 comments

Kang; Hilarious!!

Gguk; HA HA HA

Greenalien; So true HAHAHA!!

Yugyboy; Annyeong @LISA

LISA; 🤷‍🤦‍

Hehehhe bored ako.

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