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After Dance N Beat's concert in Osaka dome. The following day they were invited by a Tv host in a Japan to have an interview to know more about them.

It was early in the morning so some of them still have bed face and bed hair. And that includes Lisa cause she needed rest after what happened to her.

On the middle of the ride, Lisa's phone rang and it was Jisoo since she didn't want to wake the others up she plugged on her earphones and talked in silence.

"Hello?" Lisa called while her eyes are closed.

[Jisoos Christ Manoban i just heard the news that something happened to you] Lisa sighed and smiled afterwards

"Don't worry eonni I'm fine already.. I got enough rest" She giggled a bit, but Jisoo wasn't buying it.

[How can i not worry? I'm your older sister, even though I'm not your real sister but still, i told you i should've come so i could take care of you.] Lisa smiled wider. Jisoo's mother side is really sweet and made her miss her mom more.

"Seriously, I'm fine. Did you forgot that a Manoban is strong?" Lisa teased while laughing quietly.

[Strong or not, still you need to be taken care of. We should really admit you to a-] Lisa cutted her words. She hates hospital. She really does.

"Please eonni.. I can hire a personal Doctor to look at me, i just don't want to go to a hospital." She's scared that she won't be able to get home if she's admitted to a hospital, or is there any other reason?

[You know how weak you are already.]

"I know.. Eonni please, i want to die on my bed not at the hospital" Jisoo gasped, including Lisa's team mates. They heard her.

[You're.. N-not going to d-die.] At this state Lisa knows her sister is already crying. [We will still go to Thailand together right? We will be able to tell this to Mom and Dad.] Lisa sighed, she forgot that her parents doesn't know how weak she is right now.

All they know is she's sick.

"I wish." Lisa smiled sadly "i really wish i won't die. But let's just accept the fate eonni.."

[I can't fucking accept it Lisa.. I can't..] Lisa can sense that her friends are already looking at her. [And i won't.]

"I can't either... Eonni i really need to go now, i need sleep" Lisa said, but the truth is she's just going to cry silently

[Get some good rest Lis.. I love you so much ok? Be strong.. Not just for us but also for yourself. Bye] Then Jisoo ended the call.

After the call, Lisa covered her face with her handkerchief and cried silently. Momo, the one who's on her left, started rubbing her back to make her calm

"Shhh, Lisa. It's ok, it's going to b-be ok." Momo's tear also started to fall when Lisa hugged her tight. She's not use to their ball of sunshine, their brightest star crying.

Hyoyeon who's on Lisa's right rubbed her back.

When she calmed down they let Lisa sleep, while her earphones are still on .

"I'm hurt." Ten mumbled and everyone looked at her. "It's obvious that Lisa is scared to.. Ya know." He can't even say the word.

"We all are Ten.." Jhope answered "It's hard to accept.. I can't really believe that she has Leukemia." That others can't help but agree.

When the time comes they will surely miss their Lalisa Manoban.

When they got to the place all of them woke up and started to get out fo the van, some of the people recognized them so they took pictures and greeted them.

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