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Prayers for Lisa.


I heard the news. Prayers please. My sister needs to live.

"Noona." I'm with Jungkook at our house, Chaeyoung is going to fetch her sisters and they will follow us to the hospital.

"Yes Kook?" I asked, I'm not looking at him.

"Why didn't you tell us about Lisa?" I knew he was going to ask this question so i prepared my self.

"Lisa wanted to keep it a secret until she's ready to tell you guys. But things happen. Like this, she got into an accident again. Aish." I scratched the back of my head as I'm so depressed. What did Lisa do for her to receive this kind of treatments?

"Lisa, that kid is afraid to die, right?" I nodded my head and sighed, she's scared of death and she's scared of hospital. "The reason why i want to be a Doctor but i ended up being a business man." He joked and i giggled. "She won't give up right? She's a strong kid." He asked getting a little emotional.

I smiled at him and nod my head. That kid is strong and i know she won't give up that easily.

I always remember what she says every time we're worried about her 'A Manoban is strong' 'I'm a Manoban'. And yeah she's right.

A Manoban is strong..

Someone was calling and it was Tzuyu.

"Hello? Tzu?" I answered the call and putted on speaker so Kook can hear it also.

[Unnie we're here already] I smiled slightly and sighed in relief. Thank God.

"Great.. How is Lisa? Is she awake." Tzuyu suddenly become quiet that cause me and Jungkook to look at each other.

Don't tell me..

[Unnie] Tzuyu called and her voice cracked, no no no. [She's in a coma unnie.]

A dropped my phone as i heard what she said. In a coma? No way, she must be joking right? T-that can't happen.

"Hello Tzuyu? Yeah it's Kook sorry about that Noona dropped her phone. Ok we'll be there." He handed me my phone and i took it and sighed as i covered my face.

He drove to the Kim's Hospital. That's is where Lisa is admitted.

As we both stepped in the hospital we went directly to Lisa's room since Tzuyu told Jk where they are.

And outside her room i saw her teammates. Donghyuk, Jhope, Yugyeom, Ten, Taemin and Hyoyeon.

"Go inside noona, the others are there." Donghyuk said and i smiled at him.

I went inside the room and i saw Lisa peacefully lying on the bed. It broke my heart when i saw a lot of tubes in her body.

I quickly hugged her and cried. I wanted her to come home. Smiling at me not this.

"She's going to be fine." I heard that familiar voice, i looked at the person and it was Jin. "Your sister is strong. I was stunned when she recovered fast from a cardiac arrest." He assured and i smiled slightly.

"Are you staying here?" I asked out of my curiosity.

"Yes so i can be your sister's Doctor. I transferred here, actually Je-" He looked at his right. "Where is she? She was here awhile ago." Oh, Jennie was here? I didn't noticed that. "Anyways, Jennie was actually the one who told me if i can transfer here to be Lisa's Doctor. Since i know you're going to kill me if i didn't agree, i said yes." He joked to lighten up the mood.

"Well thank you Jin."

"Anything. Well i need to go, i need to find where Jennie ran off to." He said goodbye and went out of the room.

Oh i also noticed that Mr. Hashi is here inside and the others went in aswell

"Mr. Hashi." I called and he walked towards me.

"Yes Ms. Jisoo?"

"How about their upcoming concerts? Will they be ok without her?" I asked and he sighed.

"Maybe they will, but uhh. They have to make a big change on some of their Cheography since Lisa can't perform." He said sadly and i looked at Lisa.

If she's awake she won't let her teammates to perform without her even though she's not feeling well.

"Fuck soompi that shit." I suddenly heard Yugyeom cursed and we all looked at him. "Soompi said that Lisa was drunk so she was involved in a car accident." He angrily said.

Lisa doesn't drink.

"That stupid idiot. She doesn't even drink." Hyoyeon comented. "They have to know everything first before posting stuffs like that."

"Some of our called 'fans' stated that she was drunk." Momo said.

I can't believe some of them hate Lisa.

"It's like they want Lisa out of the team, bunch of idiots." Ten mumbled, wow they're really something

"That ain't happening." Mr. Hashi suddenly said. "I know Lisa more than any so called 'fans' out there. They want Lisa out of the team? No, why don't they get out of the fandom?" Damn, he's also something.

Lisa is lucky to have him as a professor.

"Lisa would just laugh at those." I suddenly said, cause she knows to herself that she ain't drinking beers and wines.

"Yah. Hey Lalisa wake up!" Jhope shouted and we all looked at him. "I'll be the priest on your wedding if you ever get married ok?"

Then we all cracked up.

Wake up Lis, there's a lot waiting for you to come back.



Hi I'm worldwide handsome Kim Seokjin. Haha!

After i went out of Lisa's room i immediately searched for Jennie, i asked some nurses and other Doctors since I'm only new here.

Until i came across a small hall with no people. I suddenly heard some crying. Uhh is there a ghost here? I'm scared.

"Lord.. Help Lisa. Help our Lili please." That's Jennie.

I peeked at the hall and i was right. I saw Jennie sitting on the floor and her back was leaning on the wall.

My lips automatically frowned. She's praying to God to cure Lisa, that's heartbreaking and cute at the same time.

I don't know if i should go talk to her or let her talk while I'm just here listening.

"She did nothing wrong.." She said again and continue on crying "She's a good person but why is she the one suffering?"

Nuh I'm not going to ruin her drama. I'll just listen to her.

"Please protect her. This is the least i can do for her. A lot will suffer if you take her with you up there." A tear from my right eye fell and i don't even know why?

"Don't take her with you please don't take her away. Heal her instead i beg you."

I sighed and walked away. I stopped at Lisa's room, and i closed my eyes. Praying for her.

End of part 44|Distance

Bat pati ako naiyak.

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