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Lisa to her fans


It's been awhile since we reached our fans. We haven't updated our social media yet and i bet they are kinda worried.

Since all of us are complete her in Lisa's house, and it's night and we're the only person here left. Well except for Jennie beside Lisa's coffin, sleeping. So it's Lisa's last day tomorrow and we're not fine.

I decided to go live on IG.

I started the live and saw many viewers already. Wow that was fast. I read the comments saying condolences, they miss Lisa, and stuffs. I smiled sadly.

"Hey guyys. How are you all?" I asked them and a lot are saying they've been crying because of Lisa. Aww. "Hey! Come here and help me do live!" I shouted at my teammates.

They all went towards me..

"Heyy guysss!" -Seulgi

"Ahhh they can't see me I've been crying!" -Tzuyu

"We've all been crying Tzu." -Taemin

"I'm still crying please" -Donghyuk.

"Y'all bunch of crybabies." -Ten

"Says the one who cried a lot earlier." -Jhope

"If Lisa is still here with us she'll smack all of you." -Yugyeom

"Guys stop arguing" -Hyoyeon.

I didn't mind them and just read the comments.. They want to see Lisa oh gosh.

"They want to see Lisa.." I mumbled.. They all went quiet. I stood up and went to Lisa's coffin. "Here she is.. Look at her.. Still shining bright like the stars." I looked at Lisa, i felt sad again.

Then suddenly i remembered Lisa's letter to our fans.

"Guys, Lisa wrote a letter for y'all.. Want to hear it?"

'Yes pleaseeee'

'I think I'll cry again'

'Yes for our sakeeee'

"Tzuyu where's the letter?" I asked her. Then she gave me the letter. I putted my phone down on the table and something to lean on so my phone won't fall down.

"Are you gonna read the letter?" Yugyeom asked and i nodded.

I cleared my throat.

"Listen carefully." I said to our fans.

To all our fans,

Hey guys! I wanna say thank you for the love and support. To be honest, us Dance N Beat are nothing without all of you. Thank you for supporting us from Day1, from our trainee days up to now having concerts. Just sad that i have to leave huh? But hey! Turn your frown upside down and smile. I don't want all of you crying because of me. Make my teammates proud and happy ok? Support them until the end and always remember me! If you guys forget me i swear I'll hunt you down. Nah just kidding i won't do that HAHA. I hope i still belong on some of the fanchants someday, on the cheers. Cause i really didn't leave Dance N Beat. I just left the world. I'll forever be a member of Dance N Beat. I love all of our fans, i love you guys. Until i see all of you soon again!

Yours Truly, Lili

I finished reading it with teary eyed. She really didn't forget about our fans. I looked up my phone and saw a lot of comment.

'I can't accept it😭'

'She needs to come back aaaa'

'Liliiiii! Jennie is waiting for you! Not just her but us also! And your fam.'

'Comeback Lisa pleaseeee!'

'Putangina hindi ako masaya na last concert mo nun sa pilipinas sana pala nasabi ko na lahat ng gusto kong sabihin sayo😭💔'

'I haven't seen you guys yet and you already left😟'

'Buti namatay sya hah!'

'Well there's no bitch in the group now'

'Not even sad, I'm happy'

'Lisaaa i love youuuu😭❤'

"Just wow.." I heard Ten says. "She loves us guys. Please don't ever forget her like what she said." I nodded in agreement as i put the letter down on the table.

"I have to end it here now. Bye guys! See you soon!" As soon as i ended the live. I sat on a chair next to my teammates.. "Time flies so fast."

"I can't believe it's her last day tomorrow." Seulgi sadly said.

"Then after that. We won't get to see her again. Fuck, it hurts." Tzuyu started crying and Jhope rubbed her back. "W-we won't get to see her smile. Hear her l-laugh.. No one will annoy us everyday."

"There's no one who will wake up late anymore." -Seulgi

"I won't get to pour her cold water anymore" -Donghyuk

"No one to brighten up our day." -Jhope

"No more nmd" -Hyoyeon

"No more annoying kid" -Yugyeom

"No more playing the guitars and will sing for us" -Ten

"No one will tease us nonstop" -Taemin

"No more Lalisa Manoban who'll wreck every fan when she's on stage." I said.. All of us started crying again at the thought.

I didn't think that this day would come, the day where Lisa really has to leave.. I just want to turn back time where everything was ok.

If we didn't come back here. Will everything be the different? Or it will stay the same.

But if we didn't comeback. No JenLisa.. No concert. No nothing.

If we didn't accept the opportunity to go study in Japan.. Would any of this have happened? If we didn't met Jennie, Seulgi, Sana or Jeongyeon. What could've happen?

If Lisa never met us.. If she lived a normal life. There's a lot of what ifs in my mind right now. But the greatest what if..

What if she didn't have leukemia?She'd still be with us right now.

End of part 71|Distance

Since saturday ayan update.

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