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Oh my gosh. Can't believe tomorrow is our Concert. Everyone here is at the backstage chilling and having a party.

Seulgi's fault. They're drinking again.. Goshh. Loud music is being heard. They're playing swalla, they keep on teasing me.

I'm just here at a corner covering my face while laughing because of embarrassment.

"Can you guys please stop playing that?" I asked while I'm still covering my face. They all laughed in unsion.

"Why? It's a good song." Oh come on even Mr. Hashi? Seriously whyyy?

"Shimmy shimmy ya shimmy ya shimmy ya. It's swallalala" Hyoyeon suddenly stood up, sang and danced that part. And i face palm myself. "Is that a ring on your finger?" I looked at Hyoyeon.

Then at my finger. Oh, the ring.. It's the ring i proposed to Jennie. When i broke up with her she threw this ring back at me.

Eversince then, i kept it. Wore it wherever i go. No one noticed it cause i always keep my right hand on my pocket, and I'm always wearing a long sleeve.

"Yeah, it's a ring why?" I asked and she shook her head. Tzuyu came towards me and held my right hand to look at the ring.

"This is the ring right?" She asked and i nod. "Damn, i remember how you never eat lunch before, on how you were so cheap on foods and stuff. Just to buy this ring so you can propose to her." I closed my eyes and bit my lip from preventing myself to cry.

Yes she was right, sometimes i don't eat lunch so i can save money just for this ring.

It's bringing back when everything was ok,


After school, me and Tzuyu went to the mall for some window shopping, heheh we won't buy anything for today.

We came across some jewelries, and something caught my attention. A ring.

"Whatchu looking at?" She suddenly ask when i went quiet and i kept looking at the ring.

"The ring, Tzu it's so beautiful." I pointed at the ring i saw and Tzuyu gasped.

"It is.." I look at her and she looked at me, i look at the ring then looked at her again. "Lis don't tell me... Shit!! Are you gonna?" I nodded my head at her and she keeps on hitting me.

"Hey hey that hurts!" I shouted and pushed her away, i went to check on that ring then i putted it back. Damn, it's so expensive. I can't afford it.

"What happened?" Tzu asked when she saw i put the ring back. "You're not going to buy it for her?"

"Buddy, it's too expensive." I said while pouting. But ahhh!! It's so pretty and it suits Jennie. I need to get it! "Sir!" I shouted at the guy and put both of my hands on the table. "Pleasee, please please pleasee save this ring for me! I'll come back for it." I said while pouting in front of him.

He chuckled and smiled while taking the ring on my hand.

"Sure ma'am." I can't believe it!! Ahhh!! "Make sure to make it fast."

I bowed at him and nodded "thank you!!" Then i turn to Tzuyu. "OMG!! " I hugged her so tight.

Days passed, sometimes at lunch i don't eat i just drink water. When we hang out, i don't buy stuffs even if i want to. I need to get that ring as soon as possible.

"Jeez, Lalisa Manoban doing anything just to get that ring." I suddenly heard Tzuyu sitting beside me. It's lunch time already and I'm not eating. "You sure you don't want to eat?" She asked and i shook my head. "Well I'm not a bad best friend, so i bought you food."

"What?? Tzu! " I shouted and she laughed.

"Eat Lisa, you're getting thin." I had no choice but to eat, I'm kinda hungry though.

"Lili?" Someone called, oh it's Jennie. She sat beside me on the other side. "Tzuyu said you're not eating lunch for the past few days." I widened my eyes at Jennie then glared at Tzuyu.

"Sorry i had to, heh."

"Why aren't you eating?" Jennie asked worriedly while pouting. Because of the ring i want to propose you with.

"It's nothing Nini, I'm eating now don't worry about it." I smiled sincerely at her so she won't be worried.

She kissed my cheeks then held my hand and started caressing it.

"Don't starve yourself. Ok? I love you." Again i smiled at her and i nod my head.

-End of flashback-

"Liliiiii." I suddenly went back to reality, to reality that Jennie isn't mine anymore.

I heard somone called my nickname, no one calls me that except for Jennie.

"See? She heard it. It's Jennie's eanderment for Lisa." I heard Yugyeom said and i sighed. It was Yugyeom who called me.

"Are you ok Lisa? You were spacing out." Momo asked worriedly, i nodded and smile at her.

They continue on partying and here i am at the corner looking at the ring. This should be on your finger Jennie, but I'm a fool.

An idiot, i ruined everything...

End of part 26|Distance

Short update muna mga erp

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