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The day of flight.


God.. It's the day of flight... Should i pretend I'm sick so i can't come? Argh no i can't do that. Seulgi knows if I'm pretending or not.

She's still mad at me by the way.  It's 9 in the morning. Our flight is 11:00 am. I should be getting ready. I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

I was about to get my shirt off when someone came in!

"DONGHYUUUUUKKK!!" I shouted and he immediately closed the door. "I'm going to take a bath!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He shouted back "after you're done go to the kitchen for breakfast ok?" He asked calmly this time.

"Ok ok! Jeez" I started taking a bath and it took me 10 minutes to finish. I got dressed. I wore my long sleeved shirt which is color grey, then my pants and my adidas shoes and a litte red bag. And no.. My stuffs isn't gonaa fit there. It's just for my phone and stuffs ahaha!

I got out of my room to see my roomates on the living room and chilling. Well except for Seulgi she's not out yet.

"Lisa?" Ten called.


"All of your stuff fits in that tiny bag?" He asked and yeah. I saw that coming. The others laughed at him so i did the same.

"Baka! Ahahah! You know Lisa likes small bags!." Yugyeom said out loud. This boy knows me very well.

"Aishh ahaha! Sorry i forgot.. By the way Lisa, eat your food." He said and turned his attention back to the Tv.

I go to the kitchen to see a piece of bread and a coffee. Oh, nice breakfast.

I sat with them in the couch while waiting for Seulgi. She came out as soon as i finished my breakfast.

"Hey Seulg!" I greeted. She just nod her head at me. Guess she's still mad. Well i couldn't blame her, you guys are also mad at me admit it.

I sighed. After putting the plate and the mug away. I went back to the living room with them.

"Daijōbudesuka?" Momo asked which means 'are you ok?' I nodded and sighed at the same time.

After another 10 minutes.

"So shall we go?" Hyoyeon asked. We looked at each other. To see if everybody is ready.

We gave each other a signal. We're all ready.

"Let's go!!!"

We went outside our apartment and saw..

"A van?" We all said in unsion. We saw Mr. Hashi get out from it and he waved at us.

"Get in Dance N Beat!" He shouted.

"WOOOOHHH!!!!" We all shouted and got in.

"Who's van is this?" Taemin asked at Mr. Hashi.

"Yeah who's van is this?" Asked again by Donghyuk.

"Would you guys believe when i say it's mine?" Then he smirked... Wooh! Our Professor is rich ahaha!

"Woooaaaahhhhhhh!!!" We all reacted.

"You're coming with us to Korea?" Tzuyu asked at Mr. Hashi. He shook his head feeling sad.

"I would love to. But i can't, i still have students here remember? It's not only the 10 of you." Yeah, he has a lot of students, but us Dance 'N Beat is his favorite.

"Awww we totally forgot." Tzuyu said while scratching her head in embarrassment.

"But i will miss you guys though. You guys are like my best student." He said while smiling proudly at us, then he looked at me. "Especially the Nation's Main Dancer over there."

I felt shy at his compliments. He always call me that. Like 'Lisa Nmd' 'Main dancer' 'Nations Dancer' i don't know why i didn't got use to it.

"Mr. Hashi she's still not use to being called Nation's Main danceeer." Yugyeom pointed out. I guess he saw me getting shy.

"Well she needs to get used to that. Korea will always call her that." Here they go again..

"Why only me? Why not all of us. You guys are an amazing dancer aswell." They all looked at me in awe.

"Lisa is always so sweet!"

"That's why she's our maknae"

"Arghhh sweet!"

"She's so so so sooo sweet! We love this maknae."

Ok now i missed my sister. She's always like that to me :<

Can't wait to see her again.

"Sā, watashitachi wa koko ni iru" The driver said to Mr. Hashi.

Oh god we're here in the airport.

"Ok ok, arigatō. Dancers we are here already." All of us got out of the van and saw a lot of people. I think our fans? But no, no way. Not this many.




There were body guards that started to surround us, so that our 'fans' won't hurt us.

"There's no way that all of these people are our fans." Donghyuk said to us in surprise.

I myself is surprised as well.

"There is more waiting in Korea." Mr. Hashi said and smile... While the 10 of us are boarding in the plane. We took a last glance at Mr. Hashi.

"Sewa o suru. Yoroshiku onega ishimasu" He said to us while waving his hand.

We will surely miss him. He did a lot for us. We took our seat on the plane. I got a seat next to Seulgi.

I need to talk to her.

"Seulgi.." I whispered. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "Im sorry." I said then awkwardly smile. She silently giggled and punched me in the shoulder. Guess we're ok.

"It's ok ma'h friend. Just, don't try to fix it. She's happy now ok?" She stated at me. I just nod.

After an hour.

"Lisa wake up." I heard a voice calling me.

"Mmm." I mumbled while my eyes are still close. I'm still sleepy what the heck.

"Wake the fuck up we're here." I opened my eyes when i heard. 'We're here.' I looked at the window beside me. And yep we've landed.

Me and Seulgi both stood up to follow our team to go out of this plane. When we got down the plane, i smelled the fresh air of South Korea.

"I'm back."

End of part 3|Distance

Jenlisa's video teaser are out!

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