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A sister's love.


I'm the one who's with Lisa right now, since the others are busy. We are preparing for our next concert in Malaysia.

But i excused myself, since yeah, no one is going to look out for Lisa i volunteered I'm such a good friend hehe.

I was scrolling on twitter and i saw a lot of prayers and love for Lisa. She's really something huh?

I stopped on one posts because of what it said.

'Go die' then she tagged Lisa. I got furious so i went to the comment section and saw a lot of negative words to Lisa and some are defending her.

'She doesn't deserve to live'

'She has to die'

'Can someone choke her to death? Haha!'

'Yeah go die bitch'

I clenched my fist while reading some of it. She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment.!

"Tzu." I got startled when i heard someone talk. "Woah are you ok?" It was just Jisoo.. Aw i thought it was Lisa.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said and sighed. She smiled and went towards Lisa and kissed her forehead. Aww cute.

"Anything good happened?" She suddenly ask and i shook my head. "I was kinda expecting her to wake up. I had a dream that she went home and immediately hugged me saying 'I survived.' So i went here, but i realized it was just a dream." She pouted.

"Really love her do you?" I asked and she nods her head.

"Duh of course, even though she's not really my sister. I still love this annoying kid."

She may be annoying but once she stopped or she's gone you will miss it.

"I had to ask." Uh oh.. "How did.. I mean why did this happen to her?" My mouth agaped at her questions. Then i gulped

She might freak out if i tell her. Jeez

"O–h u-uhmm.. T-the real reason?" I stuttered while asking.. Gosh fix yourself Tzuyuuu.

"What? What is it?" Gosh ok I'll tell her already.

"S–she was driving fast eonni." I said and she furrowed her brows.

"And? There has to be a reason why she was driving fast?" Urgh she's to smart.

"She was.. Broken." I looked at her and she raised her eyebrows at me. "She was broken because Jennie rejected her when she asked her for a second chance." I said. I'm scared.

"What. The. Fuck" She stood up and i was frightened. "Where is she?" I saw the angriness in her eyes and i swear she's scary.

"E–eonni calm down." I went closer to her and held her arms, she might hurt Jennie at this point.

"No! Where is she?! I'm not just going to let her get away with it! She hurted my sister!" She shouted, she almost got out from my grip but i was fast to catch her.

"Yah! Don't we're in the hospital.." I tried to make her calm but she's really angry.

"Bring me to her." She said in a low voice that it really scared me.


"Bring me to her." She repeated what she said and i gulped so i called Wendy.

[Hey Tzu what's up?]

"Where are you?" I asked immediately while Jisoo was staring at me.

[Jen's office why?] Perfect..

"Is she there?"

[Yep.] Good.

"We'll go there. Jisoo wants to see her." Then i ended the call. "Eonni let's go." I said then she walked first.




I can't explain my angriness right now. And Tzuyu here is trying to make me calm.


I was in front of Jennie's office when i saw Wendy opening the door.

"Oh.. E–eonni. Hehe you're here al-" I walked pass her and Jennie saw me so she quickly stood up.

I saw the nervousness on her face. I even saw her gulped. I tried to make my face look calm so she won't suspect that I'm mad.

She went towards me and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry." She said in a low voice.

~slapped! (Pang ilan na yan jennie? HAHA charot labyu)

Tzuyu quickly went to me and Wendy  went to Jennie.

"Fuck you!" I shouted and Wendy, Tzuyu widened her eyes. "How dare you do that to her?! Did she reject you when you asked her for a second chance?! No she didn't!"

She closed her eyes as she was panting.

"And infact, what you did was worser! She only broke your heart but you? YOU FUCKING PLAYED HER!!"

"I know.. I r–regret it." She said while looking at me.

"Regret? You regret it? Well you're late. Look at my sister right now. She's in a coma because of what happened, because of you rejecting her!"

I had a deep sigh before talking again

"I know my sister hurted you and i was mad about it. But she doesn't deserve this kind of treatment Jennie." I said while looking at her and tears fell down on her eyes. "Jen, wake up. She's dying. You need to wake up and realize that." I said calmly this time.

I saw the sadness on her eyes. I know that she still loves my sister but she's just in denial.

"S–she's not dying." She said while stuttering. "She's s-strong.. You know that." I sighed.

"I know that. But, not all times she can be strong." With that i left her office and went back to Lisa's room.

I hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry little sis, big sister failed to protect you." I mumbled and cried.

I'm sorry. I failed to protect you.

Meanwhile with Jennie..

"No, she's not dying." She keeps on mumbling everytime she close her eyes and Wendy is just looking at her. "No no no. No ones dying."

"She's won't die. No"

"She can't die. No she won't."

"She won't die, she won't die, she won't die."

That's what she keeps on mumbling everytime she remembers Lisa Manoban.

End of part 45|Distance

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