Was destined to meet, not to have a forever
It's time to go home cause it's 11:00 in the evening. Irene and Jennie will go with us in Mr. Hashi's van, then the others are on their own.
Except for Jungkook's squad. Tae and him has a car so yeah.
Jennie is getting in the van when she was about to sit next to Irene, the only available space is next to Lisa and to Irene because we're the last to go in.
I quickly sat beside Irene and gave a smile to Jennie "there's a seat next to Lisa." She rolled her eyes then she sighed.
Oops sorry Jen. When Lisa saw Jennie beside her she was in shock but she quickly look away.
The others are sleeping already, because who wouldn't? We were all exhausted from the concert. We gave all our best.
Donghyuk is listening to music while looking at the window, Taemin and Ten as usual. Being loud.
Jhope is already sleeping with his mouth open and Yugyeom is taking pics of him, Dork.
Tzuyu and Momo are watching something on Momo's phone i don't know what. Hyoyeon is also sleeping and I'm here watching them.
Lisa, yeah she's sleeping again with her eye mask on and she's listening to music. She just slept for 7 hours awhile ago and now she's sleeping again. I'm not complaining but the same time i am.
Cause it's hard to wake her up. While Jennie is on her phone. Lisa's head was slowly falling to Jennie's shoulder.
Just fucking fall already come on!
"Why is your face suddenly like that?" Irene whispered and it made me laugh, softly.
"Just look at Jennie and Lisa." Just a little more Lisa, then your head is on Jennie's shoulder.
"Can Lisa's head fall already? Damn." See? Even her agrees. Then suddenly.. Lisa's head fell on Jennie's shoulder and it shocked Jennie. "Omg" I heard Irene mumbled.
"Yeah, omg." I said while looking at the two. Jennie's shock face was slowly turning into a happy one.
I saw how she took a deep breath then sighed while smiling as she stared at Lisa. Woah Jennie what is this.
"There's still a part of her that it knows she still love Lisa." Irene whispered and i looked at her. Maybe she's right, or maybe not. No one knows.
I also smiled while looking at the two. They used to be like that every single day. When one of them is so tired they will just rest on each others shoulder.
Their path was about to go to 'Marriage' but Lisa being the idiot she is, she cancelled it. Aishh,
"Everything was so perfect, until High school ended." I said sadly while looking at them, Jennie is still staring at Lisa but in a sad way.
And i bet she's thinking 'where did it go wrong?' Or 'we were so happy, what happened?' You know that kind of stuff.
If i could say something to the both of them. I'll say 'please go back to before.' but i now it's impossible because. Jennie? She loves Kai. Or does she?
I just wanna go inside Jennie's head and say 'Bitch wake up, Lisa is still fucking inlove with you'.
We still don't know what Lisa's reason though, I'm going to be Detective Conan to find it out.
For the sake of JenLisa!
"One more chance to JenLisa please." Irene whispered, more like she prayed. And yeah i would agree.

Fanfiction(Sequel of 'Just a game') When two people are ment for each other, No time is long, No distance is too far, And if they fell apart.. Fate will find a way to bring them back -Completed