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Jenkai day.


It's me and Jennie's 1 year anniversary!! I can't believe we made it this far! I'm so happy..

She said to me awhile ago. Exactly at 12 o clock in the morning. That our relationship was the first one to reach a year. Can't help but to feel proud about that.

I'm at her house. She's still asleep by the way. That little mandu loves to sleep. I'm preparing her a simple breakfast in bed.

I saw her Dad walking towards me with a huge smile on his face.

"Good morning Dad!" I greeted and bowed at him, he did the same thing to me.

"Good morning to you too Kai. I see you're preparing a breakfast for Jennie?" He said while pointing at the breakfast i made.

"Yes i am! Since it's our anniversary, i decided to give her a breakfast in bed." He tapped my shoulder and gave me a proud smile.

"You never fail to amaze me son. Please don't hurt her."

"I won't." I smiled at him and he did the same then he left. I grabbed the breakfast i made and went to Jennie's room.

I opened the door to see that she's using her phone.

"Yah, baby it's early in the morning ang your using your phone already?" I entered her room. She looked at me and saw the breakfast i made for her then she smiled widely. I went beside her and kissed her lips (ew punyeta) "happy anniversary.." I whispered.

"Happy anniversary. I love you so much." Then she hugged me tightly. (Punyeta bat ko to ginagawa) "and you even made a breakfast for me! You're the sweetest!" She grabbed the plate and started eating her food.

Seeing her like this makes my heart happy. (Shatap)

"Have you eaten already?" She suddenly asked. I nod my head. "Wehh? Are you sure? I don't believe you." I laughed at her face, she's glaring at me cutely.

"Believe me! Hahaha! Before i made your breakfast i ate already promise." I raised my right hand while she's still glaring at me.

"Aish fine ok ok i believe you." Then she smiled cutely. I received a message after.

Bro you still coming or not.

Oh shoot. I forgot, we have some mentoring to do. But I'll leave it to him first, i have a date with Jennie.

I can't make it.. I'm sorry. You know right? It's me and Jennie's anniversary today.

Oh yeah! Ok ok! Have fun on your date tho.

Thanks man! Don't worry, I'll make it up to you guys soon

No problem!

I put my phone away and i saw Jennie glaring at me. Ahh what did i do?

"Who were you texting?" She asked still glaring at me.

"Oh that? T'was Kiel!.." She's still glaring at me. "I'm not texting another girl don't worry."

She sighed and continued eating her breakfast.

"Hurry up then get dressed." She looked at me confused.

"What why? Where are we going?" I smirked at her.

"It's a date baby" (Stap punyeta talaga)



It's 8:30 and Jennie and Kai isn't here yet. Maybe they can't make it cause it's 'Jenkai daaay'.

They can put their date aside and come here first tskk. BIJ THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT!

"Sadly they can't come." Kiel suddenly said. I rolled my eyes and put on a blank face.

"You ok there Lis?" Taemin suddenly asked while looking at me. I looked at him and gave him a nod. "You sure? You don't look fine." I looked at at him again and he's now smirking at me.

"Why would i not be ok?" He playfully shrugged his shoulders and giggled.

Weird... Weirdo forever.

"I dunno Lis. Maybe you're jealous. Heheh." H- what? Damn maybe he's right. But i have no rights to be jealous.

"Whatev let's just practice."

We started practicing our group performance again because we were so focused on our solo's.

We added one more song to perform. 'In the name of love'. It's pretty easy for me though.

"I might get this wrong, there's a lot of body roll gosh." I heard Seulgi mumble. Yeah it had a lot of body roll.

"You can do this Seulg!!" Hyoyeon shouted while massaging her shoulders.

"Just don't get it messed up ok? You can do this." I said to her and she nod her head.

We were about to start practicing again when i received a call from Chaeyoung eonni.

"Uhh excuse me can i answer this first?" I asked Kiel.

"Sure take your time!"

I went outside of the studio and answered the call.

"Hello? Eonni why did you call?"

"Lisa.. Can you please come home first?" Wait! Is she crying?? What the heck happened

"Are you crying?! What happened??"

"Jisoo's clothes aren't in your house. And i can't find her."

End of part 19|Distance


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