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Goodbye Lisa.

1 week has passed and Lisa hasn't wake up yet, it's only been a week but it felt like a year already for some of them.

Dance N Beat had 2 concert in a week the first was Malaysia and the other one was in Jakarta, they really misses Lisa that they can't help but mention her during their concert.

With Jennie, it has been her habit to go visit Lisa after her shift and she's always telling Lisa some stories.

Her friends saw Jennie's effort towards Lisa and they're starting to believe that Jennie really loves the Thai.

Wendy is starting to get soft towards her cousin, she has been giving her the cold shoulder she thought she deserves it.

Lisa's parents went home to check their daughter. And today is the day, Jennie is nervous on meeting Lisa's parents again.

She wasn't supposed to come but the others forced her, including Jisoo. She's been shaking while they're waiting for Jisoo and Lisa's parents to arrive.

"Yow chill Jenduek." Jeongyeon said to Jennie, she noticed that she was at ease since they came.

"They won't kill you.." Tzuyu said while giggling. "They didn't last time though. And i think Jisoo unnie didn't tell them so don't worry." Jennie tried to calm down when she remembered that Jisoo promised not to tell them.

But still, anxiety is killing her.

"Oh gosh they're here." Jennie saw Jisoo and Lisa's parents coming inside. Mr and Mrs. Manoban quickly went to their daughter and hugged her.

"Our poor daughter." Mrs. Manoban mumbles and Jennie looked at her with sadness in her eyes.

While Lisa's mom is still on Lisa's side, Lisa's dad started to shake hands with Lisa's friend, Dance N Beat aren't here though, except for Seulgi and Tzuyu.

And when it was Jennie's turn to shake Lisa's dad hands. Jennie's hand was shaking while reaching for Mr. Manoban's hand.

"Why are you shaking honey? Are you ok?" Out of curiosity, Lisa's dad had to ask Jennie. Everyone stared at Jennie.

"O-h.. I--im- it's nothing, sir." Mr. Manoban smiled and hugged Jennie and patted her back.

Fact; Jennie was the only person Mr. Manoban hugged from all of Lisa's friends.

After with all the drama and stuffs they started to talk about stuffs. Jennie was glad that Lisa's parents didn't ask about her accident and guilty at the same time, she wanted to tell them.

When everyone left and it was Jennie alone with Lisa. It's her time to talk to her again.

"Hey Lis, today was the first day i was able to laugh that hard. Your dad is funny to be honest." She started while looking at Lisa. "He didn't want anyone to be sad so he made us laugh, but i know he's also sad because of what happened to you, he just didn't want to show us."

Jennie smiled remembering Mr. Manoban

"Now i get it why you have this kind of attitude to make someone happy. You are born to be our brightest star, our happy vitamin, and lastly you were born to be my sunshine."

Tears were falling from both of Jennie's eyes.

"And everyday i pray to God that he won't take you away from us, from me." She closed her eyes as she let her tears fall again. "Please don't take my sunshine away."

1:30am, Jennie's at home sleeping, visiting hours are now closed. Suspiciously ,someone sneaked his way to Lisa's room.

He removed his hoodie and masked and evilishly looked at the thai who's peacefully sleeping.

He dangerously walked towards Lisa with a grin on his face.

"Why didn't you die on that accident? It was a shame that you're still alive." He asked while smirking, he creeped his hand on Lisa's neck. "What if.. I kill you right now?" His eyes was full of anger as he tightened his grip on Lisa's neck.

He wanted Lisa to die, so bad.

"Nah that ain't going to work." He said as he think of something else. His eyes automatically went directly to Lisa's life support.

His heart and mind was arguing. His heart said 'you're not this bad, you won't kill a person just because of anger' then his mind 'go do it, she deserves to die, she hurted Jennie'

"She deserves to die! She took Jennie from me! She's a stealer! She doesn't deserve to live! She has to die!" He shouted while his eyes are full of anger and with a glare he looked at Lisa.

He slowly walked towards Lisa's life supportsupport, ready to turn it off.

"Any last words? Oh i forgot. You're in a coma." While looking at Lisa, with that and without hesitant he pushed the button that said 'off' and Lisa's life support was turn off.

Loud beating of the monitor can be heard saying Lisa is flat line. He smirked victoriously. Succeeding of what he had planned.

"Goodbye Lisa." Then he went out of the room so no one can know it was him.

In Lisa's head, she was having flashback of her happy times and most unforgettable moments as she was ready to leave the earth.

Her head rested on the left side of the pillow, saying that she gave up, she's tired and she's gone while there's a tear the left her left eye, she couldn't handle it anymore. All the pain

Goodbye Lisa.

End of part 49|Distance

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