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Dance N Beat had a little picnic at Namsan Park to freshen up everything. They thought to have a little quality time together.

Meanwhile.. The others still can't get over by Lisa's tweet, so someone had to ask her.

"Hey Lis what's with your tweet yesterday? It scared me." It was Jhope who asked her. Lisa looked at him and smiled.

"It's my saying of goodbye.. I mean I'm not literally saying goodbye since we're all going to see each other again soon right?" Her member looked at her with a confused face.

"Are you going back to Thailand?" Donghyuk asked even though he knows that's not what she ment.

"No I'm not. I'm going to my rest place.." Lisa stop for a while and looked at the sky. "Up there."

Momo literally burst out crying. If Lisa is joking or what it's not funny to her.

"If you're joking around Lisa it's not funny." Momo cried and Lisa pouted feeling sad that she's really leaving them behind.

"I am not joking Momo, you know about my sickness right?" Seulgi groaned that cause Lisa to look at her.

"Sickness sickness sickness! Lisa, can't you fight for it? Don't just give up! Fight for it." Everyone agreed at what Seulgi said.

"How long have i been fighting for my sickness? It's been 4 years. 4 long years Seulgi. I, myself. I don't want to leave all of you, believe me i want to live long, but.. It's over. This is my last year my 5 limits is over. Soon enough I'll..." Tzuyu cutted Lisa's word off.

"Don't even think about saying it." Lisa shuts her mouth when she saw how serious Tzuyu was.

"Just believe in yourself Lis, you're gonna grow old with us, think about it. You're still going to marry Jennie." Lisa stopped and realized. Yes she still wants to marry Jennie.

She wants to wake up with Jennie beside her. She wants to cuddle with Jennie every night. She wants to take care of Jennie. She wants to grow old with her.

Just by thinking that Jennie will find someone when she dies, breaks her heart.

"L-lisa are you ok? You're sweating." Taemin went beside her to ask her that question again and again but she isn't responding.

"Let's take her home." Yugyeom said and they all helped Lisa to stand up and all of them went to the van.

After 1 hour.

"Who's with you in this house?" Tzuyu asked. Everyone is peacefully at home now.

"Myself.. Jisoo unnie is at her own house, my parents are back in Thailand and Jennie's at work." Lisa answered while sitting on the couch.

"I'll stay with you for a while." Tzuyu said while smiling at Lisa and she smiled back.

"Aww thanks Tzu but you don't have to really.." Tzuyu glared at Lisa.

"Nu uh, I'm looking over you incase something happens you idiot." Tzuyu smacked her best friends head and Lisa pouted. "Ew Lisa stop doing that." Then both of them laughed.

"You're gonna miss it when I'm gone." Tzuyu stopped laughing and stared at her. "Ok ok I'm sorry. Do you want a drink or something?" Lisa asked.

"Hmm yeah, water will be fine." Lisa went to the kitchen to get Tzuyu some water and Tzuyu stood up to take a walk inside Lisa's house.

After getting the water. Lisa massaged her head as she was feeling dizzy.. She grabbed a mug and filled it with hot water. She'll make a coffee for herself.

Meanwhile with Tzuyu.. She's been walking for how many minutes now enjoying Lisa's house when she remembered.

"Hold up.. Is Lisa back?" She immediately ran back to the living room to see no Lisa. "That's odd." She felt nervous for no reason.

*Blag! ~klink ~klink

Tzuyu heard a glass shattering inside the house and then she suddenly remembered..

"Lisa.." She immediately ran to the kitchen where she thinks Lisa is. She got to the kitchen and her breath hitched at the sight.

Lisa lying on the floor unconscious. She ran towards her best friend and held her head, she checked if she's still breathing and if her heart is still beating.

Thank God she still is but she needs to get to the hospital immediately. So she called Jin.



I woke up from a strange dream jeez..

"What's with that dream?" I asked myself remembering the dream i had awhile ago.

The place was dark, so dark that i can't see a thing.. Until i saw a light not long from where i was standing. I started to follow the light then i bumped into a tall figure.

That figure turn to me and i recognized it was Lisa, she was glowing like literally glowing. "Lisa?" I called her but she just smiled at me. She started to walk in the light so i followed her.

Then seconds later there was this thing that stopped me from following her. Lisa stopped walking and looked at me. She said

"Goodbye Jennie, i love you." Then she smiled, she started walking again and she disappeared in the light.

Then i woke up. I should really stop sleeping in my office I'm having weird dreams. I checked my phone. Odd, there's no message from her.

I'm feeling nervous wth. I need to calm down..

"Jennie! Jennie!" I heard someone shouting my name and it was Tzuyu. She came inside my office.. "Lisa.." I stood up when i heard what she said.

"Lisa is in the emergency room."

End of part 65|Distance

Oh ayan update.

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