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With me, you're safe and unharmed


"LISA!!!" I shouted as i woke up from that night mare. Gosh.. Thank God it was only a night mare.

I held my chest, my heart was beating so fast, i was so nervous i thought that it was real but. What if it was a sign?

What? No no no Jennie, stop thinking about it. Gosh that can't happen. I need to be with Lisa if ever.

I stood up to get ready to go to the hospital. I'm so nervous right now that i can't calm down.

Down stairs i saw Wendy on her uniform getting ready for work also.

"Jennie are you ok? I heard you shout." Wendy asked worriedly when i got down the stairs. I nodded my head and sighed. "Are you sure?" Dhe asked again so i decided to tell her already

"I had a nightmare. Lisa died because of someone turning off her life support. It felt so real." I said my voice shaking a bit. I'm still scared of the night mare i had.

"WHAT? C-could it be a sign?" She suddenly said, that's what i thought awhile ago.

"What sign?"

"That Lisa.. Will die." I looked at her. She's not going to die. "Or.. Someone wants her gone." That could be it.

I need to keep an eye on her, it could happen.

"That won't happen and i won't let it happen." I said while getting ready for work.

"I trust you on this Jennie." She gave me a pat on the shoulder and we both went to work.

I nervously stepped inside the hospital and immediately went to Lisa's room. And i sighed in relief to see that she's fine and still alive.

"No one can hurt you, my Lili." I said while smiling. "No one can, and no one will. I'm going to protect you as long as I'm with you, you're safe."

I went to my office and took a rest first. Then suddenly a knock on the door was heard.

"Come in." The person came in and it was Dr. Jin, ah! Perfect i needed him! "Dr. Jin!"

"I saw you on your way here so i decided to follow hehe. What's bothering you? You looked nervous." He asked as he sat on one of the chairs. How can he notice that? Is he an obeserver?

"Ahh, this is nothing. I was just worried about Lisa." I said and he gave me a confused looked.

"Worried? About what her condition? Don't worry she can ge-" I cutted his words off. That's not what i ment aishh.

"It's not about that. I'm worried for Lisa's safety. I want to keep an eye on her. I want her to be safe." And yep, i saw confusion in his face.

"Huh? What do you mean? She's safe here. This is a hospital Jen. She'll be fine." But.. It can happen.

"I hope so." I sighed. "But.. Just to be sure. I really want her to be safe, i don't want her to be harmed. I'm not going to forgive myself if something bad happens to her. I'm not forgiving my self Dr. Jin"

I saw how shock he was but he recovered fast.

"If it will make you happy. I can keep an eye on her, since Lisa is my only patient here." I automatically smiled. I wanted to be the one who's going to look after her but I'm too busy..

"It will really make me happy. Thank you." He smiled at me and left. Then the telephone here in my office rang.

[Dr. Jen, emergency room now] i ended the call and i get to go there.

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