MK - Chapter Five

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Saturday, September 30th, 2017

1:00 pm

Aiesha's POV

I marched right back inside the restaurant and did not care if I was about to go to jail! I hate Jay Thomas for what he did to my sister!

"You see what your freaking bet did to my sister!!!" I stood there and punched both of them in the face!! "You better pray my sister doesn't die!!"

"I-I-it was a harmless bet!" He had the nerve to scream out.

"My sister is on the way to a freaking hospital! There is nothing harmless about that!! I hate you! I freaking hate you!!"

"Aiesha baby, let's go. Niko sent me a text that they are taking Tati to Memorial General Hospital. And, we need to call your parents."

Matti picked me up and carried me out of the restaurant. I screamed, "You are going to pay! You hear me!!"

As soon as we stepped outside, Matti held me in his arms for a few minutes and let me cry.

"Sweetheart, I need you to calm down for me. Then, we need to call Jarvis and Pandora. Niko is not going to let them get away with this. His bodyguards are waiting for them to leave the restaurant, which they are trying to do now. They are the biggest bunch of cowards I have seen."

I turned around and saw what Matti was talking about. I have never hated someone more than I do now. "I hope Niko punishes them severely, and I want to watch!!"

It took me another 20 minutes to calm down. "Okay. I'm calm enough. Let's go." We got in Matti's Range Rover and headed to the hospital. On the way, I called my mom.


Aiesha: "M-m-mom, Tati was rushed to Memorial! And, it doesn't look good for her to make it."

Pandora: "She was what?! What the heck happened to my child?!"

Aiesha: "Matti says he better tell you. It really hurts, mom."

Pandora: "Aiesha baby, it's okay. We are on the way!"


Niko's POV

When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Tatianna's old boss and several nurses were waiting. The paramedics gave Tatianna's vitals as she was rushed inside.

"Mr. Kostopoulos, we will make sure Tatianna gets the best care. We will have one of the nurses take you to the private waiting room."

"Thank you."

"Mr. Kostopoulos, I am Tati's friend, Yuri. Please follow me."

I followed Yuri to the waiting room.

"It's right in here. If you need anything, please let me know."


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