MK - Chapter 26

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Monday, September 3rd, 2018

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Monday, September 3rd, 2018

Tatianna's POV

I shouldn't jump to conclusions about Niko's positive test. I have to open it to enter the information into the computer. So, here I go.

I opened Niko's folder and saw, "Tylenol?!"

Why did I let myself get worked up over that? But he never came to ask me for any. He must keep it at his desk. I'll ask him about it when I go up for the meeting, which I should be going up to now.

I grabbed my laptop, then walked out of my room. "Jenny, can you shut my door? I'm going up to Niko's office for a meeting."

"Sure, Tati. I'll take care of it."

After leaving Jenny's office, I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. Once it opened, I pressed Niko's floor.

Aubrey was at her desk when I stepped off.

"Hi, Aubrey. Is Niko free?"

"Um, he is on the phone screaming at someone. Proceed with caution."

"Thanks." I need to ask him how often he takes Tylenol for a headache. He may have an underlying condition.

As I approached Niko's office I heard him slam the phone down. Then, it sounded like he was opening a drawer, possibly for some Tylenol. I knocked before entering.

"Come in." He sounded really irritated but calmed down a smidge when he saw me enter. I hope he doesn't snap when we talk.

"Niko, babe, are you okay?"

"I have the worst migraine headache right now. And, it has been a stressful morning since I came into the building."

"Uh, Niko, how often do you get migraines and take Tylenol for it?"

"It feels like often over the past two years. Why do you ask?"

"Your results came back positive for acetaminophen, which is Tylenol. And, it looks like you took a little more than a maximum dosage. When was your last migraine?"

"It was Monday before the drug testing. Dang, I totally forgot."

"Listen, when was the last time you went to a doctor's office? And, be honest with me."

"To be honest, I can't even remember. I always say I am going to schedule an appointment, but forget."

"Nikolas Romanos Kostopoulos, why have you not seen a doctor in a while? I ought to give you a beating. Where do you feel the pain the most?"

"It usually starts in my forehead, then around my eyes."

"Niko, I want you to schedule an appointment. And, I will sit here and wait until you do. The frequency of your migraines could mean there may be another underlying medical issue. I'm not saying it is though. To err on the side of caution, please get a medical exam. You and I have a bright future together. I want a healthy Niko by my side for as long as we both shall live. Memorial General has some of the best physicians in the country. You took one from there, remember?"

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