Chapter 2

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Austin's POV

I look up and smile at my best friend Katie. Her tan skin coming from her Hispanic family background, she has long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that almost match her eyes perfectly. She is wearing a typical Katie outfit which is A black lace crop top, jean shorts that don't leave much to the imagination, a white and black shirt tied around her waist, and black lace up heels. "Tell me you are now really doing homework right now." Katie says to me sitting in front of me looking at me then to the math homework in front of both of us. "I am just trying to get my homework done for the weekend." Katie rolls her eyes as I turn my attention back to the work in front of me. "You need to have some fun." I shake my head not looking up at her. "I have my own version of fun, and you are looking at me." Katie shuts my math book and holds the book closed with her hands. "You need to have some real fun, and that would mean leaving the dorm room for something else then classes." I sigh loudly looking up at her through my glasses.

 "You have your ways and I have my ways." I pull the book from underneath her hands and place it next to me knowing that I was not going to get anymore work done while she was around. "That is exactly why you are coming to a party with me tonight." I look at her like she has lost her mind. "You must be thinking of Chad because I don't do parties." I say snapping at her a little. "Will you just trust me, if you go to the party you might just have a good time, and even better you might meet someone." I gather up my stuff off the ground before I stand up. "I don't think this is the best idea Katie." Katie stands up and looks me deep into my eyes and places her hands on my shoulders. "If you go to this one party I will never ask to any other party until the end of time." I let out a little laugh upon hearing her say that. 

"You said that about ditching class, and look how well that turned out." Katie takes my hand giving me a sad pleading look in her eyes. "Please Austin, if you really are my best friend then you will go with me." I realize that this is losing battle, I let out a large deep sigh. "I know I am going to regret this but where is this party?" Katie smiles a big smile at me as she starts to bounce a little. "It is being thrown at the Alpha Delta frat house." I am already regretting agreeing to go, the frat house parties are more making out, drinking, and hooking up and less actual dancing and partying. "I guess I could go for a little bit, but under one condition." Katie smiles grows bigger on her face. "Name it." I look at her with seriousness in my eyes. "The second I want to leave we both walk out there and go back to the dorm room." Katie nodes her head but puts her finger up. 

"In that case, you have to stay at the party for at least an hour, and then after that we can leave if you want." I slowly nod my head agreeing to the terms that we have come up with. "I love you Boo." She hugs me knowing that I have once again given into her, but she is my best friend and I would do anything for her. "Since we are going to the party we need to get ready, and that means we need to find you something hot to wear tonight." I look down at what I am currently wearing which Is a dark red and white long sleeve shirt, tan pants, and white sneakers on my feet. "What is wrong with what I have on?" Katie looks at my outfit then back to me. "Nothing if you are going to play chess for the chess team, we are going to frat party, and that means we need something that will make you stand out." I start walking away heading in the opposite of the dorms and in the direction of the library. 

"I have changed my mind, I am not going." Katie hurries and steps in my path. "Your promised, and I give you my word that you will like the makeover that I am going to give you." Before I can say anything, Katie grabs my hand and leads me to the dorms. "I don't feel good." I say feeling this awful pit in my stomach. Katie laughs shaking her head at me, "You can get drunk at the party, and tomorrow you can complain about not feeling well." I roll my eyes. "So just going to this party isn't enough for you, now I am going to be drinking." Katie keeps walking not looking back at me as the two of us head towards the dorm. "Drinking is a must at a party like this, it is the only way to make sure that you have fun, if you don't drink you are just going to be miserable." I look at her not understanding a word of what just came out her mouth. 

"That is the most idiotic formula that I have ever heard before in my live." Katie stops walking and turns to me. "For one night, I want you to experience what college has to offer, and I think that you might just like this lifestyle." I shake my head at her. "I am only going a favor to you, and that is all. Don't expect this to be a normal thing." Katie just sighs because she knows I am just as stubborn as she is. "Fair enough." Katie retakes my hand and pulls me towards our dorm room and most likely to my death.   

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