Chapter 27

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Austin's POV

Garrett and I have been in car for about an hour and we are down in the heart of city and very far from campus which I think Garrett wanted so that we could hang out without anyone catching us. "Can I ask why you brought me to the city to hang out?" Garrett doesn't answer me right away instead he pulls into a parking spot and shuts the car off before turning to me. "I was thinking that we could hang out one on one without the influence of having to defend ourselves if someone sees us." Garrett gets out of the car and stretches as he looks around his surroundings. I get out of the car and the first thing I hear is the sound of carnival music, people laughing and talking in the distance and people screaming. I then just now notice a large carnival going on not far from where Garrett parked. "A carnival? You brought me to hang out with you at a carnival?" I ask giving Garrett my most confused face because out of everything that crossed my mind of hanging out with Garrett, a carnival didn't even crack the top 100. "It is an annual city charity carnival that happens each year, and I thought it would be fun." Garrett smiles at me as he places his hands in his pockets and starts walking towards the carnival. I sigh not knowing if this is smart idea or flat out stupid, but I quickly run up to Garrett catching up with him. "I have to say that this is a complete surprise." Garrett doesn't say anything as the two of us walk up to the window. "Two." Garrett says pulling out his wallet and paying the man. "You didn't have to pay for me, I can pay for myself." He just shrugs his shoulders as he walks inside the main area. "You will pay next time we hang out." I take another deep breath as I enter the main part with him. Garrett and I have been walking around the large carnival and we haven't even covered half of it yet, but out of the blue Garrett suddenly stops and walks over to one of the games. "Step right up and test your strength!" The man yells as he smiles at Garrett and I who approach the game, "Please tell me that you are not actually going to play this rigged game?" I say looking up at the 20 feet high tower. "Rather it is rigged or not every dollar goes towards charity, and that makes it worth it." Garrett says walking up to the man and handing him money. "Alright, good luck sir." The man in the booth says. Garrett picks up the hammer with any real effort at all, "You might want to stand back." Garrett says looking at over his shoulder, and I take the advance by taking several steps backwards. Garrett lifts the hammer high in the air and slams it as hard as he can on the lever, the puck shots up and to my shock I soon hear the sound of a bell ringing. "That is incredible." I say in more astonishment then I cared for. Garrett smiles a prideful smile as the places the hammer down, "Guess you can call me Superman." Garrett jokes as he flexes his arms showing off his muscler arms. I laugh at him before he goes to the booth and picks out a large stuffed snake as he his prize. "That was more fun that I thought it would be." He comments walking back over to me. "What should we play next?" He asks and I just look around unsure of what to say. "You're not having fun?" He says wrapping the stuffed snake around his shoulders, "I am, it is just we haven't been here long enough for me to know if I am really having fun yet." Garrett rolls his eyes as he starts walking away, "You need to let loose Bookworm, you are so scared of what people will think of you that you are forgetting what real fun is like." I scoff at that completely true comment. "Scoff all you want but you know that is the truth, and that is one of the reasons I brought you here, no one knows who you are and that means no one will judge you." I start feeling like maybe Garrett is right, and as I look around I notice that no one is watching us because they are more concerned with their own lives. "You get be yourself and forget about everything else." Garrett walks off and leaves me by myself to figure out if I have in me to really let myself go for the first time in a long time. "Come on Bookworm, I have a game that is perfect for you!" Garrett hollers as I smile as I run towards Garrett and decide to follow his advice. I meet up with Garrett in front of a large tank of water with a small diving board inside. "You want to me to play the dunk tank?" Garrett nods his head as he hands me the three balls. "But just so that it will be extra fun I have a special person that will be sitting in the dunk tank." I look at him confused but as Garrett takes off his shoes, socks, and shirt I realize that the special person is him. "You are going to put yourself in the dunk tank?" Garrett nods his head as he walks away from me and few seconds later appears in the dunk tank wearing only a pair of swim trunks. "Give me your best shot Bookworm." Garret mocks me as he sits down on the diving board. I throw the first ball and it misses. "Really? No wonder you never played any sports in high school." I look at him with a sly smile, "You really think taunting me is best idea?" Garrett just laughs raising one of eyebrows at me. "I don't think I have to worry too much." I take a deep breath and throw another ball but that one misses too. "Strike two for the geek that has never had a date in his life." I take a deep breath before throwing my last ball and to my amazement I actually hit the target and right as I do Garrett falls into the water. I run up to the tank laughing my head off just as Garrett breaks to the surface. "Nice to see that you are now enjoying yourself." Garrett smiles as he slicks his hair back and as I look at him I can't help but feel strange in a sort of way. "You alright?" He asks as he climbs out of the tanks and heads into the tent. I nod my head and as I walk over to claim my prize my attention is suddenly drawn to a large mirror and in the mirror, I see Garrett just in his boxers as he changes his clothes, the feelings I am having get stronger and I quickly grab my prize before walking away to wait for Garrett. As I am pondering what is going on with me Garrett steps out of the tent still soaking wet but he is now fully dressed back in his clothes. "I thought that maybe we could go on the Ferris Wheel next?" Garrett offers and without answering him I nod my head as he and I starts heading in that direction. 

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