Chapter 32

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Austin's POV

I arrive to the hospital and quickly get out of my car and head inside to the front desk, "Hi Austin." The receptionist says smiling. The reason so many people know me here was because of my grandparents and my parents. "Hello Lucy, I am looking for a friend of mine that has been admitted overnight." Lucy logins into her computer and pulls up a list of patients, "Name of the friend?"She asks looking up at me from her computer screen, "Huntsman, Garrett." I say trying to calm myself down because I can feel myself starting to get anxious. "Huntsman is in room 978, third floor." I smile at her as I head to the elevator, "Thank you Lucy." I say as she smiles back at me and I step into the elevator and hit the number 3 and as the doors close I let out a deep breath sliding down the wall until I am sitting on the floor. I start blaming myself for this happening because I should have checked up on him after class or even when he showed up at my dorm room last night and I knew that something was wrong. 

The doors open and I stand up off the ground before exiting the elevator and before I can start looking Garrett's room I see most of the frat guys waiting in the waiting room. Bryce is sitting down in one of chairs drinking a cup of coffee which I can only assume is to sober him up, Brad is stretched out on a large couch reading a magazine, Chet is sitting on the floor strumming a few cored of his guitar, Chad is leaning against the vending machine, Zane is sitting down bouncing his leg up and down with a conflicted look on his face, Brodie is on his cell phone which I think isn't allowed in a hospital,Colin is looking outside, Tripp is laying down looking up moving his lips slightly as he counts the ceiling tiles, and Hunter is pacing around the room like a mad man. "Hunter." I say breaking his contraction as he looks over at me along with the rest of the guys. I walk up to him as he walks up to me and we meet in the middle, "Thanks for coming Austin, it means more than you think." I nod my head as a feeling of easiness comes over me with being around the guys, "What exactly happened to him?" I ask and Hunter lightly leads me more to a quiet place so he and I can talk. 

"Like I told you on the phone, Garrett went on a huge bender after the confrontation in Ms. Gilbert class, and during the alpha delta fraternity bonfire Garrett suddenly passed out and I checked him and he wasn't breathing so we rushed him here." I feel a large amount of frustration towards Garrett right now but as I am about to say something the doctor comes out and Hunter rushes over to him, "Is Garrett going to be okay?" Hunter asks getting the attention of everyone else in the waiting room, "Garrett is going to be fine, I have determined that his condition is the cause of binge drinking which lead to alcohol poisoning." Everyone including myself lets out a huge breath of relief as the doctor smiles at everyone, "He is awake if anyone wants to see him." The doctor walks away as I start heading for the elevator but someone grabs my arm stopping me, "Where do you think you are going?"

Chad asks as I turn and look at him, "I am going back home, Garrett is going to be fine, and he is surrounded by his brothers."Chad shakes his head as he lets go of my arm, "Look, there is a reason that Hunter called you." I turn my body towards Chad, "I know why Hunter called me,he thought that since everyone else failed to control Garrett that maybe I could." Chad looks at me for a moment as a small smile comes across his lips. "No one can control Garrett, but the real reason Hunter called you is because Garrett wanted you here, he asked Hunter to call you." This catches me by complete surprise, I mean why would Garrett want me here, someone he barely knows and can't really stand for the most part rather than his brothers who are closer to him than his own family. "That doesn't make any sense, Garrett has no reason to want me here." Chad sighs nodding his head, "That is true, but it is also true that he wanted you here." I run my fingers through my hair feeling confused and mentally drained from the events of the day. "I guess I can stick around to make sure that he is okay." Hunter walks up to Chad and me and looks at me, "You should go in Austin." This makes me start freaking out on the inside as I just nod my head heading towards his room with a million different questions and a million different scenarios running through my brain.

I finally make it to the room and as I push the door open the sound of the machines beeping is the first thing that catches my attention, once I am further into the room I see Garrett laying the hospital bed looking like someone ran over him with a truck. "What are you doing here bookworm?"He asks as he sits up in the bed. I take a deep breath walking up to him. "Hunter called me and told me what happened, and then Chad told me that you asked Hunter to call me because you wanted me here." Garrett rubs the back of his neck with an awkward smile on his face. "I did say that, and before you go reading too much into this, the only reason I asked you here because you seem to bring a weird kind of calm feeling over me when you and I are together." I just simple nod my head not feeling the most comfortable right now, and things only go from bad to worse when I hear the sound of the bathroom door open.

"Now this is interesting, and I can't wait to hear what excuse the two of you come up with to explain this one." I feel the cold chill rush over my body as I turn around to see Logan standing there. 

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