Chapter 11

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Austin's POV

As I am walking back to mydorm room I can't help but think of what tutoring Garrett might be like I can'thelp but see the outcome only ending badly for me, but I am sure that Garrettisn't that much trouble, on the other hand the way Ms. Gilbert was talkingabout him he is going to need a miracle. I close my eyes for a second taking ina deep breath as I try to relax and get my mind back on track of my homeworkthat is waiting for me back in my room, that is how I am spending the eveningtonight, alone in my room with my homework and I say alone because I alreadyknow that Katie never stays home because she and Jonathan are always doingsomething. I start thinking of how nice it would be to have someone special inmy life but as I remind myself, there will time for all of that after Igraduate college and get a nice paying job. 

Thisgets me thinking of what Logan said last night about my parents, and it wascompletely true, my family has a long line of very successful people. Mygrandfather was a Harvard graduate and started his own business at the age of30. By the time my grandfather was 32 his company 'Black's stock andinvestments' was and still is one of the biggest success in the whole city. Mygrandmother was the head nurse at the local hospital for almost 27 years and itis also where she ended up meeting my grandfather. My father is an accountant,my mother is a psychiatrist, and my older brother oddly enough is nothing likethe rest of my family because instead of following in the family footsteps hedecided to backpack through the United States because he wanted to see theworld while he was still young enough to enjoy his life and that is what he isstill currently doing.

Thatleaves the Black family legacy on my shoulders, which is a lot of pressure fora young man like myself but family is important. I suddenly am snapped out ofmy thoughts by someone stopping in front of me. His dark brown hair is soakedin sweat, he has his headphones in his ears, his blue tank top is tucked intohis black shorts, and he has on a pair of old but expensive looking sneakers onhis feet. "Hey Austin." Eric says smiling at me as he catches his breath for amoment. "Hey Eric, I see you are back on your workout kick." Eric laughs softlyas he nods his head. "Summer is coming and everyone has to look." I roll myeyes at him as I wave his comment off. "What has you all deep in thoughttoday?" He asks taking a drink of his water. "Just a lot on my mind I guess." Isay putting on a fake smile to mask the unsure grim I am sure that was on myface. "You want to talk about it?" He asks sitting down on a nearby bench.

"Ijust got some complex news today, and I am not sure what to do." I say sittingdown next to Eric as I let out a huge sigh. "What was the news?" I turn my headto look at Eric unsure of what to do because I am not sure if I should tell himthe truth or just make something up. "Ms. Gilbert wants me to tutor another student,and normally I wouldn't care but this student is exactly the friendship type ofguy." Eric nods his head slinging his arm over the side of the bench. "You meanhe is a jerk." I slightly nod my head because it is kind of true but notcompletely true.

"Heis one of the most popular people around here and everyone knows him, and Iwould say that he is a stereotypical frat guy." This catches the attention ofEric and I soon realize what just came out of my mouth. "You're going to betutoring one of my brothers?" I just sit there not saying a word because Idon't want to give away anymore that I already have. "Just tell him that youhave friends in Alpha Delta, and if doesn't watch his step then he is going tohave to deal with all of this." I smile a fake smile at Eric nodding my head.If only Eric knew the truth, then he wouldn't be saying this right now becausehe along with 99.9 percent of this campus is scared of Garrett Huntsman andwith very good reason. 

"Iwill let him know." I say as Eric stands up off the bench and takes anotherdrink of his water. "I should get going, but I will catch up with you soon."Eric waves at me before he runs off. I wait until Eric is out of sight beforeletting out a deep breath that I was holding in. "I am not sure how long I cankeep this secret." I say out loud as I stand up off the bench adjusting myclothes and my bag. I start walking again towards my dorm but I am soon stoppedby sound of doors slamming open and glass breaking in the distance.

Iignore it because around campus that is very common noise. As I start readingmy book I forget to watch where I am going and slam right into someone makingme drop my book and a couple of papers on the ground almost knocking me over aswell. "Excuse me." I say and as I look at who I accidentally slammed into I findmyself wishing that I had taken the long way to my dorm room. "You again?" Theperson in front of asks. I stand there frozen unsure of what to say or what todo, standing in front of me is Garrett Huntsman,

and judging by the look on his face he must have been told about me tutoring him. "Hey Garrett." I say in a low tone of voice feeling his dark and menacing gaze burning a hole through me. 

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