Chapter 20

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Austin's POV

I am thankful that all myclasses are done for the day as I reach the front door of my dorm and as Iunlock the door and step inside my phone alerts me that I have a new email. "Neverget a moment to myself." I mutter out loud as I place my bag on the kitchentable and pull out my phone checking the email. I unlock my phone opening the emailto see that I indeed have a new email but according to phone this email is froman unknown sender. With my curiosity peaked I open the email, "I might bealways busy with the 100 things I do. But every time you and I are together Ican't help but think romantically about you." I read out loud noticing thatthis is second romantic note I have gotten from this unknown source, and thefirst would have been the note taped to my front door that I got a few daysago.

"Iwonder who this might be?" I ask myself but after a few seconds my mindswanders off the topic of the secret admirer and more to the fact that I havethis whole place to myself. I smile as I wander into the kitchen and startmaking myself a cup of tea, while I am making my tea I scroll through my dailyapps that I do on a normal basics but there is nothing new or interesting so Iput my phone on downtime so that I can actually have some time to myself whereI don't have to worry about anyone or anything. Once I have my cup of tea I getcomfortable on the couch and start watching one of the 13 episodes I have recordedof 'Ghost Adventures' which is one of my favorite shows.

Iam in the middle of an episode when the front door opens up and I look over tosee Katie walking inside looking very upset and frazzled. "What is wrong withyou? You look like you have seen a ghost." I say pausing my show and Katie doesn'tanswer me at first but instead she puts her stuff on table next to mine andsits down at the table. I sigh knowing that my tiny vacation from the world isover but then again, I didn't expect it to last as long as it did, I walk overto her taking the seat next to her and place my hand on her knee. "Boo, what iswrong?" I say and Katie looks up at me with a blank stare on her face almost likeshe is lost in the twilight zone. Katie blinks a few times as she refocuses, "SorryBoo, I just have a lot on my mind." She says running her fingers through herhair. "I can see that, you might tell me what you are dealing with, because Iam getting worried about you." I say with genuine concern and worry in my voiceand on my face.

Katieshakes her head and stands up from the table and make her way into the livingroom. "It is nothing that I can't deal with." She says putting on a fake smilethat I see right through. "Let's watch some 'Ghost Adventures'." She sayspicking up the remote and hitting play. I slowly get up from my chair and sitnext to her on the couch grabbing the remote and pausing the show again. "I knowyou better than this, and you have told me on several different occasions thatI sometimes know you better than you know yourself." Katie reaches for theremote but I pull away making sure she doesn't get it. "Did Jonathan and youhave a fight?" I ask knowing that with her this distraught it had something toso with Jonathan. "Jonathan and I are just fine, at least until he finds out."I scoot closer to her placing the remote on the other end table behind me. "Whatdid you do? Did you cheat on him?" I ask sticking my nose where it doesn't belongbut when your best friend is in trouble I think you have a right to stick yournose in their business. 

"Iwould never cheat on Jon. Can we please talk about something other than my situation?"She asks in a very defensive tone of voice. "You are my best friend and I wouldhave thought that after everything that we have been through that you would feelcomfortable telling anything." Katie sighs as she places her head on myshoulder. "I am in major trouble here Boo." I wrap my arms around her placingmy head on hers. "I can't help you unless I know that the problem is." Katielifts her head off my shoulder hand looks me in my eyes, "You promise that whatI am about to tell you will not change our friendship at all." I look at hernow worried about what was about to come out of her mouth. "I pinky swear." Ihold out my pinky to her as my nerves start getting the best of me as I justwant her to tell me whatever she needs to that way I can assist the situationand deal with it. "I haven't been feeling good as of late so I made anappointment to see my doctor, and after I told him my symptoms and he checkedeverything out he asked me when was the last time I had my period."

I look at her in shock because I already know what she is going to tell me and everything starts making sense to me now. "Oh for the love of god Boo. Are you really going to sit there tell me that you are pregnant?" I ask and Katie just nods her head looking down at the floor in shame. "I have no idea on how I am going to tell Jon." Katie starts balling her eyes out and the only thing I can think of doing is wrapping my arms around and let her cry. "It's okay Boo, everything is going to be okay, I promise that I will help you get through this." I whisper into her ear as I sit there letting her get everything out that she needed too. 

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