Chapter 23

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Austin's POV

I arrive at the library buildingwhich is a place that I know very well. Once I walk inside I look around thehuge three story library that is filled with aisles of more book than even Icould possible read. There are a handful of students walking around readingbooks, cramming last minute for their test, and most of the students are at thecoffee shop that is part of the library. The first person that I run into is Ms.Scone who runs the building. "Didn't expect to see you here this early Mr.Black." Ms. Scone says with a smile on her face pushing her glasses up on herface. "I am doing research for my end of the semester book assignment, we arereading 'And Then There Were None' by the queen of mystery of herself." lie trying to cover up my tracks the best Ican. "I would have expected you of all people to know everything there is toknow about Agatha Christie." I tilt my head to side feeling a little taken aback from that comment.

"Withall due respect Ms. Scone, the only person that could know everything aboutsomeone is that someone, and even they don't know everything." Ms. Scone fixesher glasses again with a grim look on her face. "Well dear, I expect you toknow where you are going." I nod my head with confidents unable to believe thatsomeone who that I thought would know me so well believed my flat out lie. Myphone suddenly goes off again, and once I unlock my phone and read another textfrom Garrett. 'Look Up.' The texts reads and I look at my phone screen confusedbut as I look up I see Garrett peering over the balcony on the second floor inclininghis head to tell me to get up there

I quicklywalk away from Ms. Scone and head up to the second floor, and once I make it tothe second floor I look around trying to find Garrett but right as I am aboutto give up and head to the third floor I feel someone grab the back of my denimjacket and pull me into of the study rooms. I see that person was Garrett, his lightbrown hair is spiked a little bit and his grey eyes show how paranoid he is becausehe is scared that someone will see us. He is wearing a black baseball jerseywith Huntsman spelled out on the back in white letters, a pair of loose red andblack cargo camo shorts, and black sneakers on his feet. "Are you sure no onesaw you?" He asks closing the door before turning his attention to me. I take adeep breath putting my stuff on the table in the room. "I am positive, I madeup an excuse to the two people that I have seen this morning." Garrett runs hishand through his hair clearly stressed out over this. Garrett sits down bouncinghis feet up and down.

"Whydid you pick this place of all places on campus to meet up at? I would havethought you would have picked some dark and strange place that is so far offthe grid that internet doesn't exist." Garrett looks at me with a grin on his facewhich hopefully means that he is starting to relax a little. "That was plan A,but I thought that for our first meeting we could try neutral ground and seehow it goes." I pull out my book and I am surprised to see Garrett do the same."We don't have a lot of time right now, so let's start with how far you haveread in the book." Garrett flips through the pages looking at the book with anannoyed and bored stare in his eyes. "I am only on chapter 3." He says tossingthe book onto the table. "Tell me what you think so far." Garrett just sighsand I can tell that he wants to be anywhere right now that isn't stuck in astudy room with me. "I think that payback is the best type of revenge, evenmore so when the person doesn't see it coming." 

Isit there dumb struck hearing Garrett Huntsman of all people talking like this,I guess the old saying is true, never judge a book by its cover. "That wasactually kind of insightful Garrett." I say as Garrett takes a drink of hiscoffee. "Don't sound too surprised, contrary to popular belief, I am actuallysmarter than people give me credit for." He says with a grin to match howprideful he feels right now. "You off of what you just said, it sounds like tome that you think that if someone has wronged you then it gives you the rightto wrong them in return." 

Garrettnods his head as he leans back in his chair. "Exactly, the people in this booktry to forget that they did wrong, and I know from personal experience that youcan't forget your sins and go on with life without knowing somewhere deep downthat you did wrong." A big part of me wants to ask him about what he is talkingabout but I don't because I don't want to upset him and dredge up his past. Garrettand I spend about an hour going back and forth working on his paper and themore I talk to him the more I am starting to understand his world a little bit,and I have to say that talking with Garrett is much more pleasant than Ithought it would be at first. The sound of clock tower interrupts Garrett andI, "That is the first warning bell and that means I should get going." I saysmiling a small smile as I gather my stuff up. "Austin?" I hear Garrett say asI look at him giving him my full attention.

"Thanksfor helping me, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Garrett grins at meas he finishes gathering his stuff. "Does this mean that you want to keep me onas your tutor?" I ask slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Yes, I would like youstay on as my tutor." Garrett rolls his eyes as the two of us walk out of theroom and down to the first floor of the library. "Whenever you want to meet upall you have to do is text me with a place, and I will meet you there as soonas I can." I say with Garrett and I walking out the building and back outside. "Soundslike a plan." Before Garrett or I could say anything else to each other we areboth caught off guard by the voice of one of the other Alpha Delta brothers.

"This is a rare sight if I ever saw one, Garrett Huntsman, the most popular and most feared man on campus talking with Austin Black, the guy with most square personality I have ever met." Brodie says looking between Garrett and me. I can tell by the look om Garrett's face that this is his worst nightmare come true, and as he body starts to shake a little I can also tell that he is starting to lose control on his emotions. "Now what could polar opposites like the two of you be talking about?" 

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