Chapter 24

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Austin's POV

"You don't know what youare talking about Brodie, why don't you do everyone a favor and keep walking." Garrettsnaps to Brodie walking down a few of the steps and from the untrained eye itwould seem that Garrett just put himself between Brodie and myself, but I knowthat this is not enough to make Brodie drop this. "Judging from your reactionHuntsman, I would say that whatever you two were talking about was ratherpersonal." Garrett lets out a laugh as he walks up to Brodie getting into hisface with Garrett only trying to intimidate Brodie to get him to leave. "Yougot one more snarky comment to make before I knock you on your ass." Brodiedrops his bag and Garrett does the same, "Really Mr. Probation? You are you goingto risk your third strike and expulsion over something like this?" Brodie asks whichgets me wondering about what caused Garrett to get his other two strikes, butif I had to guess I would say that he let his anger get the best of him andpicked a fight with the wrong person. 

"Whydon't you go find some girl that you can disappoint in bed." Garrett growls andBrodie just laughs taking his hat off his head and readjusting it beforeplacing his back on his head. "Ask any girl that has spent the night in my bedand I promise you that I leave all my customers very satisfied." Brodie shotsback, and before either one of them can throw an unnecessary punch I speak upfor the first time. "You want to know the truth Brodie?" I say catching theattention of both Garrett and Brodie as the two of them turn and look at me. "Fromwhere you are standing I am sure that it might have looked like we weretalking, but as you pointed out Garrett and I aren't the type of people thatwould have a normal conversation." Garrett looks at me with the most furious expressionon his face. We weren't talking, I made a certain comment about CassidyWilliams that Garrett overheard, and he didn't like it." I lie but as Garrett looksat me I can tell that he trying to come up with something to say that wouldkeep this story on track. "What was the comment?" Brodie asks and before I cananswer him it is Garrett this time who is the one to cut me off,

"IDON'T WANT TO HEAR IT AGAIN DUDE! LET'S JUST SAY THAT IT WAS A CERTAIN NAMETHAT SOMEONE SHOULDN'T CALL SOMEONE ELSE!" Garrett yells as he turns hisattention to me. Once his back it Brodie I can see him mouth the words 'thankyou' and I just slightly incline my head letting him know that there wasnothing to it. "REMEMBER WHAT I SAID!" Garrett yells as he walks up to me andgrabs me by my jacket, "WATCH YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU MIGHT HAVE FRIENDS IN THE FRATERNITYHOUSE BUT I RUN THE PLACE! AND I THINK THEY ARE MORE SCARED OF ME THEN THEY AREOF YOU!" Garrett yells in my face, and I am not sure at this point if he isacting or if he kind of serious. Garrett lets me go shoving me a little walkingaway grabbing his bag off the ground and pushing Brodie out of his way andwalking off.

OnceGarrett is gone I fix myself letting out a large sigh as I down the steps onlyto get stopped by Brodie. "You seem pretty shaken up there." I nod my head becauseif I am being honest with myself I am, acting or no acting Garrett Huntsman isstill one of the scariest people on campus. "I will be fine Brodie, butthankfully you showed up before Huntsman decide to put his fist through myface." Brodie looks me with his deep green eyes and I can tell that he is searchingfor the truth. "How is your modeling for Calvin Klein going?" I ask him tryingto get him off track of Garrett and me. "It is going okay, I have had a coupleof photo shoots done recently, some people would say that the pictures are for someone my age, but I can handle it."Brodie smiles placing his hands behind his head, "Isn't the whole point of posingfor Calvin Klein to try to as provocative as possible?" I ask him which getshim to out a simple laugh nodding his head. "People around campus are sayingthat the only reason I am modeling is because of sex, but that isn't true." Inod my head understanding that Brodie doesn't want to be thought of as somekind of cheap sell out. "I think those people on campus are saying that becausewhen you think or see an ad that come from Calvin Klein, they are based of sexor sexual situations and poses." Brodie takes a step back and places his handsin the pocket of his shorts. "If it what you want to do and you are loving it,then forget about everyone else, modeling makes you happy and that is all thatmatters." I readjust my bag before stepping around Brodie.

. "Now I really need to go, I have history with Mr. Orson, and if I am late I am never going to be able to forgive myself." I give Brodie one last smile before we both walk off in different directions. I have finally made it to the history building and as I walk inside the classroom I see that most of the class is already here, I walk down the steps to the front of the classroom and take the open seat on the end. I have all my stuff out ready for history but a dark shadow is casted over me "What did you say to Brodie?" Garrett asks in a dark and dangerous hush tone of voice placing his both of his arms on either side of me trapping me in my car.

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