Chapter 10

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Austin's POV

I have gotten so engrossed inthe book that I have lost all track of time and it isn't until the sound of thedismissal bell that I am pulled out of my thoughts. "I want everyone to readchapter's 3 through 10 before our next class." Everyone mumbles as they puttheir stuff away. "You coming Austin?" Caleb asks me as he slings his bag overhis shoulder. As I turn to face Caleb I see Zane jump onto his back messingwith hair. "What happened to you this morning?" Zane said as he and Calebwrestle around a little bit as Zane gets off Caleb's back with both of themlaughing. "I just wanted to go for a walk and I ended up running into Austin."

Chadsmiles at me inclining his head, Zane just gives me a sideways look, Brodiejust nods his head in a not caring sort of way, and Garrett just stare at mewith his intense and cold piercing grey eyes. "Come on guys, we need to getgoing." Garrett remarks as he looks towards me with a confused look on hisface. "Do I know you? You look familiar." I know that I should tell me aboutour encounter from last night but that whole night except for my talk withTripp is something that I want to forget. "No, I know who you are, but otherthan that I don't think we really know each other." I say as Garrett looks atme already bored with our conversation. "I'm out of here." Garrett slaps Chadand Zane on the backs as the two of them follow Garrett up the stairs.

"August!"Garrett snaps making Chad look at me with regret in his eyes as I just nod myhead and Chad rushes off to catch up with the other three. "We could gosomewhere and read." Caleb offers and I know he is just being kind but I don't wanthim getting into trouble with Garrett. "It's okay Caleb, I will catch up withyou later." I say as Caleb gives me a quick hug before heading out of theclassroom. I gather up my stuff puttingeverything away in the right spot before setting Ms. Gilbert's copy of the bookon her desk and right before I head for the exit the voice of Ms. Gilbertcatches me. "Mr. Black, I was hoping that I could talk to you privately for amoment."

Iturn back around to face my teachers as I nod my head. 'Of course, Ms. Gilbert,but may as I ask what this about?" I ask her as I place my bag down and sit inthe seat across from her. "You aren't in any trouble by any means, but there isa favor I wish to ask of you." This causes me to look at her confused and titlemy head to side, "What could you possible want from me?" Ms. Gilbert takes adeep breath before opening her desk and pulling of a file, "The favor isn't exactlyfor me but you would be helping me along with someone else that really needshelp in this class." I just nod my head unsure of where Ms. Gilbert is goingwith this conversation.

"WhatI am asking of you Mr. Black, I need you to help tutor a fellow student." Ilean back in my chair just staring into the eyes of one of the teachers that Irespect more than anything. "Who is the student?" I ask and this causes nervousnessto flash in the eyes of Ms. Gilbert. "It is Mr. Huntsman." As soon as that nameleaves her lips I feel my freeze in my seat as everything around me startsmoving in slow motion. "Are you asking me to tutor Garrett Huntsman?" I sitthere praying that she is talking about another person with the last nameHuntsmen, "Yes, he needs to pass this end of the semester assignment, otherwisehe will fail the class and won't get the credit." I feel kind of awkward as Ms.Gilbert tells me something about Garrett that I am positive that she isn't supposedto tell me.

"DoesGarrett know anything about this?" Without saying a word Ms. Gilbert shakes herhead putting me in an even more awkward situation. "I was going to talk to himabout once I talked to about it, I just wanted to make sure that you wouldagree before I told Mr. Huntsman anything." I nod my head understanding her logicof not wanting to tell Garrett anything if I choose not to do it. "Think of asa chance to help out a fellow student, and I know that you have helped outother students in other subjects." I know I have too but none of the othersthat I tutored were not Garrett Huntsman.

"PleaseAustin." Ms. Gilbert says and I just sit there without saying a word of thelongest time as I start thinking of the pros and cons of tutoring GarrettHuntsman. After completing the list in my head, I count that the cons outweighthe pros but something in my heart is telling to ignore my head and just giveit try. "Okay, I will tutor Garrett Huntsman." I say out loud alreadyregretting that as a bad taste in my mouth forms, but seeing the smile on Ms.Gilbert almost makes it worth it, but only almost. "Thank you, and I will makesure to talk to Mr. Huntsman right away so the two of you can get together andcome up with some kind of plan." 

Inod my head standing my from my chair and picking up bag. "Thank you for havingsuch faith in me Ms. Gilbert, it means a lot." Ms. Gilbert starts writing stuffon paper as she looks back up at me. "Of course, you are the brightest studentI have Mr. Black. Now I will require a check in with me every few weeks so allthree of us can talk about how process is going." I pull out my phone from mypocket and open my calendar to see what days I have free which if you know me isn'tmany.

"I can do the week before the end of the semester." Ms. Gilbert nods her head writing the date down on a sticky note. "Very well Mr. Black, have a good day." I smile at her telling her the same as I walk out of the classroom and once I step foot outside I feel my body starting to shake as the reality of the what I just agreed to do hits me.

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