Chapter 12

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Austin's POV

"I remember you, you'rethat geek from the frat party last night that spilled his drink on Cassidy." Ihold in my breath as I start thinking of what Garrett might do to me now thathe remembers what happened last night, and him remembering anything from lastnight is a miracle since how much he tends to drink, but that information of coursecomes from the other frat brothers that I am close to. To my surprise and shockGarrett holds out his hand to me. "Sorry about Cassidy last night, Cassidy canbe a real over the top drama queen." I just nod my head as I look at Garrett tohis hand then back to Garrett unsure if this was just to set me up. 

Ifinally take his hand as he pulls me to my feet without much effort. "I havealways wondered why you and she have been together so long, Granted the two ofyou share some of the same personality traits, but in other ways Cassidy andyou are very different." Garrett just shrugs his shoulders. "Cassidy is thetype of girl that I need in my life right now." I just nod my head knowing verywell that is just Garrett's nice way of saying Cassidy is an easy girl to getbetween the sheets, but the more I see them together the more I can't help butthink that it is Cassidy who is using Garrett instead of Garrett using her. "I haveknown Cassidy for a long time and it seems like the more the time that goes bythe more she only cares about her beauty and staying at the hierarchy no matterthe cost."

Garretttitles his head to the side and lets out a genuine laugh which sounds a lotdifferent from the normal laughter that I hear from him. "The nerd has sharp asharp tongue, and I can agree on that to a certain level because I know frompersonal experience that Cassidy can be shallow." I nod my head as look down tosee my stuff still on the ground. I bend down and start picking up my bookalong with a few papers and I soon see Garrett picking up the other papers.Garrett and I stand back up and he hands me the rest of my papers, butsomething catches his eye as I take the papers. "That paper says Austin Blackon it." I freeze in my spot as I mentally slap myself in the head for notmaking sure that I got all the papers before he noticed my name. "Ms. Gilberttold me that someone named Austin Black was going to be my tutor." 

Ican see everything click inside Garrett's brain as his gaze that has beenlocked on me turns dark and cold. "You're Austin Black? You are going to betutoring me?" I nod my head sacred to say a word as Garrett takes both his handsgripping me tightly by my plain blazer as he pulls me close to him making me considerthe stone unforgiving stare of his grey eyes that are darker than normal. "I amnot interested in getting tutored by someone like you, and if you even breath aword of what Ms. Gilbert asked you too then I will have no problem making everyday of your college live a living hell until the moment you graduate." Garrettsays in a threatening and low tone of voice which makes me scared to deathknowing that he is still telling the truth.

"Iwasn't going to tell anyone." Garrett looks at me confused from my truthfulcomment. "What are you talking about? I am sure that you couldn't wait to tell anyonethat will listen that you are tutoring me." I shake my head. "Believe me when Isay that tutoring you is just as much fun as you wanting to be tutored by me."I choose my words carefully because the truth is that I don't want to tutorGarrett because the Garrett Huntsman I know is hot-tempered, violent,dishonest, argumentative, arrogant, and just an all-around bully. "What do youmean by that?" Garrett asks tightening his grip on my plain blazer. "What is Imean is that since the day I met you I have come to notice that you likescaring and hassling people into doing what you want and when you want it."Garrett inclines his head slightly as I can a small smile start to appear onhis lips but he soon goes back to his normal angry self.

"Thenwhy did you tell Ms. Gilbert that you were okay with it?" Garrett says lettingme go dropping me to the ground. "I only said yes because like you and some ofyour Neanderthal frat brothers have pointed out I am a nerd and I can't help itwhen a teacher asks for my help." I say picking myself up off the ground. "JUSTSHUT UP YOU LITTLE DINK! YOU DON'T KNOW AS MUCH ABOUT ME AS YOU THINK YOU DO!"Garrett yells at me as his known hot-tempter starts to get the best of him. "Iknow that must have been a very reason for Ms. Gilbert to ask me to tutor you."I make sure that I don't let it slip out what Ms. Gilbert told me aboutGarrett. The anger finally gets to Garrett as he grabs one of the trash binsand hurls it at me but lucky for me I duck just in time avoiding it. "I DON'TNEED A TUTOR AND I DON'T NEED TO LISTEN TO YOU OR MS. STUCK ENGLISH TEACHER!" Garretstorms off pushing and making people cower away from him as he walks.

I just let out a huge sigh knowing that isn't how I wanted this to go but a part of me already knew that it was going to end up like that one way or another, at least I didn't get hurt in the process which it a big bonus. I just fix myself up and once again start making my way to my dorm room wanting nothing more than to be around my books. 

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