Chapter 5

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Thefour of us finally arrive to the frat house and the place is huge with 12windows just on the front of the house and a medium sized balcony. As the fourof us pile out of Chad's car I look around. "Don't be nervous Boo, no one isgoing to mess with you with these two around." Katie says pointing to Chad andJonathan in an attempt to make me feel better but it was working because mystomach just tied itself into more knots as the four of us start making our wayup the driveway and into the house, and before we enter the house I don't knowwhy but I feel the urge to look up and as I do I see Garrett huntsman standingthe balcony, our eyes lock for a moment before I walk into the house and intothe rowdy frat party.

Oncethe four of us enter the house Jonathan kisses Katie's lips before disappearingwith Chad into the massive party. "Come one I want to introduce you." Katiegrabs my hand as she pulls me further into the party. I look around to seerowdy party people with several different colored cups around the room. AsKatie and I are walking around this huge house someone walks up to me and handsme a blue plastic cup and I look around to notice that there are severaldifferent colors of cups around the place and as Katie turns around to me shenotices that I have the blue cup in my hand. "That is the spirit Boo, but Inever knew you were a vodka drinker." I look at her then to the blue cup in myhand with a confused look on my face. "What are you talking about?" Katie takesthe blue cup from me and starts drinking it, "Each cup has something differentin it depending on the color of the cup." 

Ilook at her with a very puzzled look on my face and I think she noticed becauseshe rolls her eyes with a small smile on her lips. "Red cups have beer in them,Blue cups have vodka in them, green cups have tequila in them, black cups have Jack Daniels in them, orange cups have rum inthem, white cups have amaretto in them, and lastly you have the purple cupswhich have whatever special the frat boys decided to make tonight." I nod myhead understanding that each drink has their own color that way if you arelooking for a certain drink you know what color to look for.

Katiefinishes the vodka before placing the cup on an end table as she takes my handagain and leads me into a medium sized room that has a small group of the fratguy. Katie and I sit down on the couch joining the group that consists of JeremiahWeston who is laying on the couch drinking from a purple cup, Brodie Connor whois dancing slowly and sexually with a girl that will most likely end up in hisbed, Bryce Tabler who is sitting on the floor with his girlfriend between hislegs as they share black cup between them, and Brad Freedman is chilling in thecorner with a red cup in his hand.

"Inever thought I would see the day that Austin Black would step foot in a frathouse or even attend a party like this." Brodie comments smiling at me as thegirl he is dancing with puts her hands under his shirt and this catches theattention of Brodie who smiles at her before they start dancing to a differentsong. "You want a drink Austin?"Jeremiah asks as he hands me the purple cup that he was just drinking from. "I don'tdrink that much." I say with a nervous smile on my face and Katie being thebest friend that she is reaches over and snatches the purple cup from Jeremiah,"I am one not to waste." She winks me letting me know that she understands thatI am very outside my comfort zone. She takes a drink from it and I can smellthe different kinds of liquor that is in the cup. "I will be right back." I saystanding up off the couch and walking out of the room and into the chaos thatit supposed to be a frat party.

Iknew that I shouldn't have Katie talk into coming with her because right now Icould be back at my dorm room watching a movie, reading a book, or getting somestudying in before class in the morning. I turn a corner as a group of peoplewalk pass me giving me dirty looks and start laughing as the girls stumble upstairswith only the drunk frat boys to help him to make sure they don't hurt themselves.I suddenly smack into someone causing me to fall to the floor and a drink tospill all over. "You just ruined my dress!" Yells a female voice say and as Ilook up I see a very pissed off girl wearing a curve showing black dress withan open lace back and buckles and a pair of sliver high heels. Her name is CassidyWilliams and she is what may people say as the easiest girl on campus but Ihave been lucky that I have never crossed her path until now. "Relax Cassy, youweren't going to be in that dress for much longer anyways." I look at the guynext to her to see that it Garrett and he is wearing a black casual sleevelesshoodie, grey sweatpants, and black boots. 

Cassidy looks at him with a smile on her face as she starts running her fingers along the tattoos on his arms. "Watch where you are going next time!" Garrett snaps at me making me jump back a little and I run right into a wall. The two of them laugh at me as Garrett hands Cassidy his cup and then takes her hands as the two of them walk off. I regain my composer and make it back to my feet. "This night can't get any worse." I mumble to myself as I walk into the kitchen to see that the place has been turned into some kind of mad science lab with different stations for the alcohol to be refilled. "What do we have here?" I hear a spin chilling voice say behind me and as I turn around I see Logan staring at me with his soulless eyes. "Guess I was wrong, my night just got a whole lot worse." I say under my breath and low enough for Logan not to hear me. 

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