Chapter 35

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Austin's POV

Once I have read as far as we have gotten in class I stop and close the book. "Your views on what we just read?" I ask and Garrett just closes his eyes trying to get his thoughts together which must hard because of the morphine. "I think that what goes around comes around, all the characters in this book clearly get what is coming to them in one way or another, they all think that they got away with their crimes and the terrible things they did but at the very end someone finally had the balls to do what is right and did terrible things to them in the fashion the crime that was committed." I am finding myself getting more and more impressed with Garrett answers. "That is a great way of putting your point of view Garrett." I say and Garrett looks over at me with sleepy eyes, "It helps that I have such a great and understanding tutor." I just smile because I am not sure if he is telling the truth or if it is just the morphine talking.

"So,it was seem that you are saying that murder can be justified when the person committing the murder is doing it for the right reasons." Garrett just nods his head and I can tell that he is fall asleep. "They might not see it a crime at first because they are confusing what they would call justice but they are actually being blinded by vengeance." I smile at him again as I see that Garrett is fading fast. "Garrett, why don't get some sleep, we have gotten you caught up and once you are fully awake we can start working on your paper."Garrett closes his eyes but quickly opens them back up. "But we are just getting to the good part." Garrett says half asleep. Garrett soon falls asleep and I wait until I am sure he is fully asleep before standing up and stretching because of how long I have been sitting in that chair. I wander around the room looking out the window at the city under the cover of night, I start thinking of what is going to happen to Garrett and me once I am no longer this tutor, will be stay friends or will we just go back to him ignoring me and threatening every chance he can.

I turn around looking at Garrett as I hear the sound of him moving his sleep. I feel very confused about my feelings for Garrett and even more confused about this weird but nice friendship that seems to be blooming between the two of us."You're not going to sneak off, are you?" He asks not even opening his eyes but a sly grin on his face but I just roll my eyes playfully and shake my head, "I told you that I would stay the night to keep Hunter away and I never go back on my word." Garrett tires to sit up but before he can I place my hand on shoulder keeping him down, "You need sleep Garrett, and right now you are in no position to argue." Garrett places his hand on mine and I feel like a billion bolts of electricity start running through my body. "Even strung out on painkillers I could still beat you Bookworm." I just nod my head not wanting to start anything with him that would cause something to go wrong. "I am sure that you can, but we will have to try that experiment some other time." Garrett takes his hand off of mine before reaching for the TV remote and turning it on.

"What are you watching?" I ask looking at the screen to see some kind of animation show. "You have never seen South Park?" he asks looking at me like I am the most clueless person in the world. "Not really my kind of show, but I if I remember right I used to stay up late and watch with my brother." Garrett just starts laughing because of something on the show. "Are you going to tell me what your brother thinks of me?" I turn my attention from the TV to Garrett. "To be honest he never really said anything about you, he said a few things but I don't count that because you were drunk and he didn't know that." Garrett just turns his attention back to the TV and I sit back down in the chair next to the bed and watch the odd but hilarious show. I look over at Garrett to see that he starting to fall asleep again, "Sleep Garrett, or else you start spilling all your secrets to me." Garrett closes his eyes and seconds later the sound of his light snoring fills the room.

I spend most of the night watching the TV but after a while I get bored and I soon find myself looking at a sleeping Garrett and pondering these strange feelings that I have been experiencing around Garrett ever since the night at the carnival. I find myself feeling very comfortable but yet anxious around him, I know that this is first time I have ever felt this way about someone that wasn't a member of my own family, lately when I am around him I find myself feeling this special kind of electricity that I don't feel with anyone else, and I find it strange that I am having these feelings for someone that I don't even know that well. Suddenly it all becomes clear to me, the reason I feel like this, why I find myself wanting to spend time with him, and why no matter what I am doing I would be willing to drop everything at a moment's notice for him. I let out the biggest sigh as I place my head in my hands not wanting to admit the truth, and the truth is that I am falling in love with Garrett Huntsman. 

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