Chapter 39

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Austin's POV

"I am going to call campus security on you Logan." Logan starts laughing as he gets in my face and stares into my eyes, "You're not going to do anything, because you are going to help me get what I want." I look at Logan like he crazy because I would never help Logan Price of my own free will, "Why would I help you? I hate you with every fiber of my being." Logan takes a couple of steps back but puts himself between me and the door, "You are going help me because if you don't then I will have no choice but to tell the whole school that you are gay and that you are in love with Garrett Huntsman." My body freezes in place as the words come out of Logan's mouth as I just stare at him with death glare, "You wouldn't do that."I say and Logan rises one of his eyebrows at me,

"Are you forgetting who you are talking to? Need I remind you that in high school I am the one that got my computer programming teacher fired because I lied to the principle." It is hard to believe but I now see Logan in a different light, and this light is one far darker than I thought even Logan could go. "It would be your word against mine." Logan starts laughing again as he looks at me and laughs even more, "I am feared on campus, I am part of the Alpha Delta Fraternity, and I am one of the most popular guys around here." I have to admit that I sort of forget about that, Logan does have the power to make my life hell. "And you think everyone on campus finding out is bad, wait until dear old mom and dad find out, imagine how long they will mourn for the loss of everything they wanted for you." I look down at the floor knowing that if my parents found out it would be the biggest disappointment of the Black family.

"It is your choice Austin, I either keep your secret as long as you do something for me, or I can make sure that everyone knows by the time the sun comes up." I wipe away the tears from my eyes knowing that I only had on option. "What do you want me to do?" I say look at Logan who has a satisfied smirk on his face,"You are making the right choice." I just sigh knowing that I am going regret helping Logan, "All I want is Cassidy." I look at him confused as to how he expects me to give him a person. "You need to clear that up because I am not sure how you think I can give you Cassidy Williams." Logan leans against the door and crosses his arms over his chest, "All you need to do is break up Garrett and Cassidy, I will take care of the rest." I already regret agreeing to help him because I know how much Cassidy seems to matter to Garrett even if anyone with eyes can clearly see that Cassidy is just using Garrett for statue sand her personal amusement.

"And I am giving you until the end of the semester." Logan just made this almost impossible because the end of semester is closer than I would like. "How am I supposed to break them up?" Logan just shrugs his shoulders, "That is up to you, just make sure you do it." Logan steps towards me but we are interrupted by the arrival of another frat brother. His light brown hair is covered up by the black backwards hat on his head, he is shirtless with only a pair of black sweatpants and black boots. "What are you doing here Logan?" Bryce asks looking from Logan to me then back to Logan, "I heard a loud noise and thought that I would make sure that everyone was okay." Logan says death glaring me, "Austin,are you alright? Your shaking." I look down at my hands to see that I am indeed shaking a little bit, "I was just watching a scary movie and got scared, the loud noise Logan heard was me accidentally knocking over my lamp."

The look on Bryce's face tells me that he knows that something is going on, "What brings you by Tabler?" Logan asks trying to get Bryce off the truth and get him out of here sooner rather than later. "I came by to give this to Austin." Bryce reaches into his pocket and pulls out a flash drive, "Where did you get my flash drive?" I ask as Bryce hands it over to me,"Strangely enough I wasn't the one that found it, Garrett found it." Logan smiles over at me knowing that this just adds fuel to the fire. "What was Garrett doing with it?" I ask him putting the flash drive in my pocket, "All he said that it must belong to you because he checked what is on it, and told me to give it back to you." I just nod my head thinking of when Garrett might have accidentally got it, "Thank you for returning it, and thank Garrett for me when you see him again." Bryce nods his head as he turns his attention to Logan,

"I think we should get back to the house, don't you think Price." Logan and Bryce stare each other down, "I wasn't done with my conversation with Austin." Bryce smiles a small smile as he backs Logan up a little bit, "I think you are, and given your history with Austin I don't feel comfortable leaving the two of you alone." I sigh knowing that if I wanted Logan to keep my secret I might to start protecting him. "Bryce, it's okay, I was just actually going back inside to get my shoes on, I was going for a walk." Bryce breaks the stare down he is having with Logan to look over at me, "Alright, but Logan is will leaving with me, Garrett wants to talk to him." Bryce grabs the back of Logan's shirt as he shoves Logan in front of him making sure that Logan was in front of him.

I let out a deep breath before walking back into the dorm and grabbing my shoes and slipping them on. "I need some fresh air." I say tying my shoes before walking out of dorm room and head outside to the dim lighted campus.  

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