Chapter 7

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Austin's POV

Tripp swims to the side ofthe pull and lifts himself out of the pool. "I hate them." Tripp mumbles as hesits down at the edge of the pool. I walk over to where they keep the pool suppliesand grab one of the bigger towels before walking over to Tripp putting itaround him. "I don't need you getting sick on me." I smile at him and hereturns the smile as I sit down next to me. "You are starting to sound a lotlike Hunter." I just shrug taking that as a compliment rather than an insult. "Whydid Colin and Caleb throw you into the pool anyways?" I ask and Tripp looks atme and I can tell by the look in his eyes that this isn't the first time theyhave done something like this. "They do this more often than you think and I don'tknow why. You would think that them being my fraternity brothers that theywouldn't do stuff like this." I hold back my laughter not wanting to be rude asTripp starts drying off his head. "I wouldn't take this personally but rathertake is as your brothers trying to cover up their own insecurities." 

Tripplets out a laugh as he places the towel around his neck. "What do my fratbrothers have to be insecure about?" Before I can answer him Tripp cuts me off,"Garrett is the president and the one every girl on campus has a crush on, Chadis the vice president and is so much of a nice guy that he would never think ofhaving a one night stand with someone, Caleb is a master with anythingelectronic, Zane has no filter in his mouth which may get him into trouble butpeople respect him for his honestly, Brodie wakes up every morning with a differentgirl in his bed and still manages to look like a male model that just steppedout of any girl's fantasy or dream, Eric maybe nerdy and awkward at times butthe man has more friends on campus than anyone else I know and that includesyourself, Jonathan is basically like your older brother and is dating your bestfriend so I won't go into detail about him, Jeremiah spends all his free timeat the beach and still manages to pick up girls from time to time, Chet is justan awkward mess, Colin is lives life like he is going to die tomorrow, Logan isjust Logan, Brad is so care and drama free I swear that he doesn't belong in afrat house, Bryce looks like the human version of the hulk and is the only wayof even getting in and becoming a brother, Hunter spends all his time lookingout for all of us because he feels like it is his job to play the role of dad,and Aiden is the forgotten brother." 

Trippruns down the list of each member of the frat house and hearing someone else'spoint of view on each guy is kind of nice because now I kind of understandTripp and see what he sees when he looks at his frat brothers. "Everything yousaid is true, but what you have that none one else in this house has is a GPAof 4.0, and I think that someone with your smarts might intimate some of yourbrothers and that is why they pick on you." I turn my body towards Tripp givinghim my full attention. "I know for a fact that some girls on campus find you veryattractive and considered husband material." Tripp smiles as I hope I havemanaged to cheer him up a little because I will always believe that Tripp hasthe potential to great thigs in the future. "Thanks Austin, you actually mademe feel better about getting thrown into the pool." I smile and nudge hisshoulder. "Hanging out with you tonight is the highlight of my night so far."Tripp looks at me confused for a moment before speaking, "I was wondering whyyou ended up at one of our parties."

Igive him a fake smile before looking up at the night sky filled with stars. "Frathouses and frat parties are not my typical scene but I promised Katie that Iwould come but I think she is having more fun than I am." Tripp nods his headwithout saying a word to me. "I think I have suffered enough for one night, Iam going to leave and head back to my dorm room." I say standing back up on myfeet and Tripp soon follows. "If you need a ride back I would be more thanhappy to give you one." I smile at Tripp again as I shake my head. "As sweet asan offer as that is I don't think I should spoil such a beautiful night for awalk." I give Tripp a hug and it is a hug that he returns before we both pullaway. "Enjoy the rest of the party and try not to end up in the pool again." Icomment getting Tripp to crack an amusing smirk. "You enjoy your walk and trynot to get mugged before getting back to your dorm." Tripp jokes back at me gettingthe both of us to laugh. I am walk out of the house and start heading towardsmy dorm room as I look up again enjoying the starry night that is very rarehere on campus, I suddenly bump into someone and as I fall onto the ground thanksto the street light above me I see the giant shadow of the other person standingover me and I look up at the person.

Theman standing above me takes a hit of his cigarette and breathes out the smokeas it surrounds his face, he is wearing an opened black leather jacket, a greyhoodie with the hood up, black jeans with rips at the knees, and black boots onhis feet. As The person steps into the light my eyes go wide, his dark brownhair is mostly covered but the hood of his hoodie and his dark brown eyes arestaring an intense hole right through me. "You should watch where you are goingnext time, it isn't safe around to be alone around this part of campus so lateat night." The man says taking another hit off the cigarette in his hand. "Eric?"I say out loud with my voice just as confused as my face looks. "Do I look likemy nerdy brother?" The guys laughs throwing his cigarette off into the distancebefore grabbing his cell phone out of his pocket.

"Take care yourself kid." He says and walks off disappearing into the darkness. I stand back up onto my feet it suddenly hits me to who I just came into contact with and I turn around to say something to him but is already vanished into the night. "If that wasn't Eric then that must have been Aiden." I say to myself and this gets me wondering about where Aiden might be going at this time of night or where Aiden goes when no one else can find him. I shake my head of these thoughts as I keep walking and start once again making my way back to my dorm room to get ready for tomorrow.  

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