Chapter 47

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Austin's POV

"Your dad?" Garrett asks stunned but if you look close enough it is not hard to see since everyone says that I take more after my dad than I do my mom. "Yes, I am Austin's father, and who might you be?" My dad says looking Garrett up and down sizing him up but Garrett notices it and looks my dad up and down sizing him up as the two men stand toe to toe with each other, "The name is Garrett Huntsman, I am a friend and go to school with Austin." My dad smiles his million dollar smile and puts his hand out to Garrett, "Nice to meet you young man." Garrett shakes my dad hand before my dad turns his attention to me. 

"I am glad I ran into you son, I wanted to make sure that you still were coming to family dinner tonight?" I open my mouth to tell him that I won't be making it tonight but before I can answer him believe it or not Garrett is the one that answers for me, "He wouldn't miss it, all Austin talks about is how important family is to him." I turn and give Garrett a death glare but it doesn't faze him. "Wonderful, your mother will be over the moon to hear it, and you are more than welcome to bring your friend with you tonight." My dad inclines his head to Garrett and I before walking off and the moment he is out of sight I turn my attention to Garrett and start hitting him.

"Why did you do that?" I yell as Garrett grabs my hand and the moment he does I can feel this connection that I makes me falls more in love with him, "Stop hitting me before I dump you over this railing." Garrett drops my hand and I take a few breaths, "You don't understand the Pandora's box that you just opened and I don't want my family to ruin our friendship, and I expect that after this dinner you are going to want nothing to do with me." Garrett places his hands on my shoulders, "It will take a lot more than the Warren Black and the Black family to make me turn my back on someone that has done a lot for me." I get this turning in my gut thinking that Garrett Huntsman has no idea what he is up against when it comes to my family, and for the next three hours Garrett and I walk around the mall each doing the shopping that we wanted and along the way we talk and start getting to know each other. 

Garrett pulls up to my dorm building and turns his car off, "You don't have to come with me, I am sure that Katie and Jonathan are still home." Garrett shrugs his shoulders as he gets out of the car and I follow him making sure to grab my bags before heading into the building. Garrett and I reach my building and I open the door and the moment I step inside the first thing I see is Katie making out with Jonathan. "Like I said my so called best friends are here." I say loud enough that the two of them pull apart and turn their attention to me and Garrett. "Have you heard of knocking? I mean what if we were naked?" I put my bags down on the table giving her an amusing expression,

"I live here for one and two I have seen you two naked more times than I count." Katie smiles as he pushes her hair to one side and Jonathan wraps his arms around her waist. "I am going to leave before I lose my lunch." Garrett says in a taunting and joking manner before turning his eyes to me, "What times should I come to pick you up tonight?" Before I can answer him, Katie and Jonathan open their mouths,"What is going on tonight?" Katie asks pushing Jonathan off her neck, "Warren Black invited me to dinner as Austin's plus one." The jaws of both Katie and Jonathan hit the floor,

"Pick me up around 7 or 7:30." Garrett nods his head, "And what kind of dinner is this?" I smile at Garrett not understanding why this dinner with my family seems more important to him than it does to me, "Black tie dinner." An uncomfortable look comes across his face but he quickly covers it up, "I can do that, I don't like dressing up but I guess one night won't hurt." I am about to say something to him but instead I keep my mouth shut not wanting to damper the mood he is in. Garrett and I quickly talk about the plan for the evening before he says goodbye to me along with Katie and Jonathan.

"You need to get your ass over here right now and give us answers." I roll my eyes and walk into the living room and sit down in the chair next to couch, "How did all this happen?" I take a deep breath and lean back in the chair, "We ran into my dad of people at the mall and Garrett and he has this dominate alpha male thing going on. And before I know it Garrett told my dad that me and him would be attending dinner tonight." Katie looks at me and just by the way she is looking at me I know that she knows that there is more to the story,

"What else is going on, because I noticed that you have been more anti social then you normally are." I look down at the floor but Katie places her hand under my chin and she raises my head to look at her, "I am your best friend and there is nothing you can't tell me." Tears fill my eyes as I start thinking that I need to tell someone my secret and who better to tell then my best friend. "The reason I have been acting odd lately is because for the last month or so I have dealing with something." Katie nods her head as Jonathan places his head in her neck. "Tell us Boo." I nod my head trying to gather up an enough courage to actually say the words out loud for the first time. "The truth is..................

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