Chapter 18

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Austin's POV

Once I am done with mymorning routine I look in mirror checking my reflection, I am wearing a nice twocolored Polo shirt with black on top and dark grey on the bottom, black Khaki shorts,and light grey sneakers. I walk away from the mirror and start packing up thestuff I will need for my morning and afternoon classes today and when I look upI once again see Jonathan only this time he is dressed for his day. His hair isspiked up, he has on an army green stringer tank top, a silver necklace aroundhis neck, black board shorts, and his sneakers on his feet. "Don't take thisthe wrong way Jon, but don't you have your own house with your own bedroom init." I say as I focus back on the task of getting ready to leave. "Yes, I do,but Katie feels uncomfortable when she stays the night at the frat house." Ilook at him with a pretending to be surprised.

"Andyet you have no problem sleeping with Katie here even when you know that I am directlyabove the two of you?" I ask putting my laptop in my bag as Jonathan smiles atme shrugging his shoulders. "I can sleep pretty much anywhere, I am not pickyand plus being a heavy sleeper come in handy from time to time." I roll my eyesas I look around for my text book. "And you wonder why Katie doesn't feel comfortablesleeping in a house with a bunch of drunken, feeble minded, grunting, knuckledraggers." I remark with all the sarcasm I can muster. Jonathan laughs as hecrosses his arms over his chest. "That is very stereotypical of you Austin, andif I might remind you that most of the guys in that frat house are yourfriends." I sling my messenger bag over my shoulder before answering Jonathan. "Iknow, and that is why I am allowed to say that about them." I say smiling athim as I walk down the steps and out the door saying goodbye to Jonathan and astill sleeping Katie.

I amwalking around campus when I see the person that I am supposed to meet up with thismorning. "Hey Colin." I say walking up to him as he stands up from the bench hewas sitting on. Colin is wearing a black shirt, he has a sliver necklace aroundhis neck, a nice looking watch on his right wrist, a pair of jeans shorts, andwhite shoes on his feet. "Hi." He says as the two of us start walking aroundcampus killing time before our classes starts. Colin and I soon find ourselvesin the middle of an interesting conversation, "I was supposed to study at Harvardso I could get my master's degree to become a research analyst, but I choose tocome here instead which in the long run was the best decision." Colin nods hishead slightly with a smirk on his face. "What do you want to do after college?"Colin asks me putting his hands in the pockets of his shorts. "I am really notsure, my grandfather is a successful business man, my grandmother was nurse formany years, my father is an accountant, my mother ispsychiatrist, and my older is a lot like you because he got away from the familydrama by currently backpacking through the United States." Colin let's out adeep breath.

"Talkabout pressure, but that doesn't really answer my question on what you thinkyou will be doing after college." I look at him knowing that no matter what Iwant the legacy of the Black family comes before anything else. "If I didn't haveto worry about my family's legacy, becoming a published author would be my nextbig adventure." Colin looks at me with a surprised look on his face, "I cantotally see myself reading one of your books while I am in the middle of theforest as a wildlife biologist." I start laughing but not at the fact thatColin wants to be a wildlife biologist but the fact that it is perfect job fora carefree person that loves nature. "Colin, I have no doubt that studyingwildlife is the perfect for someone like you." Colin smiles as he picks up adirty soda can and puts it in the recycling bin. "I need to ask you somethingthat has been weighing on my mind for a long time." Colin says getting in frontof me and starts walking backwards. "What this burning question that has beenkeeping you up at night?" I ask in a playful tone of voice. "I have known youfor a while now and in that time, I don't think I have ever heard or even seenyou date any single girl." This question makes me stop in my tracks as I canfeel my face heat up, "I just haven't found the right girl yet, I would ratherfocus on my school work than looking for a booty call every now and then." Isay the nervousness in my voice betraying me but Colin being the kind guy he isjust takes what I say at face value.

"Youwaste too much time letting your family try to mold you into this prefect sonthat once you get a taste of freedom you are slowly going to become a whole newperson." I sigh angrily because I am getting sick and tired of everyone aroundsaying things like that, "I wish people would stop talking like that, my familydoesn't make choices for me, they just want what is best for me and that isreal love." I lightly snap at Colin who stops walking and looks me into myeyes. "I didn't mean any disrespect to you or your family Austin, but as yourfriend I don't you to look back on your life wishing that you done more, I wantyou to love each day and make the most of life while you have it because lifeis short." I sigh as Colin's words weigh on my heart. "Thanks Colin." I say ashe smiles at before gently placing his hand on my shoulder. "Try listing to yourheart more and listen to your head less." Colin walks off leaving me alone withmy thoughts as I start thinking about the wise words that Colin left me with.

I am walking ignoring everything around me as I can't think of anything but Colin's words but all that comes to an end when I hear the sadistic voice of Logan. "Looks like something is troubling the so called complex mind of Austin Black."

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