Chapter 30

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Austin's POV

The next morning, I go about my morning doing everything that I normally do, and as I finish getting dressed in a simple white dress shirt, a pair of black jeans, and a pair of black and white Vans. I am currently finishing up cleaning up after my breakfast when the front door opens and in walks Katie in the same dress from last night and with her heels in her hand. "Another long night with Jon?" I ask laughing a little bit because I already know the answer, but the look that Katie gives me makes me laugh even more. "Longer than you think." She shoots back at me with a smirk on her face as I get grossed out and turn my attention back to the dishes. "I would rather hear about your outing with Huntsman." Katie says as she hops up onto the counter, "There is nothing to tell, I had a good time, and we didn't do anything illegal." Katie scoffs a little as she pushes her hair to side,"Either you tell me or I will just wait for you to leave and I will read your journal for the juice details." I stop washing dishes turning towards her with a killer look in my eyes, "You wouldn't violate my trust like that." Katie gives me look telling that I forgot who I was talking to.

"We just went to a carnival and then out to eat afterwards." I wash my hands as I walk over grabbing the black leather jacket that is hanging on the rack. Katie jumps down from the counter and grabs my hand, "I just want to make sure that he didn't pull any of his typical Garrett shit, you have worked hard to overcome a lot of bully trauma and I would hate to think that Garrett has caused you to revert back to old habits." I shake my head smiling at my caring best friend as I give her a hug, "I have everything under control, and I made a promise to you that I would never go back to that dark place." I pull out of the hug and look up at the large clock above the door, "I need to get going, I am meeting up with Eric so that we can walk to class." I quickly grab my bag  giving Katie one last quick hug before walking out of dorm room and heading onto campus.

I finally make it to the coffee shop where I see Eric and Chet talking to one another but once Eric sees me he says goodbye to Chet and walks over to me,"You're late and that isn't typical Austin Black behavior." He smiles a genuine smile as the two of us starts heading towards the English building. "Sorry about that, Katie was drilling me about last night." Eric just nods his head as he changes the subject, "Did you hear that Caleb got accepted to Elysian University." I look at Eric surprised but I am very excited for Caleb because no one deserves it more than him. "That amazing to hear, Elysian University is the top university in the whole country." Eric opens the door to the English building for me letting me go in first, "When does he leave?" I ask as Eric and into the classroom, "He actually left Saturday." I feel a little hurt that he didn't say goodbye to me before leaving but it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend Elysian.

As I talk my seat I see Garrett walk in with a few of the other frat members,Garrett makes his way to his normal seat but suddenly he walks over to me and sits down next to me, "You aren't going to sit in your normal seat?" I ask him getting out my copy of the book we are reading. "I actually wanted to talk to you about scheduling another tutoring session." I turn my head looking at him surprised that he wants another session this soon. "Alright, no problem, just tell me when and where and I will make that I am there." Garrett pulls out apiece of paper scribbling something down on it before handing it to me, "You should come to the alpha delta fraternity bonfire, it might loosen you up."Before I can answer him, I feel the coldest chill come over me which can only mean one thing, "What do you want Logan?" I ask in an annoying tone of voice as his manic laughter is heard from behind me. 

"I was just admiring the new campus power couple, the nerd and one with no respect towards anyone." Logan turns his attention to Garrett, "What's the matter Huntsman, you finding someone else you can use as a piece for one of your games?" Garrett turns his death glare towards Logan, "Get lost Logan, unless you want to be on the other end of my fist." Logan lightly laughs as he stands up and makes his way in front of both Garrett and I, "I don't know what you are thinking Logan, but like most of your life, you got everything wrong." I snap at him as Garrett laughs and Logan growls at me taking a step closer to me,"Garrett was just making sure that I tell Katie and Jonathan about the fraternity bonfire that I clearly not invited to because alpha delta doesn't need someone like me tarnishing their reputation." Logan inclines his head agreeing with my comment but he again turn his attention to Garrett who is clutching the arms of chair so tight that I think he going to snap them off."You think you have learned from your past mistakes, I mean we wouldn't want a repeat of what happened with Dallas." Garrett jumps out of his seat and grabs Logan by his shirt shoving him into the podium. "I will kill you if you ever mention that name again." I quickly look around to see all eyes are on Garrett and Logan, and I choose to stand up and stand next to both of them. "Let him go Garrett, he is just trying to play head games with you." Garrett rises his fist to hit Logan but I grab his arm just when Ms. Gilbert's walks in, "What is going on here?" She asks looking between the two guys before looking at me,"Nothing Ms. Gilbert, Logan was just trying to get under Garrett's skin and he took things a little too far." I place my hand on Garrett's shoulder. His shoulder suddenly tenses up under my touch and his breaths hitches a little,but Garrett slowly releases Logan from his grip. I wait until the situation seem to be calmer before I place myself between Garret and Logan with my back to Logan,

"Don't let him be the reason you get into trouble." I whisper making sure that only Garrett could hear me, "Looks like the bitch has a new master." Logan growls which makes Garrett completely lose control as he pushes me to the ground and tackles Logan to the ground, "Garrett no!" I yell as Tripp jumps over a row of chairs and make sure that I am alright. Chad and Brodie rush over grabbing Garrett pulling him off Logan and trying to get him back under control, but as Logan gets back to feet and attempts to go after Garrett but Chet and Colin rush over grabbing Logan as the now four men try to keep these bitter rivals apart. "ENOUGH!" Yells Ms. Gilbert as everyone turns their attention to her."Mr. August and Mr. Connor please escort Mr. Huntsman out of here and to Chancellor Montgomery, and Mr. Mccormick and Mr. Whitman you will escort Mr. Price to Chancellor Montgomery as well." Chad and Brodie take Garrett out one door as Chet and Colin take Logan out another door. Tripp helps me up as I brush myself off, "Mr. Black, are you alright?" Ms. Gilbert asks and I nod my head taking my seat with my mind running a million miles a second right now, "Now that has been take care of, let's start class." The whole class period all I can think of is what is going to happen to Garrett, I don't want him to get kicked out because of Logan. Once class is over with I quickly pack up my stuff and head outside. 

I walk into my dorm room and try calling Garrett but I only get his voicemail."Damn it." I say tossing my phone onto the table when there is a sudden knock on my door. I open it and I come face to face with someone that is the last person I ever expected to see today and when his brown eyes lock onto me the biggest smile comes across his lips. His brown hair is spiked a little bit, he has his dog tags around his neck, a tight whit tank top, a pair of black jeans with large holes at the knees, and black boots on his feet. "CARLOS!" I yell wrapping my arms around him giving the biggest hug. "I can't believe that you are really here." I say tightening my grip on him, "I have missed you too little brother."He says as I look at my big brother who I haven't seen since he took off on his backpacking adventure. 

Carlos and I spend hours just talking as Carlos tells me amazing stories about his travels around the states, I told him all about my life on campus, well I didn't exactly tell him everything. The dorm room door suddenly opens to reveal Jonathan and Garrett. "Garrett." I say in a too much worried and eager tone of voice as the two men walk in closing the door behind them. "Garrett and Jonathan, this is my older brother Carlos Black, Carlos this is campus big brother Jonathan Evans, and Garrett Huntsman." I say turning my attention to Garrett who doesn't look at me. "Nice to meet the legendary Carlos Black, Austin never shuts up about his older brother and all his accomplishment." Jonathan fist bumps Carlos and Garrett just inclines his head without saying a word, "Carlos will you excuse me, I need to talk to Garrett for a moment." I stand up but Garrett just rolls his eyes placing his hands behind his head. "We actually don't have time to talk, we just came by to pick up Katie for the frat party tonight." Garrett coldly says as I sit back down looking at him wondering why he is taking his foul mood out on me when I didn't do anything in the first place.

"Katie was here, but she left about an hour ago." Jonathan sighs spiking his hair up, "She most likely is already at the house." Garrett nods his head before heading for the door and walking out while Jonathan slaps hands with Carlos, "See you are Black, it was nice meeting you." Jonathan turns his attention from Carlos to me, "You good?" He asks picking up on the tension between Garrett and I, but instead of getting into it I just simply nod my head and Jonathan leaves closing the door behind him. "I don't remember you telling me anything about you having friends in a frat house." Carlos says in a smug tone of voice as he raises one of his eyebrows at me making me sigh at him, "Alright, but what I am about to tell you stays between us." Carlos places his hand in front of me, "Blood promise." He says as I clap my hand with his, "Blood promise." I repeat as the two of us relax again on the couch and I tell Carlos everything from the frat party Katie dragged me to what happened in English class just a few hours ago.  

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