Chapter 6

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Austin's POV

Logan Price and myself havea very long past and it is a horrible and dark one. All through middle schoolit was Logan who tortured me and bullied me to the point that I was thinking ofkilling myself. Every day it would be something new, He once threw a chunk ofice at my back during a fire drill, he slammed our lunch table into my gut repeatedly,and that doesn't even start all the mental bullying he used to do to me. Inhigh school, I managed to befriend some of the now frat guys and they keptLogan away from me and I guess the same thing is still going on now at collegebut Logan is the kind of person that you need protection from and if you don't thatprotection then you are his prey that he will mentally breakdown until you feellike nothing matters anymore. 

"AustinBlack at an Alpha Delta Frat party." He smiles at me with a cocky grin on hisface. "Logan Price, unpleasant and annoying like always." I snap back at him.Logan eyes turn cold as he grabs me by my arm pushing me up against the fridge."Now I know that you are not looking to start something that we both know thatyou can't finish on your own." He says to me in a low but dangerous tone ofvoice. I swallow a large lump in my throat as I look into his icy and soullesseyes almost seeing my own reflection in them. "You don't have your frat friendshere right now to hide behind." Logan tightens his grip on my arm. "Now we caneither talk like normal people or I could just throw you through that glassdoorway over there and go to bed." I feel terror spread through my body and Ithink Logan noticed too because he smiles at me before letting me go and fixingmy shirt. "Your choice." I take a deep breath as take a few steps back away fromthis unstable psychopath. "Now what would someone like yourself be doing in aplace like this?" Logan asked taking a drink from his red cup.

"Whatdo you mean by that?" I ask him feeling a bruise forming on my arm whereLogan's hand just was. "I just never thought of you as the frat party type ofperson." He smirks taking another drink from his cup. "For your information,the only reason I am here is because Katie talked me into coming with hertonight, but things got a little weird for me in the back room so I guess Idecided to wander around." I say a little more defensive than I meant it tosound. "Sounds to me like you really don't want to be here." I roll my eyesleaning against the counter, "This isn't my idea of a fun night, listing toloud music that is basically techno music with little if not any lyrics in it."I am surprised that I have managed to get Logan to crack a real smile and not acrazy smile that is usually on his face. "The music does get annoying at timesbut it is what keeps the party going, that along with all the drinking and thechance of getting to hook up at the end of the night."

Ishift from one foot to another turning my attention to the kitchen floor. "Isthere some girl that has managed to catch the attention of the biggest nerd oncampus?" I snap my gaze from the floor back to Logan. "You might be surprisedone day." Logan laughs again putting his drink down on the counter next to him."This coming from mommy and daddy's favorite child who they wanted to go toHarvard." I shrug my shoulders because Logan knows that people always thought thatI was born with a sliver spoon in my mouth but my relationship with my parentsis much complicated than anyone knows, in fact the only person that understandsme is my brother Carlos. "Forgive me if I don't believe the boy that is perfectin all his classes with straight A's, who is has never been truant once in hislife, and spends every night wasting his time by studying in your room allalone." I nod my head because everything Logan just said is completely true butthere is more to me than meets the eye at least I hope so.

"Youknow the old saying good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught, well thesame thing can apply to boys just the same." I smile at him as I walk up to himtaking the cup from the counter and finishes it and the moment I finish thebeer I can feel the urge to throw up because the taste of beer is disgusting. "Idon't believe it, I know you Austin Black, he plays by the rules and lives hislife being a square." Logan snatches the cup from me making me jump a littlebit. "And that will never change because you and I both know that you don't haveit in you." I can feel myself feeling like Logan is right because he sorts ofis. I walk away from Logan refusing to let him put me down and make me feel badabout myself anymore. I walk out to the backyard where the party is stillraging on, there is a small but long patio with a small table with chairsaround it, beach chairs all around the massive pool, a beautiful outdoorfireplace made of brick, and you can't miss the backyard bar that is busierthan the inside one.

I simplysit down on one of the chairs as my mind keeps replaying Logan's comments and Ishake my head trying to ignore them but they just eat away at me. My thoughtsare interrupted by the sound of someone yelling as I look over to see where theyelling is coming from is see Colin Whitman and Caleb Maxwell picking up abeach chair with someone in it as the two of them head to the pool. "Don't!"The guy in the beach chair yells but of course Colin and Caleb just laugh athim as they throw him along with the beach chair into the pool. Colin and Caleblaugh their heads off as they walk off back to the party

I stand up and make my way over to the side of the pool to see someone with blonde hair, a light blue tank top, lightly washed blue jeans that thanks to the water are now sagging enough that his whole white boxers butt is sticking out, and white sneakers with blue laces break to the surface of the water. "Nice night for a swim Tripp, but I think you should have worn different clothes." I joke as Tripp just gives me a look telling that he wasn't in the mood for jokes right now. 

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