Chapter 33

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Austin's POV

"Why are you here Black?"Logan asks leaning against the wall as he looks between Garrett and I with a sadistic smile on his face. "I think the better question is why are you in this room,you are the last person that should be anywhere near Garrett since this all technically all your fault." I snap at Logan turning all the way around. "You better watch your tone around me Black, just because you are in a hospital doesn't mean that they could resuscitate you in time after I am done with you." Logan says kicking himself off the wall as we stand toe to toe, "I find it very strange that first Brodie sees the two of you outside the library, You two hung out off campus for some unknown reason, then yesterday in English class Garrett defended you, and you tried to talk him down from going off the edge." I look over at Garrett not sure how to explain any of it.

"I only tried to talk Garrett down because I didn't think that you were worth his third strike, and as for everything else it is not really any of your business."I say trying not to get into much detail about what has been going on with Garrett and I. "Something isn't right and I swear that one way or another I will get to the bottom of it." I intake a huge breath as Logan stares a hole through Garrett and I. Logan might be incompetent and naive but with him sniffing around it won't take him long to put everything together. "Alright, I have had enough of this animosity between the two of you, I am in a hospital bed and I don't need this right now!" Garrett yells and then groans as he struggles to sit up, "You know they have this button that will help you sit up." Garrett shoots me a look, "I don't need help." He says sitting straight up in the bed. "Logan, I think it is time for you to go." Logan rolls his eyes crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Why is it that every time this waste of life is around you change into a whipped little bitch." I look over at Garrett to see him having to fight wanting to have one of his rash outbursts of violence. "You are lucky that I am in this bed." Garrett growls darkly as a Logan lightly pushes me out of his way walking up to Garrett. Logan grabs Garrett by his neck and slams him onto the bed with a cruel and remorseless look in his eyes. "You're already broken mentally, and if you keep getting in my way I will make sure that I finish you off." Logan reaches for Garrett's IV unite. "I could stop the fluids from flushing your system out." Garrett's eyes show anger but as I look deeper into them I see a tiny bit of fear. Right before Logan can do anything malicious and before I can comprehend my actions I quickly grab a tray off the counter in the room and swing it as hard as I can hitting Logan in the back of the head. Logan falls to one knee clutching the back of his head, but I see his body starting to shake as he stands back up and turns around. "You just punched your ticket to the morgue." 

Logan lunges towards me before he can get his hands on me he is pushed away from me by Chad who along with Bryce and Hunter enter the room. "I see you got my SOS text." I say looking up at Hunter who inclines his head. "You never seem to learn Price." Hunter says as Bryce moves putting himself between Logan and Garrett and Chad moves putting himself between Logan and myself. "You need to leave Logan, and I will deal with you myself when the time is right." This is first time I have ever heard Hunter growl in a threatening manner to anyone. Logan walks over to the door, "This isn't over Huntsman, and that goes double for you Black." Logan threatens as he walks over leaving the room.

"You two alright?" Hunter asks and Garrett doesn't say anything but I nod my head smiling at Chad and Hunter. "Thanks for saving me once again." Hunter smiles at me as Garrett clears his throat getting the attention of everyone. "I want to talk to Austin, alone." Hunter nods his head as the three of them walk outside,"We will be right outside if you need us." I walk up to Garrett sitting in the chair next to his bed. "Am I in trouble?" Garrett leans his head back on his pillow but keeps his attention on me. "I can't help but notice that when you are around me that you seem different, almost like you are being yourself." I look at him unsure of what he is talking about, but judging from that I was feeling at the carnival and what I did moments ago to Logan I can't argue that he has a point but I can't admit it to him. "What are you talking about? I am the same person I always am rather I am with Garrett or anyone else." Garrett shakes his head with a smile coming across his lips, "When you are around me you are more emotional and braver just to name a few." I can't help but smile back at him as sigh leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms. "I guess I just see it or I just want to admit it." Garrett sits up a little taking a drink of whatever is in his cup.

"You're not the only one that changes, some of my brothers pointed out that you bring a different Garrett out when you are around me." I let out a small laugh as those feelings start to come over me again. "I am not going to go in detail about everything they said but I will say that they seem to think that I am nicer with you than anyone else, and everyone says that they like me better when you are around me." I can tell that Garrett isn't telling me everything but I know better than to push him on something that he doesn't want to talk about. "That all might be true but you can't deny that we have major differences." I say as Garrett and I look at each other and those feelings start getting stronger. 

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