Chapter 21

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Austin's POV

Katie pulls out of my armsas I help her wipe the tears way from her eyes. "Are you sure?" I ask makingKatie nod her head, "My period is late, I have had major fatigue, and extremefood aversions." I slightly nod my head, I can't imagine what Katie is goingthrough. "How did it happen?" I ask which gets Katie to look at me with a lookthat tells me that she can't believe that I asked that question. "Are you forreal Boo? Didn't you ever have the talk or attend a high school health class?"I roll my eyes giving her playful look, "Carlos had the talk with me when I wasten and I had to attend health class in high school but only because it wasrequired." Katie eyes soften a little as a tiny glimpse of sympathy reflects inher eyes. 

"Yourbrother Carlos was the one that gave you talk?" I nod my head as the memoriesof that fateful day along with my run in with Logan this morning both run in myhead. "My mother tried to give me the sex talk about giving what she does for aliving she used technical terms and it just made everything more confusing, andmy dad just told me that if I had any questions just to ask him." I had come torealize that it was my older brother Carlos that was the father figure in my life,he raised me from the time I was born, and I will never be able to thank himenough for doing that. "Anyways, getting the conversation back on track, whendid this happen?" Katie thinks for moment and I see she is trying to figure itout which given their relationship I can see why it would take a few to figureit out. "I must have been one night we were drunk." This makes me let out alittle laugh which I didn't mean to slip out but I couldn't help it. "You meanto tell me that Jonathan and you have had sober sex?" Katie swats me across myshoulder as hard as she can. "We are not drunk all the time." She says but shetoo starts laughing. 

Ourlaughter stops when the sound of the front door opens and in walks Jonathan."You two talking and laughing is never a good sign." He says as he closes thefront door and walks up to Katie and I. "We are talking about how Carlos wasthe one that gave me the talk when I was little." Jonathan nods his head as hewalks into the kitchen and starts going through the fridge like he always doeswhen he is here. "Are you going to your frat house party tonight?" I ask him asI look at Katie who looks like she is about to fall apart again. "Deepbreaths." I say to her in a low enough tone of voice that Jonathan couldn'thear me. Jonathan closes the fridge as he opens a soda and walks over to Katieand me. "You really need to go to the store, you are running low on a lot ofstuff." He says while taking a drink of his soda. "We wouldn't run low if mybest friend's boyfriend and his buddies weren't basically human piranha's." Ijoke which gets Jonathan to laugh as he almost spits out his soda. "That istrue, but you know you love us." He says winking at me in a mocking flirty way.

"Youalright baby? You have been quite." He says to Katie who looks up at him tearyeyes which tips Jonathan off right away that something is wrong. "What's gotyou so upset?" He asks but instead of answering him Katie turns her headlooking away from him. "You're hiding something from me, and I thought that wehad a relationship that was based on trust and love." Jonathan slightly snapsat her, but as he reaches out to takes Katie's hand she quickly pulls away fromhim before standing up and turning to face him, "I can't do this right now."She says as her voice begins to break and she runs into the bathroom and locksthe door. Jonathan sits down on the couch next to me with the most puzzled lookon his face. "She hates me." He mutters out finally breaking the quiet. I scootcloser to him shaking my head, "Katie could never hate you Jonathan, I meanunless you screwed up unbelievable bad that there was no possible way of fixingit." Jonathan turns to me giving a look that tells me that what I just saidwasn't what he wanted to hear right now and now looking back I couldn't agreemore. 

"Sheis just dealing with something life changing, and I know that once she dealswith it that she will tell you." Jonathan just sighs relaxing into the couchand running his hand through his hair. "I feel like she is pushing me away." Ifeel like I should tell Jonathan the truth about Katie but deep down I knowthat it is now my place to tell him, but another part of me knows that if Katiedoesn't tell him sooner than then later that he might just break up with herand move on. "Just give her time and space Jon, and soon enough she will cometo you and tell you everything." I say biting down on my lip hard. "I am goingto go upstairs, but if either you or Katie need me at any time, just wake meup." Jonathan just nods his head as I stand up off the couch and walk up to myroom. I take off my clothes from today and put on a tie-dye tank top and a pairof vibrant blue checkered print pajama shorts. 

As I crawl into bed and place my head on my pillow I can't help but pray that Jonathan and Katie work this out and that in the end this only makes them stronger and doesn't ruin the love that I know that is between them.  

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