Chapter 45

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Austin's POV

I stand there waiting for Garrett to tell me this brilliant idea that he has come up with, "What if I go to the mall with you?" I am not sure if he is joking right now or really being sincere about what he is saying. "Are you serious Garrett?" A sly smile comes across his lips and he shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah, I mean you don't know anything about me and you pointed out that I don't know much about you, if we hung out we could try to get along and maybe figure out what makes the other one tick."

I stand there in disbelief that Garrett Huntsman wants to hang out with me in public, "What about if someone either one of knows sees us?" Garrett thinks about it for a moment before answering me with something that I thought I would never hear, "If anyone asks about why we are at the mall together, then we tell them the truth which is that we are just hanging out as friends." I sit on the couch trying to wake myself up from what I am sure is a dream, "You have never considered us as friends, you once told me that I would never reach your league."Garrett sighs and nods his head,

"I know that I said that, but from what has been going on the last couple of weeks, you having my back when I am trouble and me having your back, I guess you managed to change my mind." I look at Garrett and for the first time in a very long time I see him in a different light. I think for some strange reason Garrett is trying to change and for the better instead of the worst, and yes Garrett could be worse. "What do you say, friend?" He asks as he laughs a little and I know that it might take him a little bit to get used to calling someone that isn't a member of his fraternity his friend. "I guess it wouldn't hurt for us to get to know each other, if I am going to keep tutoring you this year, I need to know you." Garrett pulls his keys out of his pocket and walks to the door opening it up,

"I will be back in about an hour to pick you for the mall." He says and I nod my head and before Garrett walks into the hallway he turns around to me one more time, "I am asking you please don't dress like an accountant, try to dress more like a college guy." Before I can say anything to him Garrett walks into the hallways just as two girls are walking in the opposite direction with just towels around them, "Hey girls." He says in his British tone of voice that make the girls stop and get nervous, "Hi Garrett." They both say at the same time as they check him out while he is checking them out, "If either one of you need helping drying off, I would be more than happy to offer my services." I roll my eyes closing my door not wanting to hear any more of that conversation.

My mind is spinning out of control over everything that has happened over the last hour or so, Garrett is actually giving me a chance to hang out with him as a friend, but the logical side of me is telling me that he must want something or is planning something to humiliate me, and if that is true I don't think I will be able to handle it. The other part of me which is my heart is telling me to trust him and give him a chance like he is giving me one. The more time Garrett spends around me the harder it is getting to hide my true feelings for him, but I have to put my feelings aside for right now because if Garrett found out the truth then he would be hate me and most likely think that I was doing all of this just because I have this creepy crush on him.

I lightly run my hand through my hair letting out a sigh wishing that I had someone in my life I could tell, it would unload some of my burden that I feel is on my back. I clean up around the house making sure that everything in its place before sitting down at the kitchen table and having some tea as I open my IPad and start reading the local college newspaper when something on the floor catches my eye, it is crumbled up piece of paper that Garrett must have dropped, I pick it up and uncrumple it to see that it is the flyer for the annual end of semester masquerade party. "Guess Garrett isn't a big fan of these type of things either." I say out loud to myself but when I turn it over I see a personal note written on the back. 

"Will you be my mystery date, Cassidy." I read out loud and it clicks in my brain that Garrett will most likely be going to the party with Cassidy which isn't good news for me since I am supposed to be breaking them up for Logan, but if it true love which I am 99.9 percent sure that it is not on Cassidy's side then who I am to break them up. I throw the flyer in the trash before cleaning my cup out and grabbing my IPad before heading back up to my room to figure out what to wear that doesn't make me look like accountant in the words of Garrett,and I stare my neatly organized closet it suddenly dawns on me what Katie and everyone else has been telling me is true, I dress very conservative and never out of the box.

I look myself in my mirror telling myself that today I am going to try to be more open to change, and with that said I start pulling all my clothes out my closet and start coming up with all new outfits and a whole new wardrobe. 

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