Chapter 4

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Austin's POV

I look into the mirror inthe bathroom taking in my appearance, Katie has picked out a button-down shirt,black jeans, and a belt with a diamond skull on it. "I look like someone thatis trying too to be cool or even worse I look like a member of the Alpha DeltaFraternity." I mumble to myself before my thoughts are interrupted by the soundof Katie's voice from the other side of the door. "You have been in thereforever, will you just come out and let me see." I take a deep breath as Islowly open the bathroom door and walk out. 

"Nowwe are getting somewhere, but you are missing a few necessary accessories."Katie grabs my hand pulling me over to her bed and sits me down in front ofher. "First off we need to fix your shirt." She says as she takes my right armrolling the sleeve up to my elbow and then she does the same thing to my leftarm. "Now you look more I don't care about what people think of me." I give hera look that she knows very well. "I guess you never met my parents or know meas well as I thought you did." I growl at her but Katie begin Katie just wavesme off as the gears keep turning in that brain of hers.

"Nowwe add a little sexy to the outfit." Katie reaches for the buttons of my shirtand unbuttons just enough buttons to show a hint of my chest. "Now this is whatI call a college frat house party outfit." I look down at my shirt then back toKatie waiting for her tell me that all of this is a joke but that momentdoesn't happen. Katie walks over to her jewelry box and pulls out a sliverchain necklace. "Doesn't that belong to Jonathan?" I ask as Katie walks backover to me and sits down next to me. "It does but Jon doesn't really wear itanymore, he has other necklaces that he likes." Katie gently places thenecklace around my neck.

"Youlook hot Boo." She says and I want to say that this isn't me and that I am notgoing if I can't go dressed like myself but looking at the excitement in hereyes and how happy she is that I finally let her makeover me makes me thinkthat maybe one night won't kill me. "Now go upstairs and get your black andwhite vans, I need to get myself ready." I nod my head adjusting my glasses asI make it to my bedroom. I pull out my black and white vans from under my bedbut before I put them on I walk over to dresser and unlock one of the drawersand pull it open. I smile and take out the Rolex watch my parents gave me formy birthday, I slip it onto my right wrist and fasten it to make sure that Iwon't lose it. 

AsI put on my Vans the sound of our door opening catches my attention. "BABY!WERE HERE!" Jonathan yells as he walks into the dorm room but I now he said wewhich means someone is with him and as I look over the balcony I see Jonathanwith his haired spiked, a multiple colored bandanna around his head, a diamondstudded earring in both ears, an opened denim vest with a black tank top underit, black jeans, and black boots. I look next to Jonathan to see that Chad isalso here.

Chadis wearing a blue beanie, a plain white tee, black jeans with large holes atthe knees, and black and white Nike shoes. "Hey Austin." Chad says to me wavingat me and I of course wave back at him as Jonathan looks up and finally noticesme. "Where is my girl?" He asks but before I can answer him the bathroom dooropens and Katie walks out wearing a dark red short sleeveless off the shouldercrop top, dark washed jeans shorts that barley cover anything, and blackstiletto high heels with a buckle at the ankle.

"Damnbabe, I am not sure that we are going to make it the party with you lookinglike that." Jonathan comments as he grabs Katie by her waist and the two getlocked into a passionate kiss. "Are you coming to the party tonight Austin?"Chad asks me as the two of us try to ignore Katie and Jonathan. "I am, Katiemanaged to talk into coming, but from the looks of things I am not sure if anyof us are going." Katie pulls out of the kiss and looks at me. "We are going,now come down here so Jon and Chad can see what I did to you."

Jonathanlooks down at Katie with a puzzling look on his face. "Should I be worried?" Iroll my eyes grabbing my wallet and my phone before heading down the stairs."If you are going to be worried about someone Jon I think it would be more methan her." I walk up to the three of them as Jonathan looks at me like he ismeeting me for the first time. "Look at you dressed like you belong in AlphaDelta." I roll my eyes and grab my sweater but Katie grabs it away from me andhands me a dark blue and grey hooded varsity jacket. "Really?" I ask her as henods her head. I groan as I grab the jacket from her and put it on. "Now youare officially ready to party with the frats."

I just fake smile at her because this seems to be important to her for some reason that I will never understand. "We should get going, we are wasting moonlight." Jonathan opens the door before wraps his arms around Katie's waist before the two walk out of the dorm room. "I think you're going to fit in well with the rest of tonight." Chad smirks at me walking out knowing how much I am out of my element right now. I look at myself one more time in the mirror beside the door and as I study my reflection a part of me is rather enjoying this new look, but of course I would never tell Katie that. I walk out the door making sure to lock it before walking off to join the others. 

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