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Everyone,this is not a drill! We are going into lockdown!

The principal's voice in the intercom sounded panic. Carmen Jones was in her 6th period classroom,at her middle school, when the announcement was made which sent everyone into panic. The students started crying and some of them even called their parents on their phones. "Okay, everyone calm down!" Mrs. Erickson,the science teacher,said and the class phone started ringing. Mrs. Erickson quickly answered it and she mumbled into the phone. "Carmen,your mother is picking you up early. The security will escort you." Mrs. Erickson said. Carmen nodded and she gathered up her belongings.

"Mommy, what's going on?". Carmen asked as Barbara Jones, Carmen's mother,drove in the driveway of their two-story house. "Sweetheart,I need you to go to your room and stay there. Mommy needs to protect the house." Barbara said and she and her daughter ran into their house. There was screaming and growling on the streets. Once Carmen got in, Barbara shut the door behind her and she locked it. Carmen ran up into her room and she hid in her closet. Barbara closed and locked all the doors and windows.

Three weeks had passed since the incidents. The house was running out of food and Barbara decided to drive in the station wagon to find some food. Carmen decided to tag along and the two girls got in the station wagon. Barbara drove until she stopped at up the hills where a camp was. The camp had and R.V.,tents,and survivors. A man with fluffy hair,gray shirt,and beige pants pointed a shotgun at the car and he yelled,"Out the car!" Some of the survivors looked at what was going on and from Barbara's point of view,she saw some children and women. Barbara and Carmen slowly got out of the car. "Are you from another camp?" The man asked. "No," Barbara responded,"My name is Barbara Jones and this is my daughter,Carmen." A woman with dark brown hair stood by the man and she said,"Shane,put that down!" Shane sighed and he put the gun down. He walked over to the two girls and he checked them and the car if they had any weapons. "Welcome to our camp," Shane said in a gruffy voice and he pointed to the woman with the dark hair,"That is Lori. She'll set up a tent for you."

"I feel like me and Carmen are going to settle in just fine." Barbara said and she and Lori sat down on two tree stumps. Carmen was playing with Lori's son,Carl and Carol's daughter,Sophia. "I'll be back." Lori said and she grabbed a blue bucket. She got up,she told Dale where she was going,and she went into the woods.

By the time Lori got back from the woods,Shane was with her,and Dale and Jim were trying to fix the R.V. Carmen was sitting in Barbara's lap and the two were giggling as Barbara played with Carmen's hair. Amy was pacing back and forth and she said,"It's late. They should've been back by now." "Worrying won't make it better." Dale said. Shane was teaching Carl how to tie a knot. The radio squawked and a man's voice said,"Hello,base camp! Can anybody out there hear me? Base camp,this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?" "Hello? Hello? Reception's bad on this end. Repeat. Repeat." Dale said in the radio. "Shane,is that you?" "Is that them?" Lori asked. "We're in some deep shit. We're trapped in the department store. There are geeks all over the place. Hundreds of 'em. We're surrounded." "T-Dog,repeat that last. Repeat." Dale said,but only static was heard on the radio. "He said the department store." Lori said. "I heard it too."  Dale said. "Shane?" Lori asked. "No way. We do not go after them. We do not risk the rest of the group. Y'all know that." Shane responded. "So we're just gonna leave her there?" Amy asked. "Look,Amy,I know that this is not easy-" Shane said,but Amy said,"She volunteered to go to help the rest of us. She's my sister,you son of a bitch." With that,Amy ran away.

The next day, Barbara walked around the camp in her blue, sleeveless shirt and Carmen was drawing pictures in the dirt with a stick. Then,a car alarm was approaching the camp and the car was red and black striped. A young Asian man got out of the car when it approached camp and everyone was yelling to turn the car alarm off. Jim turned off the alarm and Barbara instantly recognized the young Asian man. "Are you crazy driving this damn bastard up here? Are you trying to draw every walker for miles?" Shane asked. "I think we're okay." Dale said. "You call being stupid,okay?" Shane asked. "Well,the alarm was echoing all over these hills. Hard to pinpoint the source. I'm not arguing. I'm just saying. It wouldn't hurt you to think things through a little more carefully next time,would it?" Dale asked. "Sorry. Got a cool car." The young Asian man. He turned his head and looked at Barbara. "Barb. Carmen." The man said and he walked up to Barbara. "Nice to see you again,Glenn." Barbara said and she cleaned her glasses. "Nice to see you,too." Glenn said. Glenn and Barbara were best friends before the outbreak happened. A truck approached the camp and Glenn smiled. A woman with blonde hair exited out of the truck and she said,"Amy." "Andrea!" Amy said and she and the blonde woman hugged. A Hispanic man exited out of the truck and his children and wife hugged him. "Come here,sweetie." Lori said to Carl and they walked away to talk in private. "You are a welcome sight," Dale said to the Hispanic man,"I thought we had lost you folks for sure." "How'd y'all get out of there anyway?" Shane asked. "The new guys. They got us out." Glenn responded. "New guys?" Shane asked. "Yeah,they just got into town. Hey, Helicopter Boy! Miss! Come say hello!" The Hispanic man said. A man in a sheriff's uniform and a young girl with tanned skin and lots of dark freckles exited the truck. "Dad! Dad!" Carl yelled and he and Lori ran up to the man. The family of three hugged and the girl stood awkwardly. Carmen recognized the girl and she called out,"Solaná?" Solaná looked at Carmen and she ran up to the girl. "Carmen!" Solaná said and she hugged her best friend.

"Disoriented. I guess that comes closest. Disoriented." Rick,the man in the sheriff's uniform,said and the survivors sat on logs that surrounded the fire. Barbara played with the strands of Carmen's hair and Solaná sat next to Lori who was hugging her. "Fear, confusion—all those things but....disoriented comes closest." Rick said. "Words can be meager things," Barbara said,"Sometimes they fall short." "I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else. For a while,I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever." Rick said. "Carmen and I are going to bed early. Goodnight, y'all." Barbara said and she and Carmen got up from the log. "Goodnight." They said and Barbara and Carmen went in their tent.

The next morning, Barbara helped Carol and Lori with doing the laundry. Carmen,Carl,and Sophia were playing in the woods until they saw something disturbing. "Mom!" Carl shouted. "Carl?" Lori asked and everyone dropped everything and they ran to the children who were screaming for their lives. "Mom!!!" Carmen screamed. "Baby!" Barbara shouted and she ran to the woods. Carl ran into the arms of his mother and Sophia ran into Carol's arms. "Get it off her!" Barbara shouted when she a walker on top of her daughter. The walker's teeth was near Carmen's skin,but Glenn stuck a pole in the walker's head. "Oh,my God!" Barbara said and she pulled Carmen up from the ground and she hugged her. "Listen to me. Stay with me at all times,okay?" Barbara asked and Carmen nodded.

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