i love you

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Lori laid down in her sleeping bag and she grabbed her watch, wondering what time it was.
Lori sat on the tree stump and she was putting on her boots. "Morning." Dale said as he walked by. "Good morning." Lori said and she got up from the tree stump. She walked over to Carol and said,"I can't believe I slept in." "You must have needed it. Feeling all right?" Carol asked as she hanged clothes on the hanging line. "Next time wake me,all right? Especially on laundry day." Lori said and she helped Carol with the laundry. "I had an idea I wanted to run by you." Carol said. "What's that?" Lori asked. "That big kitchen of theirs got me thinking. I wouldn't mind cooking in a real kitchen again. Maybe we all pitch in and cook dinner for Hershel and his family tonight. Kind of looking for things to keep my mind occupied." Carol answered. "After everything they've done for us,seems like the least we could do." Lori said. "You mind extending the invitation? Would just feel more right coming from you." Carol said. "How so?" Lori asked. "You're Rick's wife. It sort of makes you our unofficial first lady." Carol answered.

"All right, everyone's getting new search grids today. If they made it as far as the farmhouse Daryl found,they might have gone further east than we've been so far." Rick said as he,Andrea,T-Dog,Shane,and Dale surrounded the map. "I'd like to help. I know the area pretty well and stuff." Shawn Greene,the brother of Maggie,Beth,and Barbara,said. "Hershel's okay with this?" Rick asked. "He said I should to ask you." Shawn answered. "All right then. Thanks." Rick said. "Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia or Carmen to me. Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse." Shane said. "Anybody that includes them,right? Barbara told me the other day that Carmen was smaller than Sophia." Andrea said. "Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay-high." Daryl said. "It's a good lead." Andrea said. "Maybe we'll pick up their trail again." Rick said. "No maybe about it. I'm gonna borrow a horse,head up to this ridge right here,take a bird's-eye view of the whole grid. If they're up there, I'll spot them." Daryl said. "Good idea. Maybe you'll see your chupacabra up there too." T-Dog said. "Chupacabra?" Rick asked. "You never heard this? Our first night in camp,Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time when he went squirrel hunting and he saw a chupacabra." Dale said as he put the bag of guns besides the map. Shawn laughed and Daryl asked,"What are you braying at,jackass?" "You believe in a blood-sucking goat?" Shawn asked. "Do you believe dead people walking around?" Daryl asked. Shawn grabbed a shotgun and Rick asked him,"Ever fire one before?" "Well,if I'm going out,I want one." Shawn said. "Yeah,and people in Hell want slurpees." Daryl said while grabbing his crossbow and he walked away. "Why don't you come train tomorrow? If you're serious,I'm a certified instructor." Shane said to Shawn. "For now he can come with us." Andrea said. "He's yours to babysit then." Shane said.

Glenn sat down in rocking chair and he slightly strumming the guitar that Dale found. The front door swung open and Barbara walked out to see Glenn. She closed the door and said,"Nice guitar." "Dale found it on the highway. It was for Carmen." Glenn said and he looked around. "You know,we still have 11 condoms." Glenn said. "You see 11 condoms,I see 11 minutes of my life I'm never getting back." Barbara said. "It wasn't that bad,was it?" Glenn asked. "Look,after all the shit we did,before and after,I don't even know if I like you." Barbara said. "But you're thinking about it. You should." Glenn said. Barbara scoffed and she walked away.

Shane put a red tie on a tree and he grabbed his gun and started to walk with Rick. "You remember the name of that waitress at the Dairy Queen when we were in high school?" Shane asked. "I know you,Shane,well enough to know that there is only one sure-fire way of engaging you in a conversation,and that is to start asking you about girls you did in highschool. I don't want to,but I'm willing to do it if that's what it takes." Rick answered. "Maryanne. I told you about her?" Shane asked. "In excruciating detail." Rick answered. "Excruciating,my ass. You used to live for those details back in the day." Shane said. "I was impressionable." Rick said. Shane laughed and Rick said,"And I may have been living vicariously through you." "Why wouldn't you,with my impressive list of accomplishments? I was an artist in his prime. A protege." Shane said. "You mean prodigy." Rick said. "Maybe. Is prodigy what you call a young high school stud that bangs 30-year-olds on the regular?" Shane asked. "What 30-year-old were you banging in high school?" Rick asked. "The P.E. teacher." Shane answered. "Mr. Daniels?" Rick asked with a chuckle. "Mrs. Kelly." Shane answered and he laughed. "The girls volleyball coach? Wasn't she married?" Rick asked while laughing. "C'mon. You know what I just remembered. Why I never ask you about this stuff. Why don't we talk about your high school love life then,huh?" Shane asked. "Well,that's a short conversation. It may even already be over." Rick answered. "That right?" Shane asked. "There was Holly,right?" Rick asked. "Nope,that was me too." Shane answered and they laughed. "There was Sheila. That's the one you lied to me about." Shane said. "I never lied about Sheila. I just got mixed up about what the bases meant." Rick corrected. "Just so you know,a home run,that usually means an a sexual act. That's intercourse." Shane said. "Yeah,I realize that now." Rick said. "I think what you did was more like a ground rule double or something." Shane said. "I'm aware of the jungle's ruling." Rick said. Suddenly,they heard a branch snapped and they drew out a guns. "Carmen? Sophia?" Rick called out and they saw someone they thought they would never see again. Carmen.

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