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"Hold up! We're stopping here. Tired is slow. Slow is dead." Abraham said as Glenn's group set up their stuff near an abandoned clock tower. "It's barely noon." Glenn said. "I don't give a monkey's left nut. None of us has slept more than a couple of hours straight since we went all Casey Jones. This place looks safe. We need to rest." Abraham said. Glenn sighed and looked down. "I get it. You have to find them. Well, Rosita and me,we got a mission,too," Abraham said then pointed at Eugene,"It's keeping that man alive, getting him to Washington,and saving the whole damn world. So we're going in that tower and we're going now." Ironically,there was walkers snarling and everyone moved back as the walker fell. Eugene accidentally pushed Tara,making her fall. "Are you okay?" Rosita asked as she helped Tara up. "I'm fine." Tara groaned in pain. "Look,if she can keep going,we can all keep going. Or you guys can stay here. You don't need us,we don't need you." Glenn said. "Wow, you're an ass. I wonder if your daughter is like that," Rosita pointed at Tara,"She will do whatever you say because she thinks she owes you. Man up. Stay here for a few hours." "Don't talk shit about my kid," Glenn said and turned towards Abraham,"You just care about Eugene safe,right? It's the only reason you want to stop? We go until sundown,I give Eugene my riot gear right here,right now. Everybody wins." "Except her." Rosita said, pointing at Tara. "You're not her mama. She says she can walk,she can walk. You got yourself a deal." Abraham said. "Okay." Glenn said,taking off his riot gear.

Glenn ran to a wall on a tunnel once he saw writing. GLENN,CARMEN GO TO TERMINUS, MAGGIE SASHA BOB
"We're gaining on 'em." Glenn said,excited. "We sure as Shinola can't go up and over. You hear that?" Abraham asked,hearing walkers snarling in the dark tunnel. "That there is a long,dark tunnel full of reanimated corpses. This is where you'll be alone." Abraham said. Glenn looked down and nodded as Rosita walked up to Glenn. "Hope you find your wife and daughter. Try not be an ass." She said, hugging Glenn. She pulled away and Eugene said,"You both are good people." With that,Rosita, Eugene,and Abraham were gone. "After I realized this started,after I realized I'd never see my family,my friends again,I was numb. All day long,I was numb," Glenn said as he and Tara walked down the tunnel,the flashlight only being their only light source,"When my girlfriend died,my daughter took it hard and threatened to take her own life. She was only twelve. One of my biggest regret was...not being there for her." "When Brian told us he wanted to take over the prison,I knew it sounded bad. When I found my girlfriend,she was dead. My niece. My sister,she was surrounded,pounced on. I saw it happen. But still,it wasn't as bad as seeing what he did to Maggie's father and why he wanted Carmen." Tara said which made the two stopped. "Because that's when I knew. That second that sword.....I wanted to scream "no," but it just happened. Brian said we might have to kill people. I was the first to jump in. I was just hanging on the "might."" Tara said.

At the middle of the tunnel,Glenn and Tara saw lots of walkers stuck under piles of dirt and stones. They climbed up the dirt and stones to only see a whole herd of walkers. "She's not one of them." Glenn said, shining his flashlight down at the walkers. "What?" Tara asked. "There's no bodies on the ground. That's means Maggie and Carmen made it through. They made it through. We have to get rid of them." Glenn answered. "We don't have enough ammo." Tara protested. "Then we'll push through." Glenn said,determinated. "We have to find another way." Tara said.

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