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The gunshot echoed throughout the farm and woods. "Don't look. Don't look." Daryl said as he pulled up Carol who was sobbing. They started to walk to the farmhouse and Shane said,"We've been out. We've been combing these woods looking for her and she was in there all along. You knew." "Leave us alone." Maggie said as Barbara hugged Beth who was crying. "You knew and you kept it from us." Shane said. "I didn't know." Hershel said. "That's bullshit. I think y'all knew." Shane said. "We didn't know! Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed." Hershel said. "Everybody just calm down." Rick said. "Get him off my land!" Hershel said. "Please. No." Rick said. "Let me tell you something." Shane said and he grabbed Hershel by his shirt. Maggie pushed Hershel back and Barbara slapped Shane while saying,"Hey. Don't touch him!" "Haven't you done enough?" Maggie asked and the Greene family went inside the farmhouse.

"I have to ask you — did you know she was in the barn?" Glenn asked. Maggie didn't respond,but she had her arms crossed and she was pacing back and forth. "You know,maybe in some way this is for the best. At least we know and now we can move on." Glenn said. "Move on?" Maggie asked. "Yeah,it's just meant so much to everyone — finding her,you know? And then —" Glenn said,but Maggie interrupted,"So now you'll just move on?" "If we can. I mean, we've lost others. This is — this is Sophia. I mean,we found Carmen,thank God,but.....the whole group — this one was different." Glenn said. "So what happens now?" Maggie asked. "We bury her with your stepmom,your step brother,and your brother." Glenn answered. "And then?" Maggie asked. "I don't know." Glenn answered.

"I thought I'd find her." Carmen said. "We all did." Lori said. "I mean me — that I'd be the one. Maybe she was hiding somewhere like in a cave or a tree. She would be safe and I would find her and bring her back." Carmen said. "He did the right thing. Shooting her like that. I would've done it too." Carl said. "Dale?" Lori asked. "Yeah?" Dale asked. "Could you take Carl and Carmen up to the house?" Lori asked. "Yeah,of course." Dale answered. Carl and Carmen got up from the dirt and Rick gave Carl's hat to him while saying,"Hey,you dropped this."

Tears rolled down Carmen's cheek as she sat down next to Barbara. "I didn't protect her. I promised everyone that she would be safe and sound. But I broke that promise and it's my fault that she died and she turned. It's all my fault." Carmen said and she sniffled. "You did your best, sweetheart. We all tried to find and protect Sophia." Barbara said and she kissed the top of Carmen's head.

They all bowed their head in silence as Carmen planted flowers in the four graves. One grave was for Annette,the stepmother of Beth,Maggie,and Barbara. Another grave was for Jimmy,the brother of the Greene/Jones sisters. The third grave was for Johnny, Barbara's beloved brother. And the last one was for Sophia who meant a lot to the group. Carmen had planted a Cherokee Rose in Sophia's grave and everyone started leaving the graves,one by one.

"So if your group leaves,you wouldn't stay?" Maggie asked Barbara as the two sisters stood in the hallway. "I didn't really think about it. My daughter has grown attached to this place." Barbara answered. They heard dishes shattering and when they looked in the kitchen,they saw Beth fall to the floor. "Oh,my God!" Maggie said and the sisters rushed in the kitchen.

"Sweetie,Beth,can you hear me?" Barbara asked. Beth laid in a bed and she was moving or talking like she was paralyzed. Lori rushed in the room and Maggie asked Lori,"What's wrong with her?" "She might be in shock. Where's Hershel?" Lori asked. "We can't find him anywhere." Glenn answered.

"I'm going with you." Barbara said as she grabbed her gun and she followed Glenn outside. "Barbara,I need you here for Carmen. After all the shit she's been through,she needs her mother." Glenn said. "She needs her father,too. Did you see the way she gripped onto you? I'm going with you. No exceptions." Barbara said. Glenn sighed and he rubbed his eyes. "Maggie is going to watch after her." Barbara added. Glenn sighed,again,and said,"Let's go."

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