cry baby

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They had only a few items in their pockets so they made weapons out of that. "I see four of them pricks heading our way." Daryl said who was looking out of the crack of the train car. "Y'all know what you're supposed to do. Go for their eyes. Then their throats." Rick said as the large group got into a fighting stance. "Put your backs to the walls on either side of the car now." There were footsteps on the roof and the roof opened. A teargas bomb fell in and Abraham shouted,"Move!" The roof closed as the bomb exploded,smoke filling up in the car.

Rick,Glenn, Daryl,and Bob woke up with cloth in their mouths,their hands and feet were ziptied. They saw that four other men were with them and were in the same condition. Two men walked over to a poor,innocent man and one of the men hit the man with a baseball bat then the other man slit the man's throat,blood spraying everywhere. There was muffled screaming as Daryl tried to break free and Gareth walked in the room,holding a book and asked,"Hey,guys? What were you shot counts?" "38." The man with the bat answered. "Your shot count?" Gareth asked the man with the knife. "Crap,man,I'm sorry. It was my first round up." The man said. "After you're done here,go back to your point and count the shells. Kaylee and Sam won't be gathering them until tomorrow. Four from A,four from D?" Gareth questioned. "Hey,let me talk to you for a minute." Bob said,muffled. "What?" Gareth questioned as he took the rag out of Bob's mouth. "Don't do this. We can fix this. You don't have to do this. We told you there's a way out of all this. You just have to take a chance. We have a man who knows how to stop it. He has a cure. We just have to get him to Washington." Bob said. "Can't go back,Bob." Gareth said, putting the rag back in Bob's mouth. Gareth took the rag out of Rick's mouth and said,"We saw you go into the woods with a bag and come out without it. Had to pull my spotters back before we could go look for it. What was in it? You hid it,right? In case things went bad? Smart. Still, we'll find it." Gareth pulled out a knife and pointed it at Bob's eye. "What was in it? I'm curious. And it was a big bag." Gareth said. "Well,let me take you out there. I'll show you. There's guns in it. AK-47. .44 Magnum. Automatic weapons. Nightscope. There's a compound bow and a machete with a red handle. That's what I'm gonna use to kill you." Rick said. There were gunshots which alarmed everyone and there was rumbling which made the whole ground shook.

"What the hell is going on?" Abraham questioned. "Someone hit them." Michonne answered. "Maybe our people got free." Sasha said. Eugene went near the door and began fiddling with some shell,making Rosita questioned,"What the hell are you doing?" "I might be able to use this shell to compromise the door. From the sound of things,there may not be anybody left to open it." Eugene answered. "Shut up!" Carmen swore,sweat rolling down her neck. "Hey. My dad's gonna be back. They all are." Carl said. "They are. And we need to get ready to fight our way out with them when they do." Maggie said and they heard screaming outside along with walker snarling.

"It sounded like a bomb." Glenn said as he took the blindfold off his neck. "Sounds like a damn war." Daryl said as he gave Glenn a bonesaw. "What the hell are these people?" Bob questioned, grabbing one of the sharply bladed tools.

"What's the cure, Eugene?" Sasha questioned as everyone got their sharply,wooden weapons ready. "It's classified." Eugene answered. "We don't know what's going to happen." Michonne said. "Leave him be." Abraham said. "We need to keep working." Maggie said as she wrapped a piece of cloth with a sharp,wooden stake on Carmen's knuckles. "Yeah,but it's time to hear it. 'Cause we don't know what's coming next." Sasha said. "What's next is we get out of this." Tara said. "Even if I told you all,even if I provided step-by-step instructions complete with illustrations and a well-composed FAQ and I went red-ring,the cure would still die with me." Eugene protested. "Not gonna let that happen." Abraham said. "We just want to hear it." Sasha said. "You don't have to." Rosita protested. Carmen groaned,"Can we please stop talking about this and focus on what's actually going on?" Eugene sighed deeply,"I was part of a 10-person team at the Human Genome Project to weaponize diseases to fight weaponize diseases. Pathogenic microorganisms with pathogenic microorganisms. Fire with fire. Interdepartmental drinks were had, relationships made, information shared. I am keenly aware of all the details behind Fail-Safe delivery systems to kill every living person in this planet. I believe with a little tweaking on the terminals in DC,we can flip the script. Take out every last dead one of them. Fire with fire. All things equal,it does sound pretty badass." "So let's get back to work." Maggie said. There was banging which made everyone jump and get their weapons out. The cart door opened to reveal Rick,Daryl,Bob,and Glenn fighting off walkers while smoke surrounded them. "Come on! Fight to the fence!" Rick shouted.

They ran and killed walkers like hell in order to jump the fence. Once they did,they were back traveling in the woods. "Right here." Daryl said and gave Rick a shovel in which he buried in the leaves and dirt. "The hell are we still around here for?" Abraham questioned. "Guns,some supplies. Go along the fences. Use the rifles." Rick said as he dug the ground. "Rick,we got out. It's over." Glenn said as Rick opened up the blue duffel bag full of guns. "It's not until they're all dead." Rick said. "The hell it isn't. That place is on fire. Full of walkers." Rosita protested. "The fences are down. They'll run or die." Maggie said. They heard leaves rustling and when they turned around,there they saw,covered in dirt and blood,was Carol, holding Daryl's crossbow. Daryl ran up to Carol and hugged her tightly,sobbing in the process. "There's something you guys should see." Carol said, breaking away from the hug.

As they walked up the hill,they saw a little wooden cottage. They heard the cottage's door slam and they saw Tyrese holding Judith in his arms and with Tyrese,there stood Finn and Sadie. Rick and Sasha immediately dropped their weapons and ran up to Tyrese and Judith. Rick held his baby daughter in his arms as Sasha hugged her big brother. A tearful smile appeared on Carmen's face when she saw her two best friends alive. She run up to the two and hugged them, tightly,and they hugged back,happy to see that their friends were alive.

"I don't know if the fire is still burning." Rick said. "It is." Sadie sniffled. "We need to go." Finn said. "Yeah,but where?"Daryl questioned. "Somewhere far from here." Rick answered. Then they began their adventure through the woods again.

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