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Her body filled with rage as she saw him holding hands with her. It was like he was just waiting for Barbara to be gone and then move on. She didn't like it. Not at all.

The knife went through the tomato several times and Maggie asked Lori,"Rick say anything to you about Glenn when they got back from town?" "Just that it had gotten pretty bad." Lori answered. "He's not the same. Says he froze. Blames Barbara. Says she got inside his head." Maggie said. "He came back — that's what matters. Men have to do certain things — you know that — and they're either gonna blame the little woman as the reason they do 'em or the reason they don't. I'll tell you something — what happens out there happens out there. And we — we're just trying to keep it together till they get back." Lori said. Carmen walked in the kitchen,bags under her eyes and she grabbed a cup from the cupboard. "What's up with Carmen?" Lori asked when Carmen left the kitchen. "Poor thing lost her mother yesterday. She isolated herself in her mother's room." Maggie answered.

"Knock knock." Lori said as she entered Beth's room with a tray in her hands. Beth sat up in her bed and asked,"Where's Barbara?" "She,uhm,she's not coming back." Lori answered. "She's dead. Isn't she?" Beth asked. "Yeah. I'm sorry." Lori answered. Beth just nodded and Lori left the room.

The loud music of the earbuds drummed in her ears as she laid down in her mother's bed,the pillow was damped with her tears. There was knocking on the door and she didn't even get up to answer it because she knew who it was. Lori opened the door with a tray in her hands and she sat down by Carmen. Carmen took out her earbuds and Lori said,"I know how it feels to lose someone. I tried calling my mom but then I assumed —" "That she was dead. I'm not just sad about my mother's death. I'm sad because my dad waited for my mom to be gone then he would move on to date Maggie. That's the way men are. And it sucks." Carmen said. Lori sighed and she put the tray on the bedstand while saying,"Well,at least eat something. You look thin." Carmen didn't say anything and Lori left the room.

The music was booming in her ears as she laid in bed,the knife in her hand was covered by the comforter of the bed. Lori walked in the room and she asked,"Couldn't eat?" Carmen shook her head and Lori grabbed the tray full of food. She walked downstairs to the kitchen and she noticed the knife was gone. Lori put the tray on the table and she walked back into Barbara's old room. "Carmen,where is it?" Lori asked. Carmen took out her earbuds and asked,"Where's what?" "Where's the knife?" Lori asked. Carmen clicked her tongue and she gave the knife to Lori. Lori was worried for the little girl and left the room.

"Are you crazy? What if your dad finds out?" Maggie asked Carmen. "What's he gonna do? Kill me for committing suicide? Have a daughter with you and forget all about me?" Carmen asked. "Is that the reason why? Because you found out about me and your dad?" Maggie asked and she sat down next to Carmen. "I lost my mother. And I'm not ready to call you 'mom' yet. We'll lose each other and I can't stand that. This is a very cruel world where all we do is survive and kill and run and survive and kill and run and the loop keeps going on." Carmen answered. "So you give up?" Maggie asked. "It's the only option for me to be with my mother." Carmen answered.

Andrea and Lori stood in the kitchen, awkwardly as they heard Maggie and Carmen arguing upstairs. "Where's Hershel?" Andrea asked Lori. "He doesn't want to find out yet. It's a family affair. We'll let them work it out." Lori answered. "That's working it out?" Andrea asked. "When Carmen stops fighting,that's when it's time to worry. Poor girl just lost her mother." Lori answered. They heard Maggie yell,"You are being so selfish!" The arguing continued and Andrea said to Lori,"You shouldn't have take the knife away." "Excuse me?" Lori asked. "You were wrong,like Dale taking my gun. That wasn't your decision. She has to choose to live on her own. She has to find her own reasons." Andrea answered. "She's only 12 years old. Want me to tie a noose for her?" Lori asked. "If she's serious, she'll figure out a way." Andrea answered. "Doesn't mean I can stop her or let her know that I care." Lori said. "That has nothing to do with it,Lori. She only had so many choices in front of her,and she believes the best one is suicide." Andrea said. "That's not an option." Lori said. "Of course it is. She doesn't need to be treated like an adult." Andrea said. "She needs a loaded gun,right? You'll understand if I don't send you in there." Lori said. "I came through it. And became such a productive member of the group." Andrea said. "Do you know who was also a productive member of the group and who also died while trying to get her father back for her two sisters? Barbara,that's who. The men can handle this on their own. They don't need your help." Lori said. "I'm sorry,but everything falls apart, you're in my face over skipping laundry?" Andrea asked. "Puts a burden on the rest of us,on me,Carol, Patrica,Beth,and Maggie. Cooking, cleaning and caring for Beth. And you — you don't care about anyone but yourself. You sit up on that R.V.,working on your tan with a shotgun in your lap." Lori answered. "No,I am on watch against walkers. That is what matters,not fresh mint leaves in the lemonade." Andrea said. "And we are providing stability. We are trying to create a life worth living." Lori said. "Ate you kidding me? Go in there and tell that little girl that everything's gonna be okay,just like it is for you. She'll get a husband,a son,baby, boyfriend." Andrea said and she walked out of the kitchen.

"Your mother would be ashamed to learn she raised such a coward. What about your dad,Carmen?" Maggie asked. "Don't ever bring my mother into this. Don't ever." Carmen answered. "I can't take another funeral." Maggie said. "You can't avoid it. No one can protect us." Carmen said. "That's not true." Maggie said. "Who,my dad,Glenn? I heard what happened. Rick will save his family,the others too. My mom cared and protect you all,but she's dead and now we're alone. You,me,Patrica,Beth,with only Grandpa and Shawn against a whole world of those things." Carmen said.

Andrea sit besides Carmen and Maggie left the room. "I'm sorry about your mother." Andrea said. "Everyone is sorry about my mom. She was the only one who could protect us when Rick wasn't around." Carmen said. "Is this what you want? The pain doesn't go away. You just make room for it." Andrea said and she left the room with Carmen in tears.

After Andrea left,Maggie walked in the room to see the comforter messed up. "Carmen?" Maggie asked. She heard Carmen sobbing and glass shattering in the bathroom. "Carmen! Carmen!" Maggie shouted and she tried opening the bathroom door,but it was locked. "Maggie?" Lori asked as she walked in the room. "She's in there. I heard glass. God,I left her with Andrea." Maggie said and she frantically searched the bedroom for the bathroom key,but she didn't find it. "Carmen,honey,I'm so sorry. I'm not mad. I'm not mad,Carmen." Maggie said while pounding on the door. "Maggie." Lori said and Maggie stepped back as Lori pried the door open with a fire tong. The door swung open to reveal Carmen on the floor,a bloody glass shard in her left hand and cuts on her wrists. "Oh,my God!" Maggie said and she immediately ran by Carmen's side and she picked her up. "Is - Is she alive?" Lori asked. Maggie put her two fingers on Carmen's pulse and she nodded.

Maggie walked out of the house and Andrea ran towards her. "Where were you?" Maggie asked angrily. "I heard. Is she all right?" Andrea asked. "She would be if you had stayed with her. Where were you?" Maggie asked. "How bad is she?" Andrea asked. "It wasn't too deep." Lori answered. "She wants to live. She made her decision." Andrea said. "She tried to kill herself." Maggie said, getting angrier by the minute. "No,she didn't." Andrea said. "My father is stitching her wrists right now." Maggie said. "She'll live." Andrea said and she tried going in the house,but Maggie blocked her. "Stay away from her. From me,her,and Beth. Don't you dare step foot inside this house again. If Barbara was here,she would've kicked your ass." Maggie said. Andrea nodded and she walked away. "I'm not gonna say she was right,but Carmen made her choice. She wants to live and now she knows it. And sometimes you have to cross the line." Lori said. "Mmm." Maggie said and the two women went inside the house.

Carl went inside the bedroom while holding some books. "Hi,Carl." Carmen said. "Uh,hi. I brought some books and your dad wanted you to have this." Carl said and he put the stack of books on the bedstand. He gave a clean baseball cap to Carmen and she said,"Thanks." "You're welcome." Carl said and he walked out of the bedroom. Carmen put the hat on and she grabbed a book. "'The Hobbit'." Carmen said and she opened the book to the first chapter.

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