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Sadness,you might say. Fear. All these things tensed in the air of the prison courtyard and sobbing was heard. Maggie gave the baby to Carl as Glenn checked Carmen's skin for bites,but he only found lots of blood and no bites on her skin. "Let me see the baby." Hershel said. Carl walked over to the old man and Daryl asked,"What are we going to feed it?" Carl gave the baby to Hershel and Hershel said,"The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula. And soon or she won't survive." "No. No way. Not her. Not Barb-" Carmen stopped herself from saying her mother's name,"not..her." "We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going on a run." Daryl said. "I'll back you up." Maggie offered. "I'll go,too." Glenn said. "Me too." Carmen offered. Rick looked over to his left and saw a hatchet. He grabbed it and he went back into the cell block where Maggie and Carl went out of. "Glenn, Carmen, Maggie,vámonos." Daryl said.

"There's a Piggly Wiggly on 85." Glenn said as the three ran to the vehicles. "No,the baby section's been cleared. Lori asked me to keep an eye out. I haven't had much luck." Maggie said. "Is there any place that hasn't been completely looted?" Daryl asked. "We saw signs for a shopping center just north of here." Glenn answered. "Yeah,but there's too much debris in the road. A car will never get through there." Maggie said. "I can take one of you." Daryl said. "I'll go." Maggie offered. "No,Maggie, after everything that you've been through,okay, I'll go." Glenn said. "Yuck. I'll go. Go get a cell or something." Carmen said,her nose scrunched up. Glenn kneeled down to her height and said,"Be careful. Listen to anything that Daryl says and be alert." "Dad,don't act like I don't know how to survive. I'm old enough to hold up a katana. Just....pray for me,I guess." Carmen said. She got on the motorcycle with Daryl and they left the prison. Glenn sighed softly and Maggie put her hand on his shoulder while saying,"She's a tough kid,Glenn. And a troublemaker."

Michonne slowly opened the door to the Governor's office. The Governor was the man who owned Woodbury. Once Michonne was inside the office,she slowly closed the door. She walked over to the glass case to retrieve her katana. She got it, however,but she found a notebook. She opened it up and she flipped through the pages of notes. That's when she saw something.... unusual. There was a page that list names,most of them are girls,but the last name was underlined several times and there were drawn lines underneath the name. Michonne flipped through the pages to see the same exact thing: drawn lines.

The shovel went in and out of the prison's field soil. Glenn sighed as the sweat dripped down his chin and he continued,but he immediately stopped digging once he saw Axel and Oscar approach him. "How's the perimeter look?" Glenn asked. "We got the walkers spread out. Need help?" Axel asked. Glenn just rolled his eyes and Axel said,"Your friends,they — they were good folks." "They were family." Glenn said. "I think I had one friend like that my whole life. You got a whole group. Sorry you lost 'em." Oscar said. Glenn saw Hershel by the gate and he gave Axel the shovel while saying,"I need two more."

The engine of the motorcycle turned off and Carmen got off of the motorcycle. "Company's close. Stay tight." Daryl said while grabbing out his crossbow. Carmen nodded and she got out her bloody katana. They were in the woods when they found the small,nursery home. Daryl stayed in the backyard as Carmen went in through the broken window. She observed the room she was in and smiled a bit. Carmen opened two cupboards and found bottles,diapers, formula,and etc. "Holy shit!" She muttered to herself as she put the items in her satchel.

Michonne and Andrea walked to the gate of Woodbury with their bags in their hands. "Hey,hey,hey,girls! Where y'all off to in such a hurry?" Merle asked. The two women continued walking until Merle got in front of them. "Y'all are breaking my heart running away like that." Merle said. "We're leaving." Michonne said. "It's almost curfew. I'd have to arrange an escort. All right. Wait here for a second." Merle said and he walked away.

Night had came and Glenn waited for his daughter and Daryl to come back. He held the dirty baseball cap that Carmen used to wear and that's when he heard the motor roaring. "Guys, they're back!" Glenn said. Axel banged shovels against the gate to distract the walkers and Oscar opened the gate for them.

"How's she doing?" Carmen asked as she and Daryl entered the cell block. Carmen dumped the baby supplies on the table as Daryl took the baby in his arms. She was non stop crying until Daryl picked her up. Beth gave the bottle of formula to Daryl and he put the bottle in the baby's mouth. The baby stopped crying and Daryl asked,"She got a name yet?" "Not yet." Carl answered. "I'm thinking of Barbara or Sophia. There's Carol,too. Maybe Andrea, Solanà, Amy,Jacqui. Patricia." Carmen said. "Or.....Lori." Carl said. "Little ass-kicker," Daryl said,"Right? That's a good name,right? Little ass-kicker." Everyone laughed at the nickname Daryl gave the baby.

Rick went into the boiler room and he saw the blood,guts,and a rusty,bloody knife. However,Lori's body wasn't there. Rick saw a walker with fresh blood on it's hands and mouth. He shot the walker in complete rage.

The morning came and everyone was still asleep when Daryl went into the field. He saw Carol's grave amongst the two graves and he grabbed out a Cherokee rose. Daryl put the rose on the soil. He really liked Carol and he was sad that she was gone.

The sound of a crying baby echoed in Rick's ears,but the echoing stopped when he heard a telephone ring. He answered it with a confused,"Hello?"

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