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"Foods here!" T-Dog announced as Carl opened up the cellblock door. "What you got?" Carl asked,anxiously waiting for Carmen. "Canned beef,canned corn,canned cans. There's a lot more where this came from." The last one to go in the cellblock was Carmen who held a big box,full of cans. Carl locked the door behind the 13-year-old girl and Rick asked Lori,"Any change?" "Bleeding is under control and no fever,but his breath is labored and his pulse is way down and he hasn't opened his eyes yet." Lori answered,looking down at the big bump in her stomach. "Take my cuffs,put them on him. I'm not taking any chances." Rick told Glenn. Glenn nodded and he took the handcuffs from Rick's belt.

"You sure you can handle it?" Carmen asked Carl. "Yeah,I can." Carl answered. The young girl hesitated before giving the big box to the young boy. "Woah." Carl said, almost dropping the box. "See,I told you." Carmen laughed as she took the box of food in her arms.

"Why do I need this," the first prisoner asked while holding an axe and he pulled out his gun,"when I got this?" "You don't fire guns,not unless your back's up against a wall. Noise attracts them. It really riles them up." Daryl answered. "We'll go in two by two. Daryl will run point with T." Rick said. "Where's the little girl?" The friendlier prisoner asked. "She's with her father." Daryl answered. "Stay tight,hold formation,no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks,we could all go down. Anyone runs off,they could get mistaken for a walker,end up with an axe to the head." Rick said. "And that's where you aim. These things only go down with a head shot." Daryl said. "You ain't gonna tell us how to take out a man." The first prisoner said. "They ain't men. They're something else." T-Dog said.

Maggie walked in Carol's cell to see Glenn handcuffing Hershel's hand to the pole to the bed. "What's going on?" Maggie asked. "It's just a precaution." Carol answered. Maggie's breath hitched in her throat and asked,"You think maybe I could have a minute alone here?" "Of course." Carol said and she left the cell. "I'll be outside." Glenn whispered in Maggie's ear and he left the cell as well. Maggie kneeled down besides her sleeping father. She held her father's hand as tears formed in her eyes again. " don't have to fight anymore. If you're worried about me,Beth,or Carmen, don't. Don't worry about us. We'll take care of each other. We'll look out. Me,Beth,Carmen,and Glenn will look out. Go ahead,Dad. It's okay. Be peaceful. You don't have to fight. If it's time to go,it's okay. Daddy,I just want to thank you. For everything,thank you." Maggie whispered,the salty tears rolled down her cheeks and she kissed her father's cheek.

Carmen sighed as she went through the canned foods. "What's wrong?" Carl asked her. "We should be doing something to help my grandpa instead of sitting on our asses,doing nothing." Carmen said. "Well,we're supposed to stay here and organize the food." Carl said. "They say that because they think we're just weak 13-year-olds. So do you wanna come with me?" Carmen asked, grabbing out her katana. Carl sighed and he grabbed his gun with the silencer on as he said,"Yeah,why not."

Glenn sighed as he held the watch Hershel gave him. He jumped when he heard a cell door shut. He saw Carl and Carmen holding duffel bags with a big smile plastered on their faces. "I thought you guys were organizing the food." Glenn said as the two 13-year-olds approached Carol's cell. "Even better." Carmen said,her smile getting bigger. The two dropped the duffel bags on the floor and Lori opened up the bag to see the medical supplies. Carol gasped and she asked,"Where did you get this?" "From the infirmary." Carl answered. Carl and Carmen high-five each other in triumph. "Wasn't much left,but we cleared it out." Carl said. "You guys went by yourselves?" Maggie asked. "Yeah. We needed supplies,so we got them. It's wasn't really a big deal. We just took down some walkers. " Carmen said. "I appreciate it,but whenever you go somewhere,tell someone so we won't have to worry!" Maggie said. "But it was for Grandpa! Just because we're "weak 13-year-olds" doesn't mean we know how to kill walkers!" Carmen raised her  voice a bit. "I know it was for your grandfather,but-" Maggie said,but Carmen interrupted,"Then get off my goddamn back!" "Language!" Glenn scolded. "Carmen," Beth scolded,"she's your mother. You can't talk to her like that." "No,she isn't! She isn't my real mother and she'll never will be! We don't look anything alike and my mother died while trying to bring back my grandfather for almost everyone back at the farm." Carmen ranted. The salty tears of the young girl formed in her ocean eyes once more and she ran off before anyone could say anything.

"Go for the brain." Daryl said to the inmates as they turned the dark corner of the corridor. Walkers came at them and the inmates stabbed or hit them in the walkers heads,killing them. Big Tiny got scratched by a walker and after the killing, everyone look at him,eyes widened.

"These bandages will help prevent infection." Carol said, wrapping bandages around Hershel's leg. "It's good. It's good that he taught you all this stuff." Glenn said. Maggie felt guilty as hell which made her cross her arms and look down. "He didn't teach me everything," Carol said and she looked at Glenn,"I need your help with something."

Rick shined a flashlight on Big Tiny's scratch and Big Tiny said,"I'm telling you,I don't feel anything. It's just a scratch. I can keep fighting!" "You cut that old guys leg off to save his life." The inmate said. The first inmate stabbed Big Tiny in the head and the first inmate started beating in Big Tiny's head,blood flying everywhere.

"This one?" Glenn asked, pointing to a walker who used to be pregnant. Carol nodded and stabbed the walker through its head with a pole. "Hey,come on." Glenn shouted at the walkers that was against the gate,and he banged a pole against the gate while running, distracting the walkers.

Carmen sat by her grandfather while holding his hand. Hershel was snoring softly,but then he breathing stopped. The salty tears returned to the ocean eyes of the young girl. Beth entered the cell and asked,"What's happening?" Carmen was still mourning the death of Barbara and she wasn't ready to lose anyone else in her life. "Wake up." Carmen said,softly while shaking Hershel. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! OH,GOD! SOMEBODY HELP! HELP! HE CAN'T WAKE UP! HELP! HELP!" Carmen screamed her lungs out as she shook Hershel. Lori and Maggie can running into the cell. Lori pulled Carmen away from Hershel and put her head on Hershel's chest. No heartbeat. Lori started performing CPR on Hershel and he opened his eyes,gasping. He then closed his eyes and began snoring softly.

Rick walked back to cell block C and before he could walk into Carol's cell,Carl told him father,"Hershel stopped breathing. Mom saved him." "It's true." Glenn said. Rick walked in the cell to see Carmen,who was shaking,holding Hershel's hand. Suddenly,Hershel slowly opened his eyes,making Carmen excited,but this made everyone else alarmed.  "Daddy?" Maggie asked. Maggie hugged Beth and Rick unlocked the handcuffs. Carmen looked at Carl,tears rolling down her cheeks and a big smile plastered on her face. Carl smiled back at her,making her heart pound.

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